An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven : primitives:primitives
Explore the latest package usage data for primitives:primitives in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 924
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fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset v1.18-debian-kafka-1
Fluentd Daemonset for Kubernetes
- version: *
library/logstash 8.17.0
Logstash is a tool for managing events and logs.
- version: *
fluent/fluentd v1.3.2
Fluentd Docker image by fluent project:
- version: *
zammad/zammad-docker-compose 6.2.0
Zammad Docker images for docker-compose & Kubernetes
- version: *
bitnami/fluentd 1.17.1
Bitnami container image for Fluentd
- version: *
sebp/elk 8.15.1
Collect, search and visualise log data with Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.
- version: *
mikesplain/openvas 9
A docker container for OpenVAS
- version: *
rancher/fluentd v0.1.31
- version: *
openshift/origin-logging-fluentd v4.0.0
- version: *
cs50/check 4.0.0
- version: *
jekyll/jekyll 4.2.2
Official Jekyll Docker Image
- version: *
library/fluentd v1.18.0-debian-1.0
Fluentd is an open source data collector for unified logging layer
- version: *
jekyll/builder 4.2.2
Builder image
- version: *
atlassianlabs/fluentd 0.5.5
fluentd docker image with ruby 2.2.x and support for both elasticsearch and kinesis
- version: *
zammad/zammad 6.2.0
This repository has been archived, please don't use it any more.
- version: *
kasmweb/core-kali-rolling 1.16.1
Kali Rolling XFCE Desktop With Default Tools Metapackage
- version: *
rancher/banzaicloud-fluentd v1.11.5-alpine-9-amd64
- version: *
sstarcher/sensu 1.4.3
- version: *
roffe/kube-gelf v1.2.1
CoreOS Kubernetes graylog monitoring via fluentd
- version: *
splatform/fissile-stemcell-ubuntu latest
- version: *
bitnami/logstash 8.15.2
Bitnami container image for Logstash
- version: *
cflondonservices/services-enablement-ci latest
Docker images for London Services Enablement team
- version: *
rancher/mirrored-banzaicloud-fluentd v1.14.6-alpine-5-arm64
- version: *
mist/logstash 7.10.1
- version: *
opensearchproject/logstash-oss-with-opensearch-output-plugin 8.9.0
The Official Docker Image of Logstash with OpenSearch Output Plugin (
- version: *
vmware/kube-fluentd-operator v1.18.2
Kube-fluentd-operator configures Fluentd in a Kubernetes environment
- version: *
blacktop/logstash 7.10.2
Alpine Linux based Logstash Docker Image
- version: *
vmware/log-intelligence-fluentd latest
VMware Log Intelligence Fluentd Plugin
- version: *
jhipster/jhipster-logstash v4.1.0
Logstash image (based on the official image) used for the JHipster Console
- version: *
weaveworksdemos/log-server 0.1.1
- version: *
grafana/logstash-output-loki 3.1.1
Logstash plugin to send logs to Loki
- version: *
datasense/logstash_indexer 8.14.3
Logstash + crond curator
- version: *
metasploitframework/metasploit-framework 6.4.0
- version: *
opsforge/cflinuxfs2-upgraded latest
- version: *
fastai/jekyll latest
- version: *
fastai/fastpages-jekyll latest
- version: *
cs50/cli canary
- version: *
splatform/stratos-metrics-firehose-init 2.0.0-metrics-dev-test
- version: *
willdurand/elk latest
- version: *
google/apigee-stackdriver-logging-agent 1.8.9
- version: *
scalingo/logstash 6.8.4
- version: *
grafana/fluent-plugin-loki 3.1.1
- version: *
bretfisher/jekyll-serve stable-20240915-2119a31
The Latest Jekyll in a Docker Container For Easy SSG Development.
- version: *
sstarcher/fluent-redis-aws latest
- version: *
cs50/codespace e065bd526594311a9d935c2289cb14eec0ecc83b
- version: *
ikuturso/logstash-indexer 6.2.4
- version: *
ikuturso/logstash 6.2.4
- version: *
cs50/server canary
This is CS50 Server.
- version: *
sebp/elkx latest
Collect, search and visualise log data with Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and X-Pack.
- version: *
mirrorgooglecontainers/fluentd-elasticsearch v2.4.0
- version: *
splatform/stratos-firehose-init 2.0.0-metrics-dev-b5272b2d
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