An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven : org.joda:joda-time
Explore the latest package usage data for org.joda:joda-time in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,461
Total downloads: 5,080,236,990
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cimg/android 2023.12-browsers
- version: 2.10.4
springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-server 2.11.2-SNAPSHOT-jdk8
- version: 2.10.6
couchbase/server 7.2.3
Couchbase Server is the world’s most complete, scalable, and highest performing NoSQL database.
- version: 2.8.1
bitnami/spring-cloud-dataflow 2.11.1
Bitnami Docker Image for Spring Cloud Data Flow
- version: 2.10.6
apache/skywalking-oap-server 9.7.0
Apache SkyWalking OAP Server
- version: 2.10.5
confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect-base 7.4.3-1-ubi8
Official Confluent Docker Base Image for Kafka Connect
- version: 2.9.9, 2.10.8
confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server 7.4.3.arm64
This is the production ready Confluent docker image for KSQL-DB Server.
- version: 2.10.8, 2.8.1
alfresco/alfresco-share 23.2.0-A7
- version: 2.12.1, 2.10.13
humio/humio-core 1.105.0
Log everything, answer anything. See
- version: 2.10.12
library/geonetwork 4.4.1
GeoNetwork is a FOSS catalog for spatially referenced resources.
- version: 2.2
cnadiminti/dynamodb-local 2020-09-11
AWS Amazon Dynamodb Local with openjdk:8-jre
- version: 2.8.2
linuxserver/davos 2.2.2-ls152
A Davos container, brought to you by
- version: 2.3
kartoza/geoserver 2.24.0
- version: 2.8.1
apache/druid 28.0.1
Apache Druid
- version: 2.10.5
owasp/dependency-check 9.0.7
OWASP dependency-check detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities within project dependencies.
- version: 2.10.4
openzipkin/zipkin-aws 0.23.5
Mirror of
- version: 2.8.1
debezium/server 2.4.2.Final
Debezium Server is a stand-alone runtime for Debezium connectors.
- version: 2.10.1
zammad/zammad 6.2.0-11
This repository has been archived, please don't use it any more.
- version: 2.10.4
Collaborative system for managing documents, projects, customer relations and emails in one place
- version: 2.10.10
alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-community 23.2.0-A6
Alfresco Content Repository Community docker images.
- version: 2.10.13
dwmkerr/dynamodb IRCLE_BUILD_NUM
Run AWS DynamoDB Local in a container.
- version: 2.8.2
apache/cassandra-testing-ubuntu2004-java11-w-dependencies 20230815
- version: 2.4, 2.1
localstack/localstack-light 1.4.0
LocalStack image with reduced set of dependencies (deprecated - use localstack/localstack instead)
- version: 2.8.2
croc/unimus 2.4.0
my Unimus container for network device backup -
- version: 2.3
confluentinc/cp-enterprise-replicator 7.4.3.arm64
Official Confluent Docker Image for Replicator
- version: 2.9.9, 2.8.1, 2.10.8
atlassian/jira-servicemanagement 5.12-ubuntu-jdk11
Jira Service Management is a fully featured service desk tool used by modern IT teams.
- version: 2.10.5
alfresco/alfresco-tika 5.0.1
- version: 2.11.0
confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli 7.4.3.arm64
This is the production ready Confluent docker image for the KSQL-DB CLI.
- version: 2.10.8
swaggerapi/swagger-generator 2.4.37
The swagger codegen web service
- version: 2.10.5
atlassian/crucible 4.8.13
Crucible: find bugs and improve code quality through peer code review.
- version: 2.3
geonode/geoserver 2.23.1
GeoServer image for GeoNode
- version: 2.8.1
gocd/gocd-agent-docker-dind v23.4.0
GoCD Docker In Docker Agent Image based on Docker's Official Alpine DIND image
- version: 2.12.2
confluentinc/cp-server-connect 7.4.3
- version: 2.8.1, 2.9.9, 2.10.8
swaggerapi/swagger-generator-v3 3.0.51
- version: 2.10.8
library/silverpeas 6.3.3
Silverpeas is a turnkey and open-source Collaborative and Social-Networking Portal.
- version: 2.10.4, 2.10.14
acryldata/datahub-actions 3225c87
- version: 2.10.5
confluentinc/cp-enterprise-replicator-executable 7.4.3
Official Confluent Docker Image for Replicator Executable
- version: 2.8.1, 2.9.9, 2.10.8
amazon/aws-stepfunctions-local 1.13.2
AWS Step Functions Local
- version: 2.12.0
confluentinc/ksqldb-examples 7.4.3.amd64
- version: 2.10.8
atlassian/bamboo-server 9.4-jdk11
Atlassian Bamboo Server
- version: 2.10.14
The Business Backend component (Java) of the Dynatrace easyTravel demo application.
- version: 2.9.1
localstack/localstack-full 1.4.0
LocalStack image with full set of dependencies (deprecated - use localstack/localstack instead)
- version: 2.8.2
atlassian/jira-servicedesk 5.12.0-EAP01-ubuntu-jdk11
This repo is deprecated! It is now Jira Service Management: atlassian/jira-servicemanagement
- version: 2.10.5
confluentinc/cp-server-connect-base 7.5.2-1-ubi8
- version: 2.10.8, 2.8.1, 2.9.9
landoop/fast-data-dev 3.3.1-L0
For 'Kafka developers' with Kafka, Registry, Connect, Landoop, Stream-Reactor, KCQL
- version: 2.10.8, 2.10.2, 2.9.6, 2.10.10
atlassian/crowd 5.2-ubuntu-jdk-11
Atlassian Crowd for Server and Data Center deployments
- version: 2.6
apache/spark 3.5.0
Apache Spark
- version: 2.10.13