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Package Usage : maven : org.jgrapht.demo.JGraphAdapterDemo:jgrapht
Explore the latest package usage data for org.jgrapht.demo.JGraphAdapterDemo:jgrapht in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 13
Total downloads: 40,974,405
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broadinstitute/genomes-in-the-cloud 2.1.1
Genomes-in-the-cloud is a genomic analysis pipeline project developed by the Broad Institute.
- version: 0.8.3
fabric8/generator-backend 1.0.101
- version: 0.8.3
jboss/forge 3.3.2.Final
- version: 0.8.3
dhspence/docker-amplicon-readcount latest
GATK plus custom annotation script
- version: 0.8.3
biocontainers/gatk v3.4_cv1
- version: 0.8.3
iandennismiller/analyzer latest
Contains Python, Gephi, and RStudio Desktop. Based on /r/iandennismiller/vnc-desktop
- version: 0.8.3
kentwait/gatk latest
Dockerized GATK for genomics analysis
- version: 0.8.3
dhspence/docker-concordance ngv3-exome-GRCh37
GATK, Picard, and dbSNP files for tumor/normal concordance checking
- version: 0.8.3
dhspence/docker-cle-cwl latest
from mgibio with cwl in there too
- version: 0.8.3
antru6/kr-suite latest
- version: 0.8.3
playground7/simple-netlogo latest
- version: 0.8.3
gesiscss/binder-neubias-2dwg5-2dbiasflows-2djupyter-209fd1 48d866dde56843078d634b62b0e9be26000107d1
- version: 0.8.3
arvidsaur3787/netlogo 6.2.0
- version: 0.8.3