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Package Usage : maven : org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps
Explore the latest package usage data for org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 234
Total downloads: 80,977,230
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openshift/jenkins-2-centos7 3.7.0
A Centos7 based Jenkins v2.x image for use with OpenShift v3 DEPRECATED: See below
- version: 2.73
openshift/jenkins-1-centos7 latest
DEPRECATED: A Centos7 based Jenkins v1.x image for use with OpenShift v3
- version: 2.23
jenkinsci/blueocean 1.25.7
- version: 2729.vea_17b_79ed57a_
fabric8/jenkins-openshift SNAPSHOT-PR-231-155
- version: 2.62
rancher/pipeline-jenkins-server v0.1.5
- version: 2.80
basi/jenkins 2.143.0
This image is designed to allow the execution of any job that contains a _dockerized_ environment.
- version: 2.55
asappinc/ubuntu_jenkins 0.0.6
- version: 3611.v201b_d9f9eb_f7, 3806.va_3a_6988277b_2, 3673.v5b_dd74276262, 3653.v07ea_433c90b_4
jenkins/jenkins-experimental blueocean-jdk11
Experimental images of Jenkins. These images are automatically built from jenkinsci/jenkins branches
- version: 2.61
slpcat/kube-jenkins-service 2.479-jdk21
- version: 2759.v87459c4eea_ca_
jenkins/jenkinsfile-runner latest
Jenkinsfile Runner packages
- version: 2746.v0da_83a_332669, 2660.vb_c0412dc4e6d, 2729.vea_17b_79ed57a_, 2.94, *, 2.92
vfarcic/jenkins workshop
- version: 2.62
springcloud/spring-cloud-pipeline-jenkins latest
Jenkins image from Spring Cloud Pipeline
- version: 2.54
rancher/pipeline-jenkins-boot v1.0.0
- version: 2.2, 1.11, 2.1, 2.31, 2.32, 2.29, 1.4, 2.10, 2.22, 2.21, 2.23, 2.28, 2.25, 2.17, 2.24, 2.30, 2.27, *, 2.37, 1.14.2
camptocamp/jenkins-conf 2.89.2-4
- version: 2.42
rancher/jenkins-boot v0.1.1
- version: 2.17, 2.1, 2.2, 1.14.2, 2.21, 1.4, 2.22, 2.24, 2.28, 2.31, 2.32, 2.30, 2.37, 2.27, 2.29, *, 1.11, 2.23, 2.25, 2.10
fabric8/jenkins latest
- version: 2.29
fabric8/jenkins-openshift-base PR-53-63
- version: 2.63
g8tax/exp-generic-jenkins default--at-20241121-235901
- version: 3659.v582dc37621d8, 3641.vf58904a_b_b_5d8, 3773.v505e0052522c
jenkinsci/pipeline-as-code-github-demo 1.8.1
Demonstration of Jenkins 2.0 “Pipeline-as-Code” using GitHub.
- version: 2.42
edxops/jenkins_build latest
- version: 2633.v6baeedc13805
kong/jenkins 1.2.31
- version: 3520.va_8fc49e2f96f, 3673.v5b_dd74276262
chandra4944/jenkins kc2-2024-12-07t23-23-24z
- version: 2.86
tmms/jenkins 2.479.1
Custom jenkins image
- version: 3806.va_3a_6988277b_2, 2725.v7b_c717eb_12ce
johan1a/jenkins latest
- version: 2.77
vnustezc/jenkins2511 latest
- version: 2759.v87459c4eea_ca_
stefanprodan/jenkins latest
Continuous integration with disposable containers
- version: 2.45
outrigger/jenkins-docker 1.651.3
Spin up a Jenkins container that can run Docker commands for the host.
- version: 1.11
kubespheredev/jenkins-uc v3.0.0
- version: 2.73, 2.64
kubespheredev/ks-jenkins 2.249.1
- version: 2648.va9433432b33c, 3536.vb_8a_6628079d5
buxiaomo/jenkins 2.440.2
- version: 3618.v13db_a_21f0fcf, 3773.v505e0052522c, 3817.vd20b_7e2b_692b_
wodby/jenkins 2.121.2
- version: 2.54
buoyantio/jenkins-plus 2.60.1
A jenkins image that also includes kubectl and namerctl, as well as a default hello_world job.
- version: 2.36.1
jenkinsci/parallel-test-executor-demo latest
Demo of running parallel tests in Jenkins.
- version: 2.10
basho/jenkins-mesos latest
Jenkins server pre-configured for building on Apache Mesos
- version: 2.9
gsmlg/jenkins-master 0.1.0
- version: 2.74
redbeard28/jenkins_slave 0.5
- version: 2.74
lhminh167/jenkins v1.2.3
- version: 3611.v201b_d9f9eb_f7, 3606.v0b_d8b_e512dcf
breton/jenkins x
- version: 2.74, 3601.v9b_36a_d99e1cc
leandrocarneiro/jenkins 2.318-namely
- version: 2640.v00e79c8113de
wurstmeister/mesos-jenkins latest
Jenkins with mesos support
- version: 2.6