An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven : org.jctools:jctools-core
Explore the latest package usage data for org.jctools:jctools-core in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 16,677
Total downloads: 9,071,842,881
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jlesage/crashplan-pro v23.12.1
Docker container for CrashPlan PRO (aka CrashPlan for Small Business)
- version: 3.1.0, 2.1.2
opensearchproject/opensearch 2.11.1
The Official Docker Image of OpenSearch (
- version: 3.1.0
openshift/origin-logging-elasticsearch v3.11
- version: 2.0.1
openshift/wildfly-140-centos7 latest
A Centos7 based WildFly v14.0 image for use with OpenShift v3
- version: 2.1.1
jetbrains/teamcity-agent 2023.05.4-windowsservercore
TeamCity Build Agent
- version: 3.1.0
confluentinc/cp-enterprise-control-center 7.4.3.amd64
Official Confluent Docker Image for Control Center
- version: 3.1.0
library/crate 5.5.2
CrateDB is an open-source, distributed SQL database empowering you to turn data into business value.
- version: 3.1.0
confluentinc/cp-enterprise-kafka 7.4.3.amd64
[Deprecated] Official Confluent Docker Images for Confluent's Enterprise Kafka Distribution
- version: 3.1.0
provectuslabs/kafka-ui 53a6553765a806eda9905c43bfcfe09da6812035
Free, open-source web UI to monitor and manage Apache Kafka clusters
- version: 3.1.0
scylladb/scylla 5.4
Scylla is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, partitioned row DB.
- version: 1.2.1, 3.1.0
apachepulsar/pulsar 3.1.1
Apache Pulsar - Distributed pub/sub messaging system
- version: 3.1.0, 2.1.2
jetbrains/hub 2023.3.21798
Official Docker image for JetBrains Hub
- version: 4.0.1
bitnami/neo4j 5.15.0
Bitnami Docker Image for Neo4j
- version: 3.1.0, 4.0.1
fredboat/lavalink 8ab4e48-alpine
Automated builds of Lavalink
- version: 3.1.0
apache/nifi-registry 2.0.0-M1
Unofficial convenience binaries for Apache NiFi - Registry -
- version: 3.1.0
apache/nifi 2.0.0-M1
Unofficial convenience binaries and Docker images for Apache NiFi
- version: 2.1.2, 3.1.0
confluentinc/cp-server 7.4.3.amd64
- version: 3.1.0
fredboat/fredboat dev-v4
FredBoat - Discord Music Bot
- version: 2.1.1
nacos/nacos-server v2.3.0
This project contains a Docker image meant to facilitate the deployment of Nacos .
- version: 2.1.1, 3.0.0
cptactionhank/atlassian-confluence latest
Atlassian Confluence wrapped in a Docker image
- version: 2.1.1
apacheignite/ignite 2.16.0
Apache Ignite - Distributed Database
- version: 3.1.0
bitnami/spark 3.5.0
Bitnami Spark Docker Image
- version: 3.1.0
jboss/wildfly latest
WildFly application server image
- version: 3.3.0, 2.1.2
prismagraphql/prisma-prod 1.34.9
- version: 2.1.1
zendesk/maxwell v1.41.0
Maxwell's daemon, a mysql-to-json kafka producer
- version: 3.1.0
clickhouse/integration-test 52662-2bcdd2c5a7cc4a72587ee39c0e6d1f20e72981f9
- version: 3.1.0
library/storm 2.5
Apache Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system.
- version: 2.1.1, *, 2.0.1
bde2020/hadoop-datanode latest
Hadoop datanode of a hadoop cluster
- version: 2.1.1