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Package Usage : maven : org.jctools:jctools-core
Explore the latest package usage data for org.jctools:jctools-core in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 16,677
Total downloads: 9,071,842,881
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library/sonarqube 10.3.0-enterprise
SonarQube is an open source platform for continuous inspection of code quality.
- version: 3.1.0, 4.0.1, 3.3.0
library/elasticsearch 8.11.3
Elasticsearch is a powerful open source search and analytics engine that makes data easy to explore.
- version: 4.0.1, 3.1.0, 3.3.0
selenium/standalone-chrome 120.0-20231219
Selenium Grid in Standalone mode with Chrome
- version: 4.0.1, 3.1.0
google/cloud-sdk 458.0.1
Google Cloud SDKbundle with all components and dependencies
- version: 3.1.0
bitnami/zookeeper 3.9.1
ZooKeeper is a centralized service for distributed applications.
- version: 3.1.0
bitnami/kafka 3.6.0
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform used for building real-time applications
- version: 3.1.0
library/neo4j 5.15.0
Neo4j is a highly scalable, robust native graph database.
- version: 3.1.0, 4.0.1
amazon/dynamodb-local 2.1.0
DynamoDB local
- version: 3.1.0
library/zookeeper 3.9.1
Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server which enables highly reliable distributed coordination.
- version: 3.1.0
selenium/node-chrome 119.0-20231129
Selenium Grid in Node mode with Chrome
- version: 4.0.1, 3.1.0
selenium/hub 4.16.1
Selenium Grid in Hub mode
- version: 4.0.1, 3.1.0
library/logstash 8.11.3
Logstash is a tool for managing events and logs.
- version: 3.1.0
library/cassandra 5.0-beta1
Apache Cassandra is an open-source distributed storage system.
- version: 2.1.1, 3.1.0
confluentinc/cp-kafka 7.4.3.amd64
Official Confluent Docker Image for Kafka (Community Version)
- version: 3.1.0
metabase/metabase v0.48.1
Metabase Open-source Edition Docker image.
- version: 3.1.0
wurstmeister/kafka 2.13-2.8.1
Multi-Broker Apache Kafka Image
- version: 3.1.0
library/solr 9.4.0
Apache Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source search platform built on Apache Luceneβ’.
- version: 4.0.1, 3.1.0
localstack/localstack 3.0.2
π» A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
- version: 3.1.0
confluentinc/cp-zookeeper 7.4.3.arm64
Official Confluent Docker Image for Zookeeper
- version: 3.1.0
openzipkin/zipkin 3
This is the authoritative image for zipkin, a distributed tracing system.
- version: 3.1.0
atlassian/pipelines-agent prod-stable
- version: 2.1.1
confluentinc/cp-schema-registry 6.2.13.amd64
Official Confluent Docker Images for Schema Registry
- version: 3.1.0