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Package Usage : maven : org.jboss:jbossxb
Explore the latest package usage data for org.jboss:jbossxb in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 50
Total downloads: 46,218,009
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openshift/wildfly-81-centos7 latest
A Centos7 based WildFly v8.1 image for use with OpenShift v3
- version: 2.0.3.GA
centos/wildfly latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
jboss/uf-dashbuilder-showcase latest
JBoss UF Dashbuilder Showcase Docker image.
- version: 2.0.3.GA
daggerok/jboss-eap-6.4 latest
Docker hub JBoss EAP 6.4 automation build (included 6.4.22 patch)
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
rmohr/ovirt-engine 4.0.5
Dockerized version of ovirt-engine, the management part of oVirt.
- version: 2.0.3.GA
jboss/liveoak-server 1.0.0.Beta02
Backend as a Service
- version: 2.0.3.GA
appiriodevops/direct-app build3
- version: 1.0.0.SP3
jboss/uf-dashbuilder latest
JBoss UF Dashbuilder Docker image
- version: 2.0.3.GA
jboss/switchyard-wildfly latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
daggerok/jboss-eap-6.3 latest
Docker hub JBoss EAP 6.3 (JDK7) automation build (included 6.3.3 patch)
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-2
cloudunit/wildfly-8 2.1.0
wildfly 8
- version: 2.0.3.GA
daggerok/jboss4-java5 latest
JBOSS 4 docker image (based on lwis/java5 docker image with java 1.5)
- version: 1.0.0.SP3
aallam/jboss-as latest
Debian (Jessie), Oracle Java 7, JBoss 7
- version: 2.0.3.GA
bytekode/eap63-jdk7 1.0.0
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-2
daggerok/jboss4 latest
JBoss 4 automation build for docker hub
- version: 1.0.0.SP3
optionfactory/centos7-jdk8-wildfly8 latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
appiriodevops/openjdk7 buildv1
- version: 1.0.0.SP3
optionfactory/opensuse13-jdk8-wildfly8 latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
optionfactory/ubuntu16-jdk8-wildfly8 latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
jackyoh/jboss 7.1.1
- version: 2.0.3.GA
saturnism/infinite-infinispan v1
- version: 2.0.3.GA
optionfactory/opensuse15-jdk8-wildfly8 latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
rmohr/ovirt-engine-3.6 next
- version: 2.0.3.GA
optionfactory/debian9-jdk8-wildfly8 latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
121467570/jboss as6
- version: 2.0.3.GA
saturnism/infinispan-visualizer v1
- version: 2.0.3.GA
herpiko/ejbca latest
Only for dev purpose!
- version: 2.0.3.GA
ashish1981/jboss-app 6.4.v1
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
appiriodevops/ubuntu22-openjdk7 v6
- version: 1.0.0.SP3
mahesh91561/wildflyimg latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
vulshare/jboss-cve_2017_12149 admin
- version: 2.0.3.GA
dhananjayk07/wildfly-image latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
bytekode/jboss-as7-jdk7 1.0.0
- version: 2.0.3.GA, 2.0.3.GA-redhat-2
dhananjayk07/wildfly1-image latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
renators/jboss 6.4.v1
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
subramaniampl/jboss-eap 6.4.v1
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
jasminstrkonjic/jboss-eap 6.4.v1
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
jamshidkp/jboss-eap 6.4.v3
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
chdemodockerhub/jenkins33 dev
- version: 2.0.3.GA
keyamam0/jboss-eap 6.4.v3
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
donaldjperry/jboss-eap 6.4.v1
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
andyyang0110/jboss-eap 6.4.v2
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
tonyspecs/core-rm-with-server latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
nightranger/restcomm-gmlc 2.0.0
- version: 2.0.1.GA
dhananjayk07/wildfly1 latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
kerberos5/jboss-eap ocp
my repo custom jboss eap image
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-3
rafaelsulimann/jboss-josso latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA-redhat-2
geia/ latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
looplex/looplex-rest latest
- version: 2.0.3.GA
nightranger/restcomm-jain-slee 7.2.0-172
- version: 2.0.1.GA