An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 445
Total downloads: 12,884
More details on - JSON
spyroot/meta_critic latest
- version: 1531
leezhao/dlenv-conda v3.0
- version: 1531
andrey1362010/drn 0.1
- version: 1531
bah2830/nvidia latest
- version: 1531
devops1650/wso2 24-02
- version: 1531
iplomin/component3 1.0
- version: 1531
lunalabsltd/stable-dreambooth latest
- version: 1531
ytenzen/pytorch-elastic-example-imagenet latest
- version: 1531
pingjunchen/cellular_architecture_embed chen
- version: 1531
cardy20/torch13serve1 latest
- version: 1531
esw123/ubuntu20.04-cuda-ppc64le 2023-02-24
- version: 1531
dataved/build.cuda f379c208ff8ac4a768e7770663fce37bc068be1fc66283e4c4776957fc67e0b2
- version: 1531
charismaputra/agsgwska-fileprocess 1.0.2
- version: 1531
minsooshin/pytorch v1.0
- version: 1531
dykim2/address_stt latest
- version: 1531
keithhon/ml-in-a-box 0.0.4
- version: 1531
valvate/procgen-train-docker latest
- version: 1531
olawod/myimage latest
- version: 1531
fonglab/svci-tools scvi-jupyter-rel0.0.3-muon-cuda
- version: 1531
drhannibal/wh sfucrosscheck
- version: 1531
timlee0212/workenv ubuntu2004
- version: 1531
yimengzeng/dna_diff latest
- version: 1531
iidcramlab/pytorch pytorch1131-cuda116-runtime-py310
基于pytorch官方镜像,修改apt和pip为ustc镜像, 支持bash autocomplete; 增加iadc用户
- version: 1531
150626/02-docker latest
- version: 1531
congw1230/ubuntu-torch cw
- version: 1531
jivankandel/puresnet latest
- version: 1531
- version: 1531
marcofrancis/dl_julia_jupyter ipopt
- version: 1531
txuyangpolyu/colmap original
- version: 1531
0x00000024/deep-3d-face amd64
- version: 1531
tnkikp/dtnplan 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 1531
khalilidrissi/replit-code-v12 1
- version: 1531
runpod/serverless-stabletuner 1.0.0
- version: 1531
bhairon411/character_v2_deploy 3
- version: 1531
seemeai/nanogpt 0.0.2
This is an experimental repo, use with caution.
- version: 1531
tnkikp/product 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 1531
zhuoyang20/0123 latest
- version: 1531
alazartech/rockylinux8-cuda-gcc10 2.8.2
- version: 1531
pdkgamage/axogw latest
- version: 1531
mukesheidikowso2/wso2_mi v1.0
- version: 1531
shuvadeep/cml_fall22 mnist_train_v2
- version: 1531
ctromanscoia/cellpose 0.1
- version: 1531
agrawalamey/sconce-test-pt2 v0.0.3
- version: 1531
stevendev/wso2is v5
- version: 1531
ghisvail/paris_brain_institute_nnunet latest
- version: 1531
khalilidrissi/replit-code-ds-v100 1
- version: 1531
aminakov/wso2am 4.0.0-ubuntu-apple-silicon
- version: 1531
flatchen/ppt_score6 latest
- version: 1531
amoghkondapalli/llm_demo40 latest
- version: 1531
samkelodearx/wso-mi-test 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 1531
abcdesktopio/cudadev.d 3.0
- version: 1531
martinboca/jupyter gpu-ubuntu-22.04
- version: 1531
txuyangpolyu/openmvs original
- version: 1531
frie4123/dockerhub-pods leejoohyeon
- version: 1531
kalineid/moe-inference latest
- version: 1531
raidavid/nmns_rtsp_to_kafka_v1 latest
- version: 1531
jlwl/stable-diffusion-zh-en CUDA
- version: 1531
algoveraai/plprojectv5 dbfinetune
- version: 1531
faizan1700/sadtalker latest
- version: 1531
sinapse77/wso2_20230201 latest
- version: 1531
hrfdev0174/vuce-ephyto-hub-retry latest
- version: 1531
coderjsk/control02 latest
- version: 1531
bilginc/term_project latest
- version: 1531
minjijung/distribution-decoding latest
- version: 1531
achezchen/anvil_27 first_try
- version: 1531
jiangck/cu111-py36-vnc-rsf v0
- version: 1531
montejo/wso2am 4.1.0
- version: 1531
alazartech/almalinux9-cuda 2.7.1-b0fe3d3c
- version: 1531
landryqi/mmrotate_env_success 0.1
- version: 1531
youngkongbin/medisc3 latest
- version: 1531
esw123/clacc-nvidia-h100-dev 2023-03-29
- version: 1531
el0i/dreamtrainer latest
- version: 1531
darkroot1234/ayanami_pre latest
ayanami System environment
- version: 1531
mishalali/dep4ipod latest
- version: 1531
yklee2002/my-nlp latest
- version: 1531
seul/instant-ngp latest
- version: 1531
akihitokumakura/jglue latest
- version: 1531
jerrikeph/semantic_align latest
- version: 1531
sangeet2020/speechbrain-python-3.11.4 cuda12.0
This Docker image, equipped with Python 3.11.4, CUDA, and cuDNN, is tailored for the Speechbrain.
- version: 1531
julesboriskreme/is-wso2 2.0.0
- version: 1531
radiantearth/model_nasa_rwanda_field_boundary_competition_silver 1
- version: 1531
jiachenlei/dfacegan latest
- version: 1531
nabla/nabla-hooks 0.0.1
- version: 1531
kitsudaiki/hanami_builder 0.7.0
- version: 1531
centaurusinfra/sd basic-py310
- version: 1531
hben0503/torch1.13.1-cuda11.6-devel v2.0
- version: 1531
vianperfteam/slurm-client latest
- version: 1531
shravan2598/mnist_train latest
- version: 1531
flatchen/ppt_score2 latest
- version: 1531
santhoshm/wso2am latest
- version: 1531
albusdemens/3d_base 01
- version: 1531
khalilidrissi/replit-code-ds-v108 1
- version: 1531
allenthreee/icuas_fbm2_round3 latest
- version: 1531
ttyy441/dockerhub-pods songinyong
- version: 1531
khalilidrissi/replit-code-v8 1
- version: 1531
juhakiili/huggingface latest
- version: 1531
zanattabruno/oplaceran-ng-ran-model latest
- version: 1531