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Package Usage : maven : org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk18on
Explore the latest package usage data for org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk18on in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 880
Total downloads: 5,293,626,948
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springcloud/spring-cloud-skipper-server 2.11.2-SNAPSHOT-jdk8
- version: *, 1.75
dotcms/dotcms master_b6c4c98_SNAPSHOT
dotCMS packaged for running in dotCMS containerization environments
- version: 1.73
conduktor/conduktor-platform 1.20.0
Streamline Apache Kafka with Conduktor Platform.
- version: 1.76
kfinstaller/kony-fabric-identity 202401.0.56_DEV
- version: 1.77
logianalytics/logireport-server-nightly-build 24100.B202312302052
- version: 1.76
gocddev/gocd-dev-build centos-9-v3.14.23
Docker images used by GoCD to build GoCD. See
- version: 1.76, 1.71
elestio/keycloak 23.0.3
Keycloak, verified and packaged by Elestio
- version: 1.74
gepardec/hogajama-run latest
- version: 1.76
elestio/jenkins latest
Jenkins, verified and packaged by Elestio
- version: 1.73
aerospike/aerospike-xdr-proxy-private 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT-fdedf19a-031a-4d5d-a93c-70d09c0bb782
- version: 1.76
marcindydo/esig-backend latest
- version: 1.72
shahedmehbub/nextgen-connect 4.4.0-work
- version: 171
webgoat/webgoat-desktop v2023.8
- version: 1.71
bitnami/reportserverenterprise-archived 4.2.0-6066-debian-11-r9
A copy of the container images of the deprecated bitnami/reportserverenterprise container
- version: 1.71
apecloud/foxlake main-amd64
- version: 1.76, 1.72
harness/zap-job-runner sha256-a79a01ae4fffe222cd50e4e70420590d61359478a71773a225b5940ac3254d72.att
- version: 1.74
folioorg/mod-entities-links 2.0.3
- version: 1.73
ash191245141/jenkinsci-tutorials simple_controller_
Repo for project
- version: 1.75, 1.73
workerframework/prereleases worker-message-distribution-1.4.0-1
- version: 1.72
- version: 1.73
folioci/mod-consortia 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.124
- version: 1.73
lapierre/keycloak 22.0.5
Keycloak packaged by Adrian Lapierre
- version: 1.74
louisga/hermes-client-service 2.1-slim
- version: 1.73
louisga/hermes-user-service 2.1-slim
- version: 1.73
stastnyj/eshop-catalog-service latest
- version: 1.72
lucidworks/apps-manager 5.11.0
- version: 1.73
jefftian/keycloak f399badca10e50b1d3e50d4f650d22c8d6d60c38
- version: 1.74
cfdns/application-shell-c2-api latest
- version: 1.76
cloudron/app.penpot.cloudronapp 20231102-110432-699c963a9
- version: 1.75
civentoneo/seu-service 0.0.1
- version: 1.75
dannemennhub/tnt-keycloak master-3763
- version: 1.74
civentoneo/admin-service 0.0.1
- version: 1.75
striderlee/jenkins-ecs-master latest
- version: 1.72
gocd/gocd-agent-alpine-3.17 v23.5.0
GoCD agent docker image based on alpine 3.17
- version: 1.77, 1.75
ldes/ldi-workbench-nifi 1.12.0-SNAPSHOT
Linked Data Interactions for Apache NiFi
- version: 1.71
dannemennhub/tnt-logstash master-3763
- version: 1.71
guisousa/jenkins 0.9
- version: 1.73
fripiane/gift-project latest
- version: 1.71
civentoneo/emailservice 0.0.1
- version: 1.75
xalted/fundtrailweb 2.0.18_TL
- version: 1.72
mozhou001/platform-backend latest
- version: 1.72
civentoneo/ui 0.0.1
- version: 1.75
civentoneo/db-updater-service 0.0.1
- version: 1.75
civentoneo/ad-service 0.0.1
- version: 1.75
gocd/gocd-agent-debian-12 v23.5.0
GoCD agent docker image based on debian 12
- version: 1.77, 1.75
elestio4test/keycloak nightly
Keycloak, verified and packaged by Elestio
- version: 1.74
fortes/bedel_circleci 16
- version: 1.71
mgzamharness/maher-delegate 1
- version: 1.71
virtuosorun/sm-runtime latest
- version: 1.72
- version: 1.72, 1.75
2martens/configserver 0.1.21
- version: 1.73
jumpserver/jenkins jdk21
The leading open source automation server
- version: 1.75, 1.73
felipedecampos/builder_jenkins_server latest
- version: 1.73, 1.75
wangpengcheng/jenkins 2.413
- version: 1.73
afsar15/blockchain-service-ndmc 0.6
- version: 1.74
devopscadit/platform-postgres platform9.4.2
Thingworx Docker PostgreSQL from Official PTC Dockerfile Modified by DevOps CAD-IT.
- version: 1.74
waltid/wallet-backend 1.2311161140.0
- version: 1.76
ch4mp/bff-gateway latest
- version: 1.73
kaxuna1/transactionservice 2eb6365664324decd6542a1dea7aaa27917c7f86
- version: 1.72
ch4mp/resource-server_with_ui latest
- version: 1.73
cfdns/application-mining-c2-api latest
- version: 1.75
aahme144/schemacrawler latest
- version: 1.71
convergentech/admin-management latest
- version: 1.73
fjardim/mds-nifi latest
- version: 1.71
convergentech/edms-core latest
- version: 1.73
gocd/gocd-agent-alpine-3.18 v23.4.0
GoCD agent docker image based on alpine 3.18
- version: 1.75
- version: 1.72
mozhou001/platform latest
- version: 1.72
focaloiddev/kiran-test-4-jruby-hello latest
- version: 1.71
bhbuild/bacuni latest
- version: 1.75
nnv98/message-gateway 1.1.32
- version: 1.72
petrosapiro/apiro-rud last
- version: 1.75
manesverma/token-test v54
- version: 1.72
jgmurua/teamcity-agent-dind latest
- version: 1.72
wjma90/jenkinsci lts-jdk11-1.11
- version: 1.73
akmalavloniharness/delegate 23.02.78310.with.less.and.which
- version: 1.71
wirsoftware/wallet latest
- version: 1.73
vespaengine/vespa-generic-intel-x86_64 8.251.23
- version: 1.74
kosovito/usuarios latest
microservicio Spring Boot de registro de usuarios
- version: 1.72
khaliddinh/jenkins latest
- version: 1.73