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Package Usage : maven : org.bouncycastle:bcmail
Explore the latest package usage data for org.bouncycastle:bcmail in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 59
Total downloads: 160,005
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dockerwest/php-pimcore 8.3
PHP image for pimcore applications
- version: 1.72
isaudits/carbone latest
Docker implementation of
- version: 1.58
g8tax/exp-generic-nextcloud default--at-20240805-235901
- version: 1.72
pvpdarshan/abstractparse2 v20.1
- version: 1.58
eygtmbot/ruby-2.5-with-postgres-node latest
- version: 1.58
eygtmbot/ruby-2.5-with-postgres11-node-twilio latest
- version: 1.58
eygtmbot/ruby-with-postgres-node-12-stretch latest
- version: 1.56
littlewrong/tw.bpm 6.0.2
- version: 1.58
microtingas/work-items-planning-container 8.0.316
- version: 1.68
microtingas/work-items-planning-service-container 8.0.296
- version: 1.68
eygtmbot/ruby-2.5-with-postgres-node-twiv latest
- version: 1.58
alicanblnr/word-add-in-backend-nodeserver latest
- version: 1.68
eygtmbot/ruby-with-postgres-node-stretch-test latest
- version: 1.56
- version: 1.68
eygtmbot/ruby-with-postgres-node-12-stretch-whitesource latest
- version: 1.56
prosyslab/bug-bench-libbcprov-java 20210802
- version: 1.61
claudiuvintila/nextcloud 27.1.2
- version: 1.68
nttlong/files-api-web rc.0.0.3
- version: 1.68
prosyslab/bug-bench-libitext-java latest
- version: 1.61
eygtmbot/ruby-with-postgres-node-stretch latest
- version: 1.56
eygtmbot/ruby-2.7-with-postgres11-node-twilio latest
- version: 1.58
eygtmbot/ruby-and-azure latest
- version: 1.58
a843611554/php74-for-rpis latest
- version: 1.68
prosyslab/bug-bench-libfontbox2-java 20210730
- version: debian, 1.61
prosyslab/bug-bench-libfontbox-java 20210806
- version: debian, 1.61
pavan326/python_backend latest
- version: 1.68
chuckasmith/ignition_mqtt latest
- version:
brunohelius/assinador latest
- version: 1.58
prosyslab/bug-bench-jmeter latest
- version: 1.61
emuchogu/whatsapp-wakiliwako 9d1f06c
- version: 1.68
nttlong/base-core-slim-req rc.2023.002
- version: 1.68
stovv/rpi-zero-os latest
- version: 1.68
santiagobarriol/infinity-reporting-toolkit latest
- version: 1.68
prosyslab/bug-bench-libpentaho-reporting-flow-engine-java latest
- version: 1.61
trsdsj/trshybase 9.0.9000-20220801-r30069
- version:
constantinpricope2013/document-filler atp
Django web app for filling documents
- version: 1.68
if98/maven-libreoffice 7.5.2
- version: 1.68
rykerstribe/inriva-rails 6.1_on_3.0.7_ci
Contains all images for rails development
- version: 1.68
rykerstribe/inriva-ruby 3.1.6
Contains all images for ruby development.
- version: 1.68
plotbox/php-dev latest
- version: 1.68
jawsy/portfolio-analysis-app latest
Optimal portfolio analysis with visualizations
- version: 1.68
kekebest1234/office-service arm-12.3
- version: 1.68
rhapsodypocs/rhapsody.6.9 wg_tg
- version: 1.55.0
initvn/la_envs arm64-20231020
- version: 1.58
glatorre/clinicasa-ris v3
- version: 1.58
gole/idempiere v0.1.0
- version: 1.69.0
faegsenar/agrinho-api latest
- version: 1.68
nttlong/base-core-slim rc.2023.029
- version: 1.68
lrgc01/desktop latest
- version: 1.72
samtapoddar/idem 122
- version: 1.69.0
nttlong/base ttn.2023.004
- version: 1.68
mibre/garex-bpm-doc-store 0.0.4
- version: 1.72
vivekjainmaiet/pdftools 2.1
- version: 1.58
garypu445/shop-django3 aws_230407s
- version: 1.68
omcomputer/schutzraumauskunft 02.00.230823_tc_9.0.79
- version: 1.46.0
harshu987/repo1 um
- version:
r97221004/form-form-api latest
- version: 1.68
vivekjainmaiet/pdftools-prod 0.029
- version: 1.58