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Package Usage : maven : org.bouncycastle.bcprovider:bcprov-jdk14
Explore the latest package usage data for org.bouncycastle.bcprovider:bcprov-jdk14 in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 40
Total downloads: 37,414
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egovio/egov-edcr master-030523-7845c9bef0-3
- version: 138, 1.38
itgainis/s4dbs_collector 1.8.2
Speedgain for Databases Collector
- version: 1.38
itgainis/s4dbs_service 1.8.2
Speedgain for Databases Service
- version: 1.38
adoptnettechbss/adopt-billingengine-image V-225
- version: 1.38, 138
itgainis/speedgainfordb2 5.5.0
Speedgain for DB2 - Performance monitoring solution for Db2 LUW databases
- version: 1.38
tcema/reunire-wf latest
- version: 1.38
amaroom/cfmlbase acf10
A Container Base Image to be inherited by other project containers.
- version: 1.36.0
ferlabcrsj/clin-prescription-renderer 1.1.1
Prescription Rendered Service
- version: 1.64
meyyarb/repo_phase2 customsprocessing_20231211
- version: 138, 1.38
adoptnettechbss/adopt-billingengine-image_qa V-188
- version: 1.38, 138
kmhub/property-services developV2.0-23112024-689
- version: 1.38, 138
askdockerhub/fe-be-web-kur development
- version: 1.38, 138
anycubedevops/calf-express uat01
- version: 1.50
hatiolab/wms-server 0.0.47
- version: 1.38, 138
nehaentit/egov-edcr prod-17112023-1
- version: 138, 1.38
kartoza/haitidata_geoserver 1.0
- version: 138
shreekanthadk/hedgebrown 0.2.2
- version: 1.38, 138
smartenspacessingapore/wificheckin aus2
- version: 1.38
gidimuts/kcep-api 1.0.59
- version: 139
lxr123/crm-ci-core V8
- version: 138, 1.38
lxr123/crm-loyalty-core V8
- version: 138, 1.38
lxr123/crm-product-core V8
- version: 1.38, 138
lxr123/crm-web V8
- version: 138, 1.38
702021619/payment 3.2
- version: 128
lxr123/crm-cms-core V8
- version: 138, 1.38
gitdigital/cooplem-app 1.0.2
- version: 1.38, 138
kmhub/acr-service devvp1.2-29
- version: 1.38
victorpb/rae-service-desa 9
- version: 1.38, 138
oasisdlabs/gtg-backend 2.0.1
- version: 1.64
alvinian/phase2 grouppayment_20241104
- version: 1.38, 138
tgaou/kaabu-offre-smartbox-fixe latest-slim-instrumented
- version: 138, 1.38
victorpb/sri-service-uat 17
- version: 1.38, 138
1987jay/kkfileview 4.1.2
- version: 1.38, 138
witfy/main-backend angular-update
- version: 1.64
janderson1719/pentaho latest
- version: 1.65
victorpb/rrh-service-desa 12
- version: 138, 1.38
evomatik/seaged-gobierno-catalogos develop
- version: 1.38, 138
xmonesoft/webspoon v1.1
- version: 138
thont/appointmentv.42 pro
- version: 1.38, 138