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Package Usage : maven : org.apereo.service.persondir:person-directory-api
Explore the latest package usage data for org.apereo.service.persondir:person-directory-api in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 15
Total downloads: 20,985
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apache/syncope-wa 3.0.9
Apache Syncope WA
- version: 3.0.1
huasisoft/single-sign-on 1.3.1
- version: 2.0.12, 2.0.13
gunet/simple-cas buildcache
simple CAS server based on Apereo CAS
- version: 2.0.13
gunet/simple-cas-template latest
- version: 2.0.13
neerajkose/ofbiz1 latest
- version: 1.8.4
josuecaballero/cas-base-ssh custom-authentication
- version: 2.0.12
deepoove/authsaur 1.0.0-beta
- version: 2.0.12
goldenfall/cas-service-conf v5.3.10-busybox
- version: 1.8.9
wangpengcheng/m8-cas-tenant latest
- version: 1.8.9
pcarvalhomust/cas-test latest
A build of the cas-node from cas_ha to be later disposed
- version: 2.0.3
nsteinc/jazz-cas-oidc v6.6.6
- version: 2.0.13
livingatlases/cas 6.5.6-3
- version: 2.0.13
livingatlases/cas-management 6.5.5-2
- version: 2.0.13
deepoove/authsaur-admin-api 1.0.0-beta
- version: 2.0.12