An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,768
Total downloads: 274,509,138
More details on - JSON
mxnetci/build.ubuntu_nightly_cpu latest
- version: *
bitriseio/docker-android-alpha latest
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mxnetci/build.ubuntu_nightly_gpu latest
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mdernst/ubuntu-for-cf-jdkany latest
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adoptopenjdk/alpine3_build_image linux-arm64
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ashish1981/sdcu x86
- version: *
dhspence/docker-genomic-analysis 122121
From Chris Miller's example
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bitriseio/android-ndk-lts-alpha latest
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kbase/sdkbase2 python
Base image used in the kb_sdk repo (decoupled from kb_sdk repo). Works for Java, Python, Perl
- version: *
harisekhon/tools ubuntu
Hundreds of DevOps CLI tools, programs and scripts from my top repos
- version: *
delfer/java-builder latest
image to build java ant and maven projects
- version: *
fallen90/ionic-docker latest
Ionic Docker image for Gitlab CI
- version: *
mdernst/ubuntu-for-cf-jdk7 latest
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openalpr/buildimages focal-cuda-11.4
Build images used for Continuous Integration
- version: *
adoptopenjdk/centos6_build_image linux-amd64
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electronbuilds/libchromiumcontent 0.0.7
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bitriseio/android-ndk-alpha latest
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mxnetci/build.ubuntu_cpu_julia latest
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harisekhon/riak-dev latest
Riak KV by Basho + nagios plugins (tags 1.4 - 2.1)
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tarantool/doc-builder slim-4.3
- version: *
rhcsdashboard/ceph-base centos_stream8
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mdernst/cf-ubuntu-jdk16 latest
- version: *
vmware/harbor-e2e-engine 1.42
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mdernst/daikon-ubuntu-jdk8-plus latest
- version: *
delron/elasticsearch-ik 2.4.6-1.0
ElasticSearch with analysis-ik for searching in Chinese
- version: *
mdernst/cf-ubuntu-jdk17-plus latest
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kbase/kb-sdk 1.2.6-dev
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biocontainers/beagle v5.0-180928dfsg-1-deb_cv1
- version: *
biocontainers/artemis v17.0.1dfsg-2-deb_cv1
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rhcsdashboard/ceph-rpm reef
- version: *
goharbor/vmware-e2e-engine 1.41
- version: *
bitriseio/android-ndk-lts latest
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rmohr/ovirt-engine latest
Dockerized version of ovirt-engine, the management part of oVirt.
- version: *
biocontainers/unicycler v0.4.7dfsg-2-deb_cv1
- version: *
mdernst/randoop-ubuntu-jdk11 latest
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biocontainers/chromhmm v1.18dfsg-1-deb_cv1
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mxnetci/build.ubuntu_gpu_cu92 latest
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biocontainers/pilon v1.23dfsg-1-deb_cv1
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dockerwest/php-pimcore 8.2
PHP image for pimcore applications
- version: *
apache/yetus-base 0.15.0
Convenience images for Apache Yetus : OS and plugin dependencies
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sdghafouri/simple-image nlp
- version: *
biocontainers/rdp-readseq v2.0.2-6-deb_cv1
- version: *
biocontainers/paleomix v1.2.13.3-1-deb_cv1
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biocontainers/surankco v0.0.r5dfsg-2-deb_cv1
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mdernst/daikon-ubuntu-jdk11-plus latest
- version: *
dhspence/docker-walker latest
Haley's GATK
- version: *
dkarchmervue/fluent-ffmpeg latest
Latest FFMPEG plus nodeJS 4.x for
- version: *
mxnetci/build.ubuntu_gpu_cu90 latest
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pelias/document-service latest
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rhcsdashboard/ceph reef
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mxnetci/publish.ubuntu1604_cpu latest
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mdernst/ubuntu-for-randoop-jdkany latest
- version: *
mxnetci/publish.ubuntu1604_gpu latest
- version: *
mxnetci/publish.test.ubuntu1604_cpu latest
- version: *
mxnetci/publish.test.ubuntu1604_gpu latest
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tsteven4/gpsbabel_build_environment_focal 20230914T161053Z
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mdernst/ubuntu-for-randoop-jdk8 latest
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harisekhon/ubuntu-github latest
Ubuntu latest with all my GitHub repos pre-built
- version: *
lmark1/uav_ros_simulation focal-bin-0.0.1
A collection of ROS packages for Gazebo simulations of Ardupilot / PX4 UAV platforms
- version: *
ashish1981/s390x-rstudio 30
- version: *
mdernst/cf-ubuntu-jdk11-plus-buildjdk latest
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mdernst/cf-ubuntu-jdk19 latest
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mherod/base-ubuntu-java latest
- version: *
mdernst/randoop-ubuntu-jdkany latest
- version: *
kbase/kbase sdkbase.latest
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harisekhon/debian-github latest
Debian latest with all my GitHub repos built
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mdernst/cf-ubuntu-jdk16-plus latest
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mdernst/cf-ubuntu-jdk18 latest
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dhspence/docker-trimgalore latest
trimgalore, cutadapt, on top of docker-genomic-analysis
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isaudits/carbone latest
Docker implementation of
- version: *
buluma/perl-tools latest
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mdernst/randoop-ubuntu-jdk8 latest
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jfloff/thrike latest
Thrike (Tomcat, Thrift, JDK and Gradle)
- version: *
kaixhin/cuda 6.5
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + CUDA.
- version: *
harisekhon/ubuntu-dev latest
Ubuntu latest + Java, Perl, Python, Jython, Ruby, Scala, Groovy, GCC, Maven, SBT, Gradle, Make ...
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dhspence/docker-spikein v1.1
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sinenomine/solr-s390x 6.6.1
Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform
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appiriodevops/tc-database-scripts latest
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appiriodevops/informix cbbd0fa
Topcoder Informix
- version: *
sillelien/circleci-dollar-build-image stable
CircleCI build image used to build the Dollar project
- version: *
mdernst/daikon-ubuntu-jdk17-plus latest
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bde2020/flink-maven-template latest
Template to build Maven templates to run on top of a Flink cluster
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eecs388/autopsy latest
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ultralytics/ultralytics 8.0.229
Ultralytics YOLOv8 Docker Images
- version: *
mdernst/ubuntu-for-randoop-jdk7 latest
- version: *
juicedata/jfs-release-builder latest
JuiceFS release builder
- version: *
mxnetci/build.ubuntu_gpu_cu80 latest
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openkbs/netbeans latest
Netbeans 8.2 Docker
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appiriodevops/direct-app build3
- version: *
mdernst/ubuntu-for-randoop-jdk11 latest
- version: *
harisekhon/debian-dev latest
Debian latest + Java, Perl, Python, Jython, Ruby, Scala, Groovy, GCC, Maven, SBT, Gradle, Make ...
- version: *