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Package Usage : maven : org.apache.tomcat-ssi:catalina-ssi
Explore the latest package usage data for org.apache.tomcat-ssi:catalina-ssi in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,045
Total downloads: 1,035,928,492
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arm32v7/tomcat 11.0.0-jre17-temurin-jammy
Apache Tomcat is an open source implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
- version: 11.0.0-M6
axiom/docker-erddap latest-jdk17-temurin-focal
A feature full Tomcat (SSL over APR, etc.) running ERDDAP
- version: 10.1.0-M16
prepend2/crowd 5.2.2
- version: 9.0.82
geosolutionsit/geoserver C268-2.23.3
- version: 9.0.65
Alfresco Process Services
- version: 9.0.73, 9.0.62
exoplatform/exo 6.5.0_1
eXo Platform inside a Docker container.
- version: 9.0.80, 9.0.73, 9.0.60
softwareplant/confluence injector-7.6.2-test-mg
Confluence images
- version: 9.0.33
arm64v8/xwiki 15.9.0-mysql-tomcat
XWiki: The Advanced Open Source Enterprise Wiki.
- version: 9.0.80, 9.0.74, 9.0.83, 9.0.73
geosolutionsit/mapstore2 2023.02.xx-qa
MapStore 2 is a framework to build web mapping applications using standard mapping libraries
- version: 9.0.65
jumpserver/jms_guacamole latest
已废弃,转移到 jumpserver/guacamole, Abandon move to jumpserver/guacamole
- version: 9.0.45
tarantool/testing ubuntu-xenial
- version: 9.0.58
atlassian/bamboo 9.4.2-ubuntu
- version: 9.0.76, 9.0.83, 9.0.71
ppc64le/bonita 9.0
Bonita is an open-source business process management and workflow suite
- version: 9.0.62, 9.0.81, 9.0.72
bitnami/reportserverenterprise latest
- version: 9.0.65
arm64v8/bonita 9.0
Bonita is an open-source business process management and workflow suite
- version: 9.0.72, 9.0.81, 9.0.62
axelor/aos-preview-app prev-wip-8-1-wip-8-1-sche
Preview app of Axelor Open Suite. Not for production usage.
- version: 9.0.80
hyperonio/studio 2.3.1
Hyperon studio ready to use with external database or docker compose
- version: 9.0.62
arm64v8/tomee 9.1.1
Apache TomEE is an all-Apache Java EE certified stack where Apache Tomcat is top dog.
- version: 10.0.27
pbeniwal/calculatorwithwar v1
- version: 10.0.12, 9.0.67
apache/openmeetings 7.2.0
- version: 9.0.84, 9.0.71, 9.0.74
apache/incubator-hop-web Development
- version: 9.0.56
jumpserver/guacamole dev
- version: 9.0.41
camptocamp/tomcat-logback 10.0-jre11
Docker image for tomcat with logback integration
- version: 10.0.23
unidata/tomcat-docker 10-jdk17
Security-hardened Tomcat Docker container.
- version: 10.1.0-M16, 10.1.17
- version: 9.0.78
Alfresco Process Services Admin
- version: 9.0.62, 9.0.73
apache/hop-web 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT-beam
Apache Hop Web
- version: 9.0.65
alfresco/alfresco-governance-share-community 23.2.0-A9
- version: 9.0.73, 10.1.10, 9.0.59
samply/share-client c4-sha-c97630dc6035eff658dc5120e687e6fb68e699d1
- version: 9.0.74, 9.0.71
jetbrains/datalore-server 2023.6
- version: 9.0.73
alfresco/alfresco-governance-repository-community 23.2.0-A6
- version: 9.0.73, 9.0.59, 10.1.10
prepend2/confluence 8.7.1
Docker images including google-headless-chrome and clamav
- version: 9.0.76, 9.0.73, 9.0.71, 9.0.82
exoplatform/chat-server 3.4.3-RC01_0
Standalone chat server
- version: 9.0.60
structurizr/onpremises preview
The Structurizr on-premises installation.
- version: 9.0.70
riftbit/atlassian bamboo-9.4.2
Atlassian software containers (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Crowd, Bamboo, etc.) with features
- version: 9.0.73, 9.0.83, 9.0.70
arm64v8/convertigo 8.2.4
Enterprise grade full-stack Open source Low Code & No Code Platform for web & mobile application
- version: 9.0.80, 9.0.85
openweb/hippo mysql-15
Base docker image for Hippo CMS.
- version: 9.0.80
apache/jspwiki release-2.12.1
Apache JSPWiki
- version: 9.0.78, 9.0.65
itgainis/s4dbs_frontend 1.4.0
Speedgain for Databases Frontend
- version: 9.0.65
arm32v7/convertigo 8.2.4
Enterprise grade full-stack Open source Low Code & No Code Platform for web & mobile application
- version: 9.0.85, 9.0.80
geosolutionsit/mapstore2-georchestra 2023.02.00-RC3-geOrchestra
Custom Image to be used in a GeOrchestra deploy
- version: 9.0.65