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Package Usage : maven : org.apache.lucene:lucene-join
Explore the latest package usage data for org.apache.lucene:lucene-join in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,144
Total downloads: 2,413,239,939
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apache/nutch latest
Apache Nutch
- version: 8.11.2
wso2/wso2ei-analytics-worker latest
Worker profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator Analytics
- version: 8.0.0
arm64v8/solr 9.4-slim
Apache Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source search platform built on Apache Lucene™.
- version: 9.3.0, 9.7.0, 9.4.2, 9.8.0
openshift/origin-logging-elasticsearch5 v4.0.0
- version: 6.6.1
kartoza/ckanext-dalrrd-emc-dcpr a37ae45
CKAN extension to provide the DALRRD EMC
- version: 9.4.2
willdurand/elk latest
- version: 4.10.4
owasp/sonarqube latest
This project aims to enable more security functionalities to SonarQube and use it as an SAST.
- version: 6.6.1
apache/unomi 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Unomi™ is a Java Open Source GDPR compliance aware customer data platform engine
- version: 8.2.0
openzipkin/zipkin-elasticsearch7 latest
Mirror of
- version: 8.6.2
corpusops/elasticsearch 8.4.3
- version: 9.3.0
opensearchproject/data-prepper 2.6.1
The Official Docker Image of OpenSearch Data Prepper (
- version: 8.10.1
wso2/wso2ei-integrator 6.6.0
Integrator profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator
- version: 8.0.0
appcelerator/elasticsearch-amp 6.2.1
Elasticsearch for AMP
- version: 7.2.1
airbyte/container-orchestrator dev-1cd21a7305
- version: 8.11.1, 8.10.1
guywithnose/solr 6.3.0
- version: 6.3.0
mattermost/mattermost-elasticsearch-docker 7.17.3
ElasticSearch Dockerfile for use with Mattermost for development purposes.
- version: 8.11.1
asappinc/es 9b10e9eaa19e109de133f45dce9f009f094c87bb
- version: 6.6.0
wodby/elasticsearch 7-5.19.2
- version: 8.11.1
apache/nifi-stateless latest
Apache stateless nifi
- version: 5.3.1, 6.6.1
Alfresco Process Services
- version: 8.11.1
117503445/elasticsearch latest
elasticsearch with ik
- version: 8.8.0
pelias/elasticsearch 7.17.15
- version: 8.11.1, 8.10.1
confluentinc/ksql-clickstream-demo latest
An advanced demo of the capabilities of KSQL.
- version: 6.6.1
localstack/java-maven-node-python latest
Base image with pre-baked core infrastructure
- version: 8.7.0
docksal/solr 8-edge
Apache Solr service images for Docksal -
- version: 8.6.1
geerlingguy/solr 9.4.0
Apache Solr image built from the Ansible Role geerlingguy.solr
- version: 9.4.2, 9.8.0, 8.11.1
arm64v8/xwiki 15.9.0-mysql-tomcat
XWiki: The Advanced Open Source Enterprise Wiki.
- version: 8.11.2
arm64v8/crate 5.5
CrateDB is an open-source, distributed SQL database empowering you to turn data into business value.
- version: 9.8.0, 9.4.2, 9.5.0, 9.6.0
jboss/jbpm-workbench-showcase 7.17.0.Final
jBPM Workbench Showcase
- version: 6.6.1
sebp/elkx latest
Collect, search and visualise log data with Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and X-Pack.
- version: 7.2.1
webdevops/typo3-solr 3.1
TYPO3 Solr
- version: 4.10.4
tcema/spe-api 2967
- version: 8.9.0
jboss/jbpm-workbench 7.17.0.Final
jBPM Workbench
- version: 6.6.1
runmymind/elasticsearch latest
- version: 8.8.0
apachepinot/pinot-presto 0.281-SNAPSHOT-031ce06fcc-20230307
This image is a presto image built-in with pinot connector. Currently supporting Presto 0.234.0
- version: 7.0.1
wodby/drupal-solr 7-2.5.0
Solr for Drupal (search_api_solr) container image with orchestration
- version: 5.4.1
actency/docker-solr 7.7.2
Actency solr image with Drupal configuration files included. Check our other images.
- version: 7.7.2
broadinstitute/elasticsearch 5.4.0_7
ElasticSearch Docker image
- version: 6.5.0
blacktop/elastic-stack 7
Elastic Stack
- version: 8.8.2
landoop/fast-data-dev-connect-cluster latest
Deprecated. Please use fast-data-connect-cluster.
- version: 7.7.3, 8.11.1
arm64v8/elasticsearch 8.11.3
Elasticsearch is a powerful open source search and analytics engine that makes data easy to explore.
- version: 9.5.0, 9.4.2, 9.7.0
arm64v8/geonetwork 4.2.5
GeoNetwork is a FOSS catalog for spatially referenced resources.
- version: 8.9.0
ppc64le/elasticsearch 2.4.1
Elasticsearch is a powerful open source search and analytics engine that makes data easy to explore.
- version: 5.5.2
ppc64le/solr 9.4-slim
Apache Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source search platform built on Apache Lucene™.
- version: 9.4.2, 9.7.0, 9.8.0, 9.3.0
sixeyed/elasticsearch 5.6.11-windowsservercore-ltsc2019
Windows Nano Server image for Elasticsearch.
- version: 6.6.1
pmdigital/3.8-alpine-dcs-base 2.0.7
- version: 8.10.1
amolkemtec/elasticsearch newels23
- version: 8.10.1
basho/riak-ts latest
Docker image for running a minimal Riak TS cluster.
- version: 4.10.4-SNAPSHOT
tcema/elasticsearch-api 1614
- version: 8.11.1
webcenter/rancher-alfresco 5.2-201612GA
Alfresco 5.1.0 container to get ready Electronic Contend Management (ECM) in few seconds
- version: 4.10.3
amsterdam/elasticsearch6 latest
- version: 7.7.3
chinayin/elasticsearch 7.17.6
Elasticsearch is a powerful open source search and analytics engine that makes data easy to explore.
- version: 8.11.1
s390x/solr 9.4-slim
Apache Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source search platform built on Apache Lucene™.
- version: 9.7.0, 9.3.0, 9.4.2, 9.8.0