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Package Usage : maven : org.apache.kerby:kerb-core
Explore the latest package usage data for org.apache.kerby:kerb-core in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,027
Total downloads: 485,841,408
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airbyte/destination-redshift 0.7.0
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-bigquery-denormalized 2.0.0
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-mysql 0.3.0
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-gcs 0.4.4
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-clickhouse 0.2.5
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_bam-bsqr 1.2.2
- version: 1.0.1
ferlabcrsj/spark-operator 3.0.0_1
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_bam-filter-mismatch 1.4.1
- version: 1.0.1
iomete/hive-spark 3.2.v30
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/gatk dbsnp-genotyping_grch38-no-alt-analysis-set_1.0.4-chrY-and-the-rest
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-postgres-strict-encrypt 0.5.0
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-mssql 0.2.0
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-azure-blob-storage 0.2.1
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-oracle 0.2.0
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-dynamodb 0.1.7
- version: 1.0.1
entando/entando-solr 8
- version: 1.0.1
hpccbuilds/smoketest-platform-build-vcpkg candidate-8.12.x-164df4f5d1cd71ca32be2fb79a2c36cde9fa9308
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_bam-metrics-grch38-no-alt 1.0.2
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-mariadb-columnstore 0.1.7
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-mysql-strict-encrypt 0.3.0
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-rockset 0.1.4
- version: 1.0.1
fjardim/nifi latest
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-mssql-strict-encrypt 0.2.0
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_mt-varcall-mutect2 1.1.2
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_genotype-gvcf-on-dbsnp-positions-grch38-no-alt 1.0.2-chrY-and-the-rest
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/gatk- 1.0.0
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_vcf-concat 1.0.4
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/gatk- 1.0.0
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_vcf-anno-cosmic 2.0.0
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_mt-realign 1.1.2
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_bam-gatk-m2 1.1.2
- version: 1.0.1
wangpengcheng/zookeeper 3.4.14
- version: 1.1.0, *
airbyte/destination-s3-glue 0.1.7
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_vcf-varcall-metrics-hg38 1.1.2
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/gatk- 1.1.0
- version: 1.0.1
wpoch/pingfederate 9.2.1
- version: 1.0.0-RC2
airbyte/destination-oracle-strict-encrypt 0.2.0
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-jdbc 0.3.14
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-tidb 0.1.4
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-r2 0.1.0
- version: 1.0.1
airbyte/destination-bitdotio 0.1.0
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/task_vcf-prepare 1.0.3
- version: 1.0.1
dview/scylla-kafka-connector v1.1.1
- version: 1.0.1
dview/airflow 2.5.3-python3.8
- version: 1.0.1
gesiscss/binder-thedatasociety-2dlab-2dhadoop-370ec1 9b56babb15b3edce08a72fb6c6b2110ff4583946
- version: 1.0.1
timveil/docker-hadoop-historyserver 3.1.x
Docker image for Apache Hadoop History Server
- version: 1.0.1
iomete/ranger 2.4.0-latest
- version: 1.0.1
iomete/metastore 5.0.0
- version: 1.0.1
timveil/docker-hadoop-resourcemanager 3.1.x
Docker image for Apache Hadoop Resource Manager
- version: 1.0.1
timveil/docker-hadoop-nodemanager 3.1.x
Docker image for Apache Hadoop Node Manager
- version: 1.0.1
adityapant/spark v3.2.0
- version: 1.0.1
ankitkharedocker/mdasv1 spark-3.3.1
- version: 1.0.1
pingsutw/hello-submarine latest
This docker is for beginner who want to learn and use Submarine
- version: *, 1.1.0
kydim/pyspark-notebook latest
- version: 1.0.1
jm3015/spark-py latest
- version: 1.0.1
iomete/query_scheduler_job 0.3.0
- version: 1.0.1
intelliseqngs/gatk- 1.0.0
- version: 1.0.1
docphpro/magento-cloud-docker-php 8.2-fpm
- version: 1.1.0, *
intelanalytics/bigdl-ppml-trusted-big-data-ml-scala-occlum 2.4.0-oss
- version: 1.0.1
intelanalytics/bigdl 2.4.0
BigDL local test Docker image
- version: 1.0.1
timveil/docker-hadoop-hive-metastore-standalone latest
Docker image for Apache Hive Metastore running as a standalone service
- version: 1.0.1
inseefrlab/trino renovate-configure
Docker image for trino :
- version: 1.0.1
ttbb/hadoop nake
- version: 1.0.1
gsiachamis/ssj-coordinator reduct-1.0
- version: 1.0.1
cloudcheflabs/hivemetastore v3.3.5
- version: 1.0.1