An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven : org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime
Explore the latest package usage data for org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 6,290
Total downloads: 6,857,926,580
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alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-aws 7.0.0-TEST6
Alfresco Content Repository image used for ACS Enterprise on AWS
- version: 4.5.12
unidata/thredds-docker 5.5-SNAPSHOT
Containerized THREDDS Data Server
- version: 4.5.13
datasense/logstash_indexer 7.17.4
Logstash + crond curator
- version: 4.5.13
androidsdk/android-30 latest
Docker for Android SDK 30 with preinstalled build tools and emulator image
- version: 4.1
The Customer Frontend component (Java) of the Dynatrace easyTravel demo application.
- version: 4.5.10
jboss/drools-workbench 7.17.0.Final
Drools Workbench
- version: 4.5.3, 4.5.2
jboss/business-central-workbench latest
- version: 4.5.13
beevelop/ionic v2023.10.1
Latest Ionic based on the latest Cordova, the latest Node.js and the latest Android
- version: 4.5.6, 4.5.11, 4.1
selenium/node-phantomjs latest
This image is deprecated since native support in Selenium was dropped from version 3.7.1
- version: 4.5.3
atlassian/bitbucket 8.16-jdk11
- version: 4.5.14, 4.5.13
apache/nutch latest
Apache Nutch
- version: 4.5.13
webgoat/webgoat-7.1 latest
Latest stable version of WebGoat, see
- version: 4.5
blacklabelops/crowd 3.3.0
Dockerized Atlassian Crowd
- version: 4.5.3
binhex/arch-jenkins 2.437-1-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with Jenkins
- version: 4.5.13, 4.5.14
tcema/transparencia-wf 1
- version: 4.5.2
axiom/docker-erddap latest-jdk17-temurin-focal
A feature full Tomcat (SSL over APR, etc.) running ERDDAP
- version: 4.5.13
ashish1981/s390x-x86-jenkins-ibmdbb merge-2022-12-09--08-00
- version: 4.5.13
prepend2/crowd 5.2.2
- version: 4.5.14, 4.5.13
arm64v8/solr 9.4-slim
Apache Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source search platform built on Apache Lucene™.
- version: 4.5.13, 4.5.14
kartoza/ckanext-dalrrd-emc-dcpr a37ae45
CKAN extension to provide the DALRRD EMC
- version: 4.5.14
springcloud/spring-cloud-contract-stub-runner 4.0.4
- version: 4.5.13, 4.5.14
graylog/graylog-enterprise 5.2.2
- version: 4.5.13, 4.5.14
confluentinc/ksql-cli 5.1.2
[DEPRECATED] The KSQL CLI with an integrated server for trial purposes.
- version: 4.5.2
termux/package-builder latest
Image for building termux packages
- version: 4.5.6
barichello/godot-ci 4.2
Docker image to export Godot Engine games.
- version: 4.5.6, 4.1
willdurand/elk latest
- version: 4.3.6
camptocamp/geocat geocat_3.10.x_final-23-b3bd356
- version: 4.5.9
jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent 2023.11.1
TeamCity Minimal Build Agent
- version: 4.5.13, 4.5.14, 4.5.6
jenkins/pct model
Plugin Compat Tester - no longer published as a docker image
- version: 4.5.13
ojpfight/jenkins latest
- version: 4.5.14
entando/entando-keycloak v7.3.0
- version: 4.5.13
apache/unomi 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Unomi™ is a Java Open Source GDPR compliance aware customer data platform engine
- version: 4.5.5
oxidesales/oxideshop-docker-selenium S3FF94
Custom Selenium container
- version: 4.5.3
algolia/docsearch-scraper latest
Image from the DocSearch scraper Source:
- version: 4.5.5
scalingo/logstash 6.8.4
- version: 4.5.2
dit4c/dit4c-container-openrefine latest
DIT4C image for OpenRefine
- version: 4.2.5
bitriseio/docker-android latest
android base
- version: 4.1
bmedora/oltpbench latest
- version: 4.3.1, 4.5.3
beevelop/cordova v2023.10.1
Cordova docker image
- version: 4.5.11, 4.1, 4.5.6
atlassian/stash 3.11
On-premises source code management for Git that's secure, fast, and enterprise grade.
- version: 4.0, 4.1.2
apache/hadoop 3.3.5
Apache Hadoop convenience builds
- version: 4.5.12, 4.5.6
clickhouse/stateless-test 57596-f482dbae1053aed0efb284edd1873c726b9343c7
- version: 4.5.6
adaptris/interlok 4.9.1-zulu-alpine
Interlok image that exposes 8080 + 5555 and volumes for configuration logging and the UI
- version: 4.5.13