An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven : org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime
Explore the latest package usage data for org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 6,290
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puppet/puppetdb latest
A Docker image for running PuppetDB
- version: 4.5
springcloud/spring-pipeline-m2 latest
Image containing m2 with jars for Concourse pipelines
- version: 4.5.3, 4.5.2
gocd/gocd-server v23.4.0
GoCD server docker image based on Alpine
- version: 4.5.14
pytorch/pytorch 2.1.2-cuda12.1-cudnn8-runtime
PyTorch is a deep learning framework that puts Python first.
- version: 4.5.1
bitnami/jenkins 2.426.1
Bitnami Docker Image for Jenkins
- version: 4.5.13, 4.5.14
cimg/android 2023.12-browsers
- version: 4.1, 4.5.6
confluentinc/cp-ksql-server 5.4.11-1-ubi8.amd64
This is the production ready Confluent docker image for KSQL Server.
- version: 4.5.13
codercom/enterprise-dev latest
- version: 4.5.12
dbeaver/cloudbeaver ea
CloudBeaver latest release
- version: 4.5.13
apache/dolphinscheduler 2.0.7
A platform to distributed, visual interface, schedule, and monitor workflows
- version: 4.5.13
dependencytrack/apiserver 3259-trivy-integration
Dependency-Track API Server
- version: 4.5.14, 4.5.13
openshift/jenkins-slave-maven-centos7 v3.11
A Jenkins slave image with OpenJDK 1.8 and Maven 3.x included.
- version: 4.2.5, 4.3.6
cirrusci/flutter 3.8.0-10.1.pre
- version: 4.5.6
- version: 4.4.1
library/geonetwork 4.4.1
GeoNetwork is a FOSS catalog for spatially referenced resources.
- version: 4.5.14, 4.5.9
library/nuxeo latest
DEPRECATED; contact Nuxeo for support/updates
- version: 4.5.6
apache/arrow-dev arm64v8-python-3.12-wheel-manylinux-test
Apache Arrow convenience images for development use
- version: *
pivotalrabbitmq/ci latest
Custom Docker image used in Concourse deployment
- version: 4.5.13
kartoza/geoserver 2.24.0
- version: 4.5.1, 4.5.8, 4.5.2
apache/druid 28.0.1
Apache Druid
- version: 4.5.3
axoniq/axonserver latest-jdk-17-nonroot
Axon Server is a server for the Axon CQRS Framework
- version: 4.5.14
apachepinot/pinot 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-fe072c63bd-20231204-21-openjdk-linux-arm64
Pinot is a real-time distributed OLAP datastore, built to deliver scalable real-time analytics.
- version: 4.5.13
openshift/jenkins-agent-maven-35-centos7 v3.11
A Jenkins slave image with OpenJDK 1.8 and Maven 3.5 included. DEPRECATED: see below
- version: 4.5.3
riftbit/graylog latest
Graylog with some plugins based on Official Graylog container
- version: 4.5.2
wso2/wso2am latest
WSO2 API Manager
- version: 4.3.6
alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-community 23.2.0-A6
Alfresco Content Repository Community docker images.
- version: 4.5.14, 4.5.13
apache/zeppelin 0.11.0
Apache Zeppelin
- version: 4.5.2
library/rapidoid latest
DEPRECATED; lacking active maintainer
- version: 4.5
atlassian/jira-servicemanagement 5.12-ubuntu-jdk11
Jira Service Management is a fully featured service desk tool used by modern IT teams.
- version: *, 4.5.13, 4.5.14
bitriseio/android-ndk latest
Built on the base Android docker image, adds pre-installed Android NDK
- version: 4.1
jboss/drools-workbench-showcase 7.17.0.Final
Drools Workbench Showcase
- version: 4.5.3, 4.5.2
Atlassian Jira Composable and Tested with Postgres and Mysql Containers.
- version: *, 4.5.5
mesosphere/kafka-client 5.4.0
Kafka client
- version: 4.5.9
fabric8/jenkins-openshift SNAPSHOT-PR-231-155
- version: 4.5.3, 4.5.5, 4.2.1
bitnami/logstash 8.11.3
- version: 4.5.13
jetbrains/upsource 2020.1.2006
Official Docker image for JetBrains Upsource
- version: 4.5.6, 4.5.3
dchevell/jira-software 7
Deprecated - use atlassian/jira-software
- version: *, 4.5.5
jboss/kie-server-showcase latest
KIE Execution Server Showcase
- version: 4.5.13
atlassian/confluence 8.6.0
- version: 4.5.14, *, 4.5.13
atlassian/crucible 4.8.13
Crucible: find bugs and improve code quality through peer code review.
- version: 4.1.2, 4.5.5, 4.5.13, 4.4.1