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Package Usage : maven : org.apache.groovy.swing:groovy-swing
Explore the latest package usage data for org.apache.groovy.swing:groovy-swing in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 31
Total downloads: 77,917,358
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library/groovy 4.0.24
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted language for the Java platform.
- version: 4.0.10, 4.0.11, 4.0.8, 4.0.15
ppc64le/groovy 4.0.24
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted language for the Java platform.
- version: 4.0.11, 4.0.8, 4.0.10, 4.0.14
s390x/groovy 4.0.23
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted language for the Java platform.
- version: 4.0.10, 4.0.14, 4.0.11, 4.0.8
arm64v8/groovy 4.0.24
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted language for the Java platform.
- version: 4.0.14, 4.0.8, 4.0.11, 4.0.10
arm32v7/groovy 4.0.24
Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted language for the Java platform.
- version: 4.0.10, 4.0.11, 4.0.14
binhex/arch-intellij 2024.3-1-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with IntelliJ IDEA
- version: 4.0.7, 4.0.12
truecharts/intellij build20230429001457
- version: 4.0.10, 4.0.6
starrocks/fe-ubuntu 3.3.5
- version: 4.0.9
is00hcw/groovy 4.1
- version: 4.0.11, 4.0.7
lj020326/cicd-build-tools latest
Docker image with all the commonly used tools to build Java applications on Jenkins slaves
- version: 4.0.11
sreejithfocaloid/groovy latest.slimxx
- version: 4.0.10
susmithagundu/clouddriver v6
- version: 4.0.13
nbvishnu/groovy-hello latest.slimxx
- version: 4.0.10
sanopsmx/ubi8.7-clouddriver-oes-java17 bugfix
- version: 4.0.11
cloudnativek8s/groovy 4.0.13-jdk17-alpine
- version: 4.0.13, 4.0.11
lj020326/jenkins-swarm-agent latest
- version: 4.0.11
padmanabhanl/tps-groovy-rule-engine v1
- version: 4.0.9
lvlouisaslia/allin1-ubuntu 3.0.0-no-avx2-no-sse42
- version: 4.0.9
pattanjaffarkhan/di_v13_0_rhel8_3 latest
- version: 4.0.6
starrocks/allin1-ubuntu 3.3.7
- version: 4.0.9
starrocks/artifacts-ubuntu 3.3.4
- version: 4.0.9
starrocks/artifacts-centos7 3.3.7
- version: 4.0.9
petrosapiro/apiro-rud last
- version: 4.0.15
focaloiddev/kiran-test-4-groovy-hello latest
- version: 4.0.10
lhrbest/starrocks 3.0.0
- version: 4.0.9
akashxrepo/akashx-starrocks-3.1.0 latest
customised starrocks version by Akashx
- version: 4.0.9
rombert/pospai latest
- version: 4.0.10
lucasjamesveygo/gremlin-server 0.0.4
- version: 4.0.9
evnp/tent-ng latest
- version: 4.0.11
gkk19/tps-groovy-rule-engine 2023.03
- version: 4.0.9
skyereddevops/online-theia latest
- version: 4.0.6