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Package Usage : maven : org.apache.ant:ant-xz
Explore the latest package usage data for org.apache.ant:ant-xz in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 716
Total downloads: 229,761,940
More details on - JSON
jgwill/plantuml latest
- version: 1.10.7
mdernst/tmp-cf-ubuntu-jdk11 latest
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libflute-java latest
- version: 1.10.7
nguyenchan/ionic_builder arm64
android sdk
- version: 1.10.9
harshjain12/imagefinal v1
- version: 1.10.12
ikezycloud/ntu-vm-soft40051 latest
- version: 1.10.8
kubesphere/builder-maven v3.2.1-jdk11-podman
- version: 1.10.7
chdemodockerhub/counterapp nosp-20220125
- version: 1.10.5
eygtmbot/ruby-2.7-with-postgres11-node-twilio latest
- version: 1.10.5
eygtmbot/ruby-and-azure latest
- version: 1.10.5
devopscorner/terraform-infra latest-dd5ceeaabf3e11ba50572938a3e180c9ec035d7a
DevOps Corner Indonesia - Terraform Infra Container Image
- version: 1.10.12
skiinder/code-server 2023-02-15
- version: 1.10.12
voltdb/dev-operator-v2-build-tools 0.0.2
- version: 1.10.12
nidhishk/scanplus2 aws
- version: 1.10.12
kestr3l/matlab-notebook 20.04-py310-cu1171-r2023a
- version: 1.10.12
hikachuu/java_getter latest
- version: 1.10.5
cxnleach/scaresolver-general-build-ado latest
- version: 1.10.13
harshjain12/imagelatest17 1.0
- version: 1.10.12
linlien/hackbox docker
customize kasm workspace
- version: 1.10.5
dhanraj2602/trade-it-image 0.0.2
- version: 1.10.9
chloetu/ig_aligners latest
- version: 1.10.5
quinchucua/weblogic12c.2.1.4 v1
- version: 1.10.5
jmichaelegana/beast2-beagle-cuda beast2.6.7
- version: 1.10.5
prosyslab/bug-bench-libbsf-java 20210730
- version: 1.10.7
a843611554/php74-for-rpis latest
- version: 1.10.9
pvsco/lm-test devel-1804-20230112
- version: 1.10.5
prosyslab/bug-bench-libjava3d-jni 20210802
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libvecmath-java 20210801
- version: 1.10.7
lj020326/cicd-build-tools latest
Docker image with all the commonly used tools to build Java applications on Jenkins slaves
- version: 1.10.13
prosyslab/bug-bench-hprof-conv 20210801
- version: 1.10.7
dpostdbaccount/cloudera-rstudio notlatest
- version: 1.10.7
jiandong/ml-workspace-gpu cuda10.1-pytorch1.4
- version: 1.10.7
devangwcg/atlassian-default-update-ssh latest
- version: 1.10.7
hainanule/ubuntu v1
- version: 1.10.9, 1.10.12
josuecaballero/cas-base-ssh custom-authentication
- version: 1.10.12
prosyslab/bug-bench-mkgmap-splitter 20210808
- version: 1.10.7
hstankegvs/tms_v6_build latest
- version: 1.10.12
alxpub/letme android-sdk-latest
- version: 1.10.9
supersat/tvm-hexagon-devcontainer latest
- version: 1.10.3
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxmlbeans-java latest
- version: 1.10.7
engslayer/airvata latest
- version: 1.10.12
abvgdeej/cuda-spark v2
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libdom4j-java latest
- version: 1.10.7
gpyfn7mm/todo 1
- version: 1.10.5
harshjain12/latest10 1.0
- version: 1.10.12
volnenko/projector latest
Idea Projector with developer tools under Docker.
- version: 1.10.5
totvsengpro/az-dockeragent 0.8.1-ubuntu2004
- version: 1.10.7
kennedyuche/docai-data-load v1.1.0
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libflexdock-java 20210807
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxml-java 20210803
- version: 1.10.7
cc237738572/kubesphere_builder-maven v3.2.0
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libcommons-discovery-java 20210809
- version: 1.10.7
amhe4269/hcp-icafix-base 1.06.15
- version: 1.10.7
techpromux/android-nodejs 0.0.1
Docker Image for build apps with nodejs and android sdk
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libskinlf-java 20210807
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-scala-library 20210805
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-liblaf-plugin-java 20210805
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libsmali-java 20210805
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libaspectj-java 20210805
- version: 1.10.7
rosette/core-jenkins-builder latest
- version: 1.10.13
prosyslab/bug-bench-libmultiverse-core-java 20210803
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-mediathekview 20210805
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libformula-java 20210803
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libfreemarker-java 20210808
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libcommons-pool-java 20210806
- version: 1.10.7
lushang/cicd-ant v1.10.2
- version: 1.10.2
prosyslab/bug-bench-libintellij-annotations-java latest
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libcodemodel-java latest
- version: 1.10.7
prosyslab/bug-bench-libfop-java 20210731
- version: 1.10.7
severian1/geant4dev latest
Environment for developing GEANT4 simulations in Eclipse IDE
- version: 1.10.12
war1s/openjdk-17-jnlp bb
- version: 1.10.8
audiman7/xv-ci-u20-j17-n16 latest
- version: 1.10.7
mhandfordghd/stm32cubeide v0.4
- version: 1.10.12
slarrieu/docker-cordova 12
- version: 1.10.7
zhaojohn96/teradatastudio-linux v5
Teradata Vantage Graphic tools on Linux
- version: 1.10.5
rohitsharma93/oracleweblogic-dev oraclenew14
- version: 1.10.5
anniewangly/large_deletion latest
- version: 1.10.5
harshjain12/latest3 1.0
- version: 1.10.12
pavan326/python_backend latest
- version: 1.10.9
navoday/hybrisojdk latest
- version: 1.10.9, 1.10.11
dnxbrasil/pulumi 3.40.0
- version: 1.10.9
rm6777/api latest
- version: 1.10.12
atulb/py latest
- version: 1.10.7
vkoshkin/teamcity-agent 2023.11-21
TeamCity agent with latest JDK
- version: 1.10.11
thesnowwhite/bionic-vivado-sdk 2022.2
Docker image with Vivado 2022.2 and Petalinux in Ubuntu Bionic
- version: 1.10.7
guguchecken/tester latest
- version: 1.10.9
shivam1993/trade_it latest
- version: 1.10.9
openpv/openview_cubeide latest
- version: 1.10.12
mahesh0537/cs626 latest
- version: 1.10.7
maybehelloworld/cicflowmeter latest
- version: 1.10.5
sagintegrationpractice/employeeusecase portal.v1
- version: 1.10.12
pipservices/bitbucketrunner 3.0.2
- version: 1.10.7
jchavarr/gitpod-featureide 3.10.0
- version: 1.10.10, 1.10.12
harshu987/msrdeployer 5pkg
- version: 1.10.12
abvgdeej/cuda-jdk8-spark v2
- version: 1.10.7
sameer66devops/sameerimage 090121.22
- version: 1.10.5