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Package Usage : maven : org.apache.activemq:artemis-quorum-api
Explore the latest package usage data for org.apache.activemq:artemis-quorum-api in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 33
Total downloads: 85,025
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rubelw/activemq-artemis 2.20.15-latest
- version: 2.20.0
truecharts/komga build20230323132019
- version: 2.19.1
nbittich/triplestore 2024.1.1
TDB2 triplestore
- version: 2.26.0, 2.19.1, 2.31.2
apache/activemq-artemis 2.38.0
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
- version: 2.31.2, 2.31.0
nbittich/artemis v2022.1.1
- version: 2.29.0, 2.27.1, 2.28.0
orangebees/apache-artemis 2.36.0
Apache Artemis application for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64
- version: 2.29.0, 2.27.1, 2.31.0
janoslaszlox/manager latest
- version: 2.26.0
anubodhjain289/apache-artemis-centos 2.27.1
- version: 2.27.1
mtgcompanion/mtgcompanion latest
MTG COmpanion Web UI service
- version: 2.30.0
evonolo/loxone-gateway latest
- version: 2.19.1
chirvasutatc/bdi-api 0.1
- version: 2.19.1
lurdan/komga latest
- version: 2.19.1
cetecdigi/activemq-artemis 2.31.2-jre17-focal
- version: 2.27.1, 2.30.0
basil77/artemis test2
- version: 2.23.1
030891/artemis-centos 2.28.0
- version: 2.28.0
jinge1746/crawler 7
- version: 2.26.0
leixuewen/apache-artemis 2.31.2
- version: 2.31.2, 2.27.1
allion/activemq-artemis 2.22.0
- version: 2.22.0
wfsettlement1/fxinsta-sample PartyC
- version: 2.19.1
enricovs/springjmsserver 1.0.0
- version: 2.19.1
dgmhub/activemq-artemis 2.29.0
- version: 2.29.0
kapua/kapua-events-broker 1.6.11
Container running the Event Broker that dispatch Events from and to Kapua services.
- version: 2.19.0
dhis2/core-pr 18945
Docker images built from specific short-lived branches
- version: 2.30.0, 2.31.2
simorex/activemq-artemis 2.29.0-ubuntu-11-jre
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
- version: 2.29.0
witwickey/artemis-centos 2.28.0
- version: 2.28.0
skillworks/apache-artemis 2.31.0
- version: 2.29.0
baruchf/datomic latest
- version: 2.19.1
marolok/telegram_bot 2.0.2
- version: 2.26.0
udsmdhis2/dhis2custom 2.40.2
- version: 2.28.0
ngsoftwaredev/poc-artemis 0.0.2
Spring Boot webapp for ActiveMQ Artemis POC
- version: 2.28.0
ljdyw/komga latest
- version: 2.19.1
ninckblokje/artemis-ubuntu 2.28.0
- version: 2.28.0