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Package Usage : maven : okhttp:okhttp
Explore the latest package usage data for okhttp:okhttp in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 572
Total downloads: 1,783,963,430
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sorinaccio/accounts latest
- version: 4.10.0
serhatprogramming/cards ver6
- version: 4.10.0
serhatprogramming/loans ver6
- version: 4.10.0
arinaf/configserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
jpuritscher/accounts s17
- version: 4.10.0
anchtun1212/gatewayserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
salonisinha/bwce_repo v1
- version: 4.9.1
lukegrossmann/accounts latest
- version: 4.10.0
jhem/gatewayserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
ickeep/rn-app-base 0.9.1
- version: 4.9.2
qdonl/minio-service 230624
- version: 4.11.0
adhipk/group31-project1-phase1-bonus latest
- version: 4.9.3
rchaudhari29/datadiscovery-onprem-agent 202308.1.0
- version: 4.10.0
oosm/cdaas-kubesourcer v0.1.4
- version: 4.10.0
korisproject/dasting-adminapi latest
- version: 4.9.3
korisproject/dasting-blockchain latest
- version: 4.9.0
priyanka4pc/kafka-connect 1.0.0
- version: 4.10.0, 4.9.3
georgelucas/debezium-mysql latest
- version: 4.10.0
pafra88/ws1-business-services 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
victorlai/auth latest
- version: 4.9.2
polo1jcw/eurekaserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
ngothanh9901/mmv2-currency-conversion-service 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
joaquin76/tk_bc_holidayextras_api amd64
- version: 4.10.0
krdinesh/ftgo-category-service 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
sorinaccio/gatewayserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
sravanikirla/cards latest
- version: 4.10.0
letnik86/r-food-news-bot latest
- version: 4.10.0
wjxiz1992/sparkaas-rest 0.6.0
- version: 4.11.0
jpuritscher/gatewayserver s17
- version: 4.10.0
sangwoo0795/auth0.0.2 latest
auth v.0.0.2
- version: 4.9.3
zilvinas0147/chatapp-gateway latest
- version: 4.10.0
sorinaccio/cards latest
- version: 4.10.0
ou268067297/metaclash latest
- version: 4.10.0
aniketphadatare/k8s_spring_cloud_api_gateway 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
openiamdocker/opensearch-k8 4458ae18-e95f-4316-8aea-845a31ce2124
Opensearch kubernetes image
- version: 4.9.3
ajcordenete/mmv2-currency-exchange-service 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
amartinez8929/usuarios latest
- version: 4.9.3
georgiivvelev/configserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
springcloud/spring-cloud-skipper-server 2.11.2-SNAPSHOT-jdk8
- version: 4.11.0
madalinaotvos/k8dockerkeycloak latest_1
- version: 4.9.3
locko/notion-habit-challenge 84
- version: 4.9.3
demtag/monitoring-demo-server 0.0.6
A simple webserver that can be used for monitoring demonstrations
- version: 4.10.0
lancehoteis/service-location 30a675b3
- version: 4.10.0
lancehoteis/hotel-provider-cangooroo-homolog latest
- version: 4.10.0
usinegk2023/spring-petclinic-k8s-api-gateway latest
- version: 4.10.0
smartbcity/did-gateway 0.0.8
- version: 4.10.0
blearn8/monitor-rest 64
- version: 4.10.0
usinegk2023/spring-petclinic-k8s-customers latest
- version: 4.10.0
usinegk2023/spring-petclinic-k8s-vets latest
- version: 4.10.0
usinegk2023/spring-petclinic-k8s-visits latest
- version: 4.10.0
sidnlabs/entrada2 latest
- version: 4.10.0
learndev77/cards ghcheck
- version: 4.10.0
hanhyunsoo/bakku-api latest
- version: 4.10.0
queryinterface/storage-dispatcher latest
- version: 4.9.3
wsonchen/spring-cloud-kubernetes-configuration-watcher 3.0.5-CUSTOM-24
- version: 4.10.0
226772/cards latest
- version: 4.10.0
mmatejovic/accounts k8s
- version: 4.10.0
learndev77/eurekaserver ghcheck
- version: 4.10.0
learndev77/configserver ghcheck
- version: 4.10.0
fabkeplero/keplero-migrazione-misure-tool v0.0.9
- version: 4.9.3
kaushal1998/accounts-service K8S
- version: 4.10.0
jsoon/localcluster latest
- version: 4.10.0
apaspxp/lms-config-server latest
- version: 4.10.0
gdong42/chat-bot latest
- version: 4.10.0
juanros13/nucleo-dash-msvc-geography 0.0.5-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
pxksbdwmkcnadtjdit/config-map-test3 0.4
- version: 4.9.3
juanros13/nucleo-dash-msvc-visits 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
luhuiguo/gaia latest
- version: 4.10.0
moom5656/eazybytes-gateway v6
- version: 4.10.0
mahesh566/microservice-bank-cards 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
mahesh566/microservice-bank-eurekaserver 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
vdongmo/configserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
mahesh566/microservice-bank-loans 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
forogh/mmv3-currency-conversion-service 0.0.13-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
mmatejovic/eurekaserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
sravanikirla/accounts k8s
- version: 4.10.0
sarveshreddy23/accounts latest
- version: 4.10.0
kosiara2137/eurekaserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
kaushal1998/card-service latest
- version: 4.10.0
angadoxe/ms-swipe-service 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
cdowney/demo 0.0.7
- version: 4.9.3
showpune/spring-petclinic-api-gateway-noeureka 3.0.2
- version: 4.10.0
mmatejovic/cards latest
- version: 4.10.0
krios2146/cloud-file-storage latest
- version: 4.10.0
kaushal1998/loans-service latest
- version: 4.10.0
sarveshreddy23/cards latest
- version: 4.10.0
leonardoduarte1305/api-transportes-service noAuth-01-07
- version: 4.11.0
vdongmo/accounts latest
- version: 4.10.0
renatobviana/accounts latest
- version: 4.10.0
mais85/gatewayserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
mahesh566/microservice-bank-gatewayserver 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0
mmatejovic/loans latest
- version: 4.10.0
apaspxp/client-app-17thaug2023 latest
- version: 4.10.0
marcioss/eurekaserver latest
- version: 4.10.0
juancastrogorilla/spring nokuber
- version: 4.10.0
codebuddyapp/eureka latest
- version: 4.10.0
irineltudor/article 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.10.0