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Package Usage : maven : ognl:ognl
Explore the latest package usage data for ognl:ognl in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,024
Total downloads: 1,251,520,162
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library/sonarqube 10.3.0-enterprise
SonarQube is an open source platform for continuous inspection of code quality.
- version: 3.3.4, 3.1.26
sonatype/nexus3 3.63.0
Sonatype Nexus Repository 3
- version: 3.2.20
atlassian/confluence-server 8.7-ubuntu-jdk11
Official Confluence Server image – create, organise and discuss work with your team.
- version: 3.3.4
oznu/guacamole master
A self-contained guacamole docker container. Supports x64 and ARM.
- version: 3.1.16
cptactionhank/atlassian-confluence latest
Atlassian Confluence wrapped in a Docker image
- version: 2.6.5-atlassian-3
gocd/gocd-server v23.4.0
GoCD server docker image based on Alpine
- version: 3.3.4
apache/dolphinscheduler 2.0.7
A platform to distributed, visual interface, schedule, and monitor workflows
- version: 3.2.10
linuxserver/davos 2.2.2-ls152
A Davos container, brought to you by
- version: 3.0.8
alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-community 23.2.0-A6
Alfresco Content Repository Community docker images.
- version: 3.3.4, 3.3.2
atlassian/confluence 8.6.0
- version: 3.3.4
atlassian/crucible 4.8.13
Crucible: find bugs and improve code quality through peer code review.
- version: 3.0.21
Alfresco Repository Enterprise docker image used for Enterprise trials.
- version: 3.0.11
library/kaazing-gateway latest
DEPRECATED; lacking active maintainer
- version: 2.7.2
atlassian/bamboo-server 9.4-jdk11
Atlassian Bamboo Server
- version: 3.1.29
atlassian/crowd 5.2-ubuntu-jdk-11
Atlassian Crowd for Server and Data Center deployments
- version: 3.1.29
blacklabelops/confluence 6.13.1
Dockerized Atlassian Confluence
- version: 2.6.5-atlassian-3
atlassian/fisheye 4.8.13
Fisheye: search, monitor, and track across SVN, Git, and Perforce repositories.
- version: 3.0.21
alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-aws 7.0.0-TEST6
Alfresco Content Repository image used for ACS Enterprise on AWS
- version: 3.0.11
canal/canal-server v1.1.7
- version: 3.2.12, 3.2.15
blacklabelops/crowd 3.3.0
Dockerized Atlassian Crowd
- version: 3.1.15
prepend2/crowd 5.2.2
- version: 3.1.29
owasp/sonarqube latest
This project aims to enable more security functionalities to SonarQube and use it as an SAST.
- version: 3.1.16
apache/unomi 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Unomi™ is a Java Open Source GDPR compliance aware customer data platform engine
- version: 3.2.14
openanalytics/shinyproxy-realm-selector-snapshot 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-20220624.092555
- version: 3.1.12
Alfresco Process Services
- version: 3.3.4
apache/dolphinscheduler-api 3.2.0
- version: 3.3.2
sameersbn/openfire 3.10.3-19
- version: 3.0.5
dinersclub/be_chatbot_admin_container_gsf d7e3fe9
- version: 3.0.8
splatform/fissile-role-packages 6d99b4d9cc073254c9670e26663b45edd1077b4e
- version: 3.0.6
softwareplant/confluence injector-7.6.2-test-mg
Confluence images
- version: 2.6.5-atlassian-3
apache/syncope 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Syncope
- version: 3.3.4
apache/dubbo-admin 0.6.0
Apache Dubbo Administration
- version: 3.2.15
apache/hop 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Hop
- version: 3.3.4
pinpointdocker/pinpoint-web 2.5.3
Pinpoint Web
- version: 3.3.4
atlassian/bamboo 9.4.2-ubuntu
- version: 3.1.29
axelor/aos-preview-app prev-wip-8-1-wip-8-1-sche
Preview app of Axelor Open Suite. Not for production usage.
- version: 3.2.15
ttbb/bookkeeper mate
- version: 3.1.19
splatform/uaa-uaa c7e651aa44943ddc37184886573f9281051953c9
- version: 3.1.12
entando/entando-de-app-wildfly latest
- version: 3.1.26
apache/incubator-hop-web Development
- version: 2.6.9
webcenter/rancher-alfresco 5.2-201612GA
Alfresco 5.1.0 container to get ready Electronic Contend Management (ECM) in few seconds
- version: 3.0.11
arm64v8/kaazing-gateway latest
DEPRECATED; lacking active maintainer
- version: 2.7.2
liuyuanzhi163/hc_app v3.21
- version: 3.1.16
apache/shenyu-admin 2.6.0
shenyu-admin is apache shenyu gateway backend management system, you can control the traffic on it.
- version: 3.3.0
splatform/stratos-uaa latest
- version: 3.1.12
apache/hop-web 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT-beam
Apache Hop Web
- version: 3.3.4
apache/dolphinscheduler-standalone-server 3.2.0
- version: 3.3.2
apache/fineract-cn-notifications latest
Apache Fineract Notifications
- version: 3.0.8
ewolff/microservice-kubernetes-demo-order latest
- version: 3.1.12
ewolff/microservice-kubernetes-demo-catalog latest
- version: 3.1.12
ewolff/microservice-kubernetes-demo-customer latest
- version: 3.1.12
entando/fsi-cc-dispute-admin 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT
Entando Admin App for the Credit Card Dispute Demo
- version: 3.1.15
apache/dolphinscheduler-master 3.2.0
- version: 3.3.2
apache/dolphinscheduler-worker 3.2.0
- version: 3.3.2
entando/entando-de-app-eap latest
- version: 3.1.26