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Package Usage : maven : nl.basjes.collections:prefixmap
Explore the latest package usage data for nl.basjes.collections:prefixmap in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 32
Total downloads: 6,703,530
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snowplow/stream-enrich-kafka 3.9.0
- version: 2.0
snowplow/stream-enrich-kinesis 3.9.0
- version: 2.0
snowplow/try-snowplow-pipeline 2.0.4
- version: 2.0
apache/drill 1.21.2
Apache Drill
- version: 2.0
snowplow/snowplow-enrich-pubsub 5.2.0
- version: 2.0
snowplow/snowplow-micro 2.1.2
A lightweight version of the Snowplow pipeline that’s great for debugging and testing
- version: 2.0
apache/unomi 2.6.1
Apache Unomi™ is a Java Open Source GDPR compliance aware customer data platform engine
- version: 2.0
snowplow/snowplow-enrich-kinesis 5.1.4
- version: 2.0
snowplow/fs2-enrich 1.4.2
- version: 2.0
snowplow/beam-enrich 2.0.7
- version: 2.0
snowplow/stream-enrich-nsq 3.9.0
- version: 2.0
snowplow/snowplow-enrich-rabbitmq-experimental 3.9.0
- version: 2.0
snowplow/snowplow-enrich-kafka 5.1.2
- version: 2.0
resurfaceio/resurface-iceberg 3.5.36
Coordinator node for Resurface database (with Iceberg storage)
- version: 2.0
resurfaceio/resurface-iceberg-worker 3.5.36
Worker node for Resurface database (with Iceberg storage)
- version: 2.0
mheers/coyo-backend 24.3.1-RELEASE
- version: 1.1
regbo/lfp-data_tendis-server 11.7.0-RELEASE-2022-12-20-09-41-36
- version: 2.0
snowplow/snowplow-enrich-nsq 5.1.2
- version: 2.0
omegasystems/omega_ams 4.49.2
- version: 2.0
mtgcompanion/mtgcompanion latest
MTG COmpanion Web UI service
- version: 2.0
bobdelphi/testing v1
- version: 2.0
dokerwll/eladmin latest
- version: 2.0
dujunio/eladmin latest
- version: 2.0
resurfaceio/runtime 3.5.36
Runtime environment for Resurface database
- version: 2.0
resurfaceio/runtime-iceberg 3.5.36
Runtime environment for Resurface database (with Iceberg storage)
- version: 2.0
vishaldenge/kdtch 1.44
- version: 2.0
omegasystems/omega_test_bundle 4.41.0-SNAPSHOT_beta
- version: 2.0
lstevens/snowplowdev-enricher latest
- version: 2.0
hoabn/ads_computing v2.3.30
- version: 1.2
hoabn/ads_log_capture v2.3.41
- version: 1.2
hoabn/ads_preprocessing v2.3.45
- version: 1.2
xukun94/eladmin latest
- version: 2.0