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Package Usage : maven : net.openhft:zero-allocation-hashing
Explore the latest package usage data for net.openhft:zero-allocation-hashing in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,456
Total downloads: 580,580,334
More details on - JSON
airbyte/destination-clickhouse 0.2.5
- version: 0.9
iomete/hive-spark 3.2.v30
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-postgres-strict-encrypt 0.5.0
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-mssql 0.2.0
- version: 0.9
graylog/graylog-forwarder 5.2
- version: 0.9
bidlogixteam/utility-quarkus-serverless-aws latest
Utility to facilitate building an deploying quarkus serverless applications for aws
- version: 0.10.1
airbyte/destination-azure-blob-storage 0.2.1
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-oracle 0.2.0
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-dynamodb 0.1.7
- version: 0.9
hpccbuilds/smoketest-platform-build-vcpkg candidate-8.12.x-164df4f5d1cd71ca32be2fb79a2c36cde9fa9308
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-mariadb-columnstore 0.1.7
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-mysql-strict-encrypt 0.3.0
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-rockset 0.1.4
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-mssql-strict-encrypt 0.2.0
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-s3-glue 0.1.7
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-oracle-strict-encrypt 0.2.0
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-jdbc 0.3.14
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-tidb 0.1.4
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-r2 0.1.0
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-bitdotio 0.1.0
- version: 0.9
sourcegraph/scip-java 0.9.6
- version: 0.10.1
toposoid/toposoid-sentence-parser-japanese-web 0.5-SNAPSHOT-workflow
- version: 0.10.1
asappinc/druid22 d0ae9a50695adbb81dc612a58199bf71ae5e3f3d
- version: 0.9
toposoid/scala-data-accessor-neo4j-web 0.5-SNAPSHOT-workflow
- version: 0.10.1
adityapant/spark v3.2.0
- version: 0.9
ankitkharedocker/mdasv1 spark-3.3.1
- version: 0.9
kydim/pyspark-notebook latest
- version: 0.9
jm3015/spark-py latest
- version: 0.9
iomete/query_scheduler_job 0.3.0
- version: 0.9
giantswarm/gatling-app 3.0.0
- version: 0.10.1
inseefrlab/trino renovate-configure
Docker image for trino :
- version: 0.11
airbyte/destination-teradata 0.1.3
- version: 0.9
inseefrlab/onyxia-pyspark py3.10.12-spark3.4.1-2023.09.04
A minimal Python environment configured to use Spark through the PySpark interface.
- version: 0.9
pauloo23/pyspark-notebook 3.4.0
- version: 0.9
senzing/ibm-db2 latest
- version: 0.9
toposoid/toposoid-deduction-unit-synonym-match-web 0.5-SNAPSHOT-workflow
- version: 0.10.1
toposoid/toposoid-deduction-unit-exact-match-web 0.5-SNAPSHOT-workflow
- version: 0.10.1
c0mpiler/spark 3.3.2
- version: 0.9
ferlabcrsj/all-spark-notebook 3.2.0
Spark notebook images
- version: 0.9
toposoid/scala-nlp 2.13.11-0.1.0
- version: 0.10.1
itgainis/speedgainfordb2 5.5.0
Speedgain for DB2 - Performance monitoring solution for Db2 LUW databases
- version: 0.9
cloudcheflabs/spark v3.4.0
- version: 0.9
toposoid/toposoid-deduction-admin-web 0.5-SNAPSHOT-workflow
- version: 0.10.1
airbyte/destination-iceberg 0.1.5
- version: 0.9
iomete/lakehouse-metadata-sync 2.1
- version: 0.9
amansingh2708/presto-coordinator Latest
- version: 0.9
chupsamir/nomad-spark 3.3.0-hadoop3-v1
- version: 0.9
antrea/theia-spark-jobs v0.7.0
- version: 0.9
cloudcheflabs/spark-operator v3.4.0
- version: 0.9
galexiou/spark3.3-h3.3.4 j17-root
- version: 0.9
qanary/qanary-pipeline 3.7.17
A reference implementation for creating Question Answering systems following the Qanary methodology
- version: 0.8
inseefrlab/onyxia-sparkr r4.3.2-spark3.5.0-2024.01.15
A minimal R environment configured to use Spark through the SparkR package.
- version: 0.9
cloudcheflabs/trino 403
- version: 0.11
rajagile/apachesparkhistoryserver 9
- version: 0.9
luongvo/enterprise-gateway dev-cdeb5b02769367e2ee027bfe224a2b81e596e79e
- version: 0.9
patilruchita/sip-jobsuat-service 19
- version: 0.16
pauloo23/airflow-spark 2.5.1
- version: 0.9
toposoid/toposoid-knowledge-register-web 0.5-SNAPSHOT-workflow
- version: 0.10.1
toposoid/scala-base 2.13.11
- version: 0.10.1
mujahid002/druid latest
Druid Latest 0.21.1 image
- version: 0.9
airbyte/destination-yugabytedb 0.1.1
- version: 0.9