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Package Usage : maven : net.openhft:zero-allocation-hashing
Explore the latest package usage data for net.openhft:zero-allocation-hashing in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,456
Total downloads: 580,580,334
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library/couchbase enterprise-7.2.3
Couchbase Server is a NoSQL document database with a distributed architecture.
- version: 0.9
jupyter/all-spark-notebook x86_64-spark-3.5.0
Python, Scala, R and Spark Jupyter Notebook Stack from
- version: 0.9
jupyter/pyspark-notebook x86_64-spark-3.5.0
Python and Spark Jupyter Notebook Stack from
- version: 0.9
jetbrains/teamcity-server 2023.05.4
TeamCity Server - Powerful Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery out of the box
- version: 0.10.1
circleci/openjdk 11-buster-node-browsers-legacy
CircleCI images for OpenJDK
- version: 0.10.1
cimg/openjdk 21.0.0
The CircleCI OpenJDK (Java) Docker Convenience Image.
- version: 0.10.1
Official release repository for GATK versions 4.x
- version: 0.9
hseeberger/scala-sbt graalvm-ce-21.3.0-java17_1.6.2_3.1.1
- version: 0.10.1
jetbrains/teamcity-agent 2023.05.4-windowsservercore
TeamCity Build Agent
- version: 0.10.1
apache/nifi 2.0.0-M1
Unofficial convenience binaries and Docker images for Apache NiFi
- version: 0.9
bitnami/spark 3.5.0
Bitnami Spark Docker Image
- version: 0.9
couchbase/server 7.2.3
Couchbase Server is the world’s most complete, scalable, and highest performing NoSQL database.
- version: 0.9
buildo/scala-sbt-alpine 17.0.9_9_2.12.18_1.9.7
- version: 0.10.1
bde2020/spark-worker latest
Apache Spark worker for a standalone cluster
- version: 0.9
apache/druid 28.0.1
Apache Druid
- version: 0.9
apachepinot/pinot 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-fe072c63bd-20231204-21-openjdk-linux-arm64
Pinot is a real-time distributed OLAP datastore, built to deliver scalable real-time analytics.
- version: 0.9
apache/zeppelin 0.11.0
Apache Zeppelin
- version: 0.9
anyscale/ray-ml 2.8.0
- version: 0.9
cimg/clojure 1.11.1-openjdk-17.0-browsers
- version: 0.10.1
landoop/fast-data-dev 3.3.1-L0
For 'Kafka developers' with Kafka, Registry, Connect, Landoop, Stream-Reactor, KCQL
- version: 0.9
apache/spark 3.5.0
Apache Spark
- version: 0.9
vespaengine/vespa 8.277.17
Docker image for running Vespa.
- version: 0.16
bde2020/spark-master latest
Apache Spark master for a standalone cluster
- version: 0.9
bde2020/spark-base latest
Apache Spark base image
- version: 0.9
amazon/aws-glue-libs glue_libs_4.0.0_image_01
Docker container image for AWS Glue ETL
- version: 0.9
apache/drill 1.21.1
Apache Drill
- version: 0.9
graylog/graylog-enterprise 5.2.2
- version: 0.9
jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent 2023.11.1
TeamCity Minimal Build Agent
- version: 0.10.1
opensearchproject/data-prepper 2.6.1
The Official Docker Image of OpenSearch Data Prepper (
- version: 0.9
apache/spark-py v3.4.0
- version: 0.9
broadinstitute/leonardo-tests update-guava-33.0.0-jre
- version: 0.10.1
clickhouse/integration-tests-runner 54187-cf5e4bd9e07a0fcd0a39f8700f1f632e869ea347
- version: 0.9
broadinstitute/rawls-tests 8ef14b932498
- version: 0.10.1
apachepinot/pinot-presto 0.281-SNAPSHOT-031ce06fcc-20230307
This image is a presto image built-in with pinot connector. Currently supporting Presto 0.234.0
- version: 0.9
apache/hop 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Hop
- version: 0.9
broadinstitute/gatk-nightly 2024-01-06-
Official repository for nightly development builds of the GATK
- version: 0.9
bde2020/spark-submit latest
Apache Spark submit for a standalone cluster
- version: 0.9
broadinstitute/sam-tests 5fb527931812
Sam integration tests
- version: 0.10.1
broadinstitute/firecloud-orchestration-tests 802108a8ec70
Orch integration tests
- version: 0.10.1
landoop/fast-data-dev-connect-cluster latest
Deprecated. Please use fast-data-connect-cluster.
- version: 0.9
apache/systemds python-nightly
Apache SystemDS
- version: 0.9
apache/incubator-hop-web Development
- version: 0.9
bde2020/spark-python-template latest
Template to build Python applications to run on top of a Spark cluster
- version: 0.9
couchbase/server-sandbox 7.2.3
Quick-start fully configured Couchbase Server instance
- version: 0.9