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Package Usage : maven : logback-core:logback-core
Explore the latest package usage data for logback-core:logback-core in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 4,738
Total downloads: 2,850,552,360
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library/sonarqube 6.7.5
Official images for SonarQube, code analysis tool for code quality and security
- version: 1.2.10, 1.3.5
bitnami/zookeeper 3.9.3
Bitnami container image for ZooKeeper
- version: 1.2.10
library/zookeeper 3.9.3
Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server which enables highly reliable distributed coordination.
- version: 1.2.10
library/cassandra 5.0.2
Apache Cassandra is an open-source distributed storage system.
- version: 1.2.9
linuxserver/ubooquity 2.1.5
A Ubooquity container, brought to you by
- version: 1.1.3
localstack/localstack 4.0.3
💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
- version: 1.3.0, 1.2.7
bitnami/cassandra 5.0.0
Bitnami container image for Cassandra
- version: 1.2.9
atlassian/confluence-server 8.7.2
Official Confluence Server image – create, organise and discuss work with your team.
- version: 1.4.5
library/xwiki 16.7.0
XWiki: The Advanced Open Source Enterprise Wiki.
- version: 1.3.6, 1.3.5
atlassian/bitbucket-server 8.18.0
On-premises source code management for Git that's secure, fast, and enterprise grade.
- version: 1.2.10, 1.2.11
provectuslabs/kafka-ui v0.7.2
Free, open-source web UI to monitor and manage Apache Kafka clusters
- version: 1.2.11, 1.4.6
scylladb/scylla 6.1.1
Scylla is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, partitioned row DB.
- version: 1.2.9
apachepulsar/pulsar 4.0.1
Apache Pulsar - Distributed pub/sub messaging system
- version: 1.2.3
sourcegraph/server 5.7.2474
Sourcegraph is a code search and navigation tool (open-source/self-hosted).
- version: 1.2.11
fredboat/lavalink 4.0.8
Automated builds of Lavalink
- version: 1.2.11
apache/nifi-registry 2.0.0
Unofficial convenience binaries for Apache NiFi Registry
- version: 1.3.5
apache/nifi 2.1.0
Apache NiFi unofficial binary build
- version: 1.3.5
nacos/nacos-server v2.4.3
This project contains a Docker image meant to facilitate the deployment of Nacos .
- version: 1.2.9
binhex/arch-nzbhydra2 7.4.0-1-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with NZBHydra2
- version: 1.4.5
library/bonita 10.2.0
Bonita is an open-source business process management and workflow suite
- version: 1.2.11
gocd/gocd-server v24.4.0
GoCD server docker image
- version: 1.2.11
springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-server 2.11.5
- version: 1.2.11, 1.2.13, 1.2.12
dbeaver/cloudbeaver 24.2.3
CloudBeaver Community
- version: 1.2.11
dependencytrack/apiserver 4.12.1
Dependency-Track API Server
- version: 1.2.11
bitnami/spring-cloud-dataflow 2.11.5
Bitnami container image for Spring Cloud Data Flow
- version: 1.2.11
adobe/s3mock 3.12.0
Mock implementation of the Amazon S3 API
- version: 1.2.11
jaegertracing/jaeger-cassandra-schema 1.63.0
- version: 1.2.9
bitnami/spring-cloud-skipper 2.11.5
Bitnami container image for Spring Cloud Skipper
- version: 1.2.11
library/lightstreamer 7.4.5
Lightstreamer is a real-time messaging server optimized for the Internet.
- version: 1.2.11
owasp/dependency-check 11.1.1
OWASP dependency-check detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities within project dependencies.
- version: 1.2.11
debezium/server 2.7.3.Final
Debezium Server is a stand-alone runtime for Debezium connectors.
- version: 1.2.10
axoniq/axonserver 2024.1.4
Axon Server provides message routing and an event store for message-driven applications.
- version: 1.2.11
zabbix/zabbix-java-gateway sha256-a4c839a57138496efcee45447949d974410ef453bea536c24ef5e54285e89e0c
Zabbix Java Gateway
- version: 1.2.9
linuxserver/booksonic-air 2201.1.0
- version: 1.2.3
alfresco/alfresco-pdf-renderer 5.1.5
A spring boot application designed for Alfresco Content Services Enterprise.
- version: 1.2.11
apache/cassandra-testing-ubuntu2004-java11-w-dependencies 20230815
- version: 1.1.2, 1.2.9, 1.1.3
alfresco/alfresco-imagemagick 5.1.5
A spring boot application designed for Alfresco Content Services Enterprise.
- version: 1.2.11
croc/unimus 2.6.1
my Unimus container for network device backup -
- version: 1.2.6
alfresco/alfresco-tika 5.1.5
- version: 1.2.11
alfresco/alfresco-libreoffice 5.1.5
A spring boot application designed for Alfresco Content Services Enterprise.
- version: 1.2.11
alfresco/alfresco-transform-misc 5.1.6
- version: 1.2.11
pivotalrabbitmq/perf-test 2.21.0
Docker image for PerfTest, a throughput testing tool for RabbitMQ
- version: 1.3.5, 1.3.6
jaegertracing/jaeger-cassandra-schema-snapshot d2134e41715c8e10547ee987fde46394d232b21b
- version: 1.2.9
swaggerapi/swagger-generator 2.4.43
The swagger codegen web service
- version: 1.2.10, 1.4.6
atlassian/confluence 9.0.2
- version: 1.4.5
gocd/gocd-agent-docker-dind v24.5.0
GoCD Docker In Docker Agent Image based on Docker's Official Alpine DIND image
- version: 1.2.11
swaggerapi/swagger-generator-v3 3.0.64
- version: 1.2.10, 1.4.6
library/silverpeas 6.4.2
Silverpeas is a turnkey and open-source Collaborative and Social-Networking Portal.
- version: 1.2.10
The Business Backend component (Java) of the Dynatrace easyTravel demo application.
- version: 1.2.3
apache/camel-k 2.5.0
Apache Camel
- version: 1.2.11
blacklabelops/confluence 6.13.1
Dockerized Atlassian Confluence
- version: 1.2.1
vespaengine/vespa 8.401.18
Docker image for running Vespa.
- version: 1.2.10
scalableminds/webknossos 23.12.0
- version: 1.2.11
gocd/gocd-agent-centos-7 v23.3.0
(Deprecated) Docker GoCD agent based on CentOS Linux 7
- version: 1.2.11
cyberark/demo-app 1.2.3
Tiny app suitable for use in demos, tutorials, and POCs
- version: 1.2.4
alfresco/alfresco-transform-core-aio 5.1.5
- version: 1.2.11