An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven : jndi-properties:jndi-properties
Explore the latest package usage data for jndi-properties:jndi-properties in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 70
Total downloads: 2,912,838
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library/glassfish latest
DEPRECATED; abandoned by the maintainer
- version: *
payara/server-full 6.2024.11
Payara Server Full Profile Community Edition Image
- version: *
payara/micro 6.2024.11
Payara Micro Community Edition Image
- version: *
payara/server-web 6.2024.12
Payara Server Web Profile Community Edition Image
- version: *
hzibraunschweig/sormas-rscript 3.5-5.2022.5
- version: *
kbase/kbase sdkbase.latest
- version: *
airhacks/s2i-payara 0.0.3
- version: *
airhacks/payara-ping latest
- version: *
payara/server-node 6.2024.10
- version: *
conwetlab/biz-ecosystem-rss v6.4.0
Business Ecosystem RSS component of the FIWARE/TMF Business API Ecosystem GE
- version: *
airhacks/payara-configured latest
- version: *
airhacks/s2i-payara-micro 0.0.1
- version: *
airhacks/payara latest
- version: *
kbase/kbase_base latest
KBase Base Image containing Core services and runtime
- version: *
kbase/sdkbase latest
- version: *
daggerok/glassfish latest
Glassfish automated build for docker hub
- version: *
airhacks/payara5 184
- version: *
airhacks/glassfish-ping latest
- version: *
airhacks/payara-monitored latest
- version: *
romchristian/intermediaplm latest
- version: *
airhacks/payara-with-derby latest
- version: *
anmiralles/rest-sample 2
Repository for rest sample deployed on kubernetes cluster.
- version: *
nicolasduminil/s2i-payara6-micro latest
- version: *
airhacks/sample latest
- version: *
airhacks/payara-s2i latest
- version: *
airhacks/payara5-s2i latest
- version: *
digicatsynch/bae-apis-synchronicity v6.4.0
- version: *
airhacks/payara-micro-s2i latest
- version: *
romchristian/ventapplm latest
- version: *
veitveit/crosstalkdb latest
- version: *
systemalloco/payara5-jdk11 0.3
- version: *
airhacks/clouds latest
- version: *
airhacks/payara-kubernetes latest
- version: *
enyachoke/sormas 1.38.0
- version: *
pzlc/payara6 v6.2023.2-2.fc
- version: *
pclaci/payara-full-openj9 latest
adoptopenjdk 8 openj9 + payara full server + virtualized options in JVM
- version: *
gparrella/cloud-server latest
- version: *
gparrella/cloud-peer latest
- version: *
hzibraunschweig/sormas-payara 5.2022.5
- version: *
systemalloco/payara5-micro-jdk11 0.2
- version: *
audomsak/payara-full ubi9-openjdk17-1.0
- version: *
npullar/sola-registry-server 5.2022.5
- version: *
carlosfescobar/recpen 1.0
- version: *
audomsak/sale-manager 1.0
- version: *
marcb76/kubetec-demo-mp.back-end 1
- version: *
kbase/rast_base 1.9.1
- version: *
oasissys/glassfish_base 1.1
- version: *
enriqueav99/web latest
- version: *
philippecortez/space-explorer-payara latest
- version: *
jeisonmelvin/glassfish v1
- version: *
chip212/georitm_v_2.45_payara_5 latest
- version: *
gdcc/dataverse alpha
Dataverse Application Container Image providing the executable
- version: *
dmmlpaz/payara-cicd latest
- version: *
dockerxialab/expressanalyst_docker 1.31
Perform raw RNA-seq processing (FASTQ to counts table) using the ExpressAnalyst interface.
- version: *
rajabade01/glassfish 4.1-jdk8
- version: *
josearlonmendez/cent7pyr-dteer v1_49
- version: *
pierrefroy/payara 6.2023.5
Payara Server Full Profile Community Edition Image.
- version: *
bearla/eadca2-app latest
- version: *
davidmxchen/david-server 3.36
- version: *
josearlonmendez/cent7pyr_dteer v1_19
- version: *
marcb76/kubetec-demo.back-end 1
- version: *
josearlonmendez/cent7pyr-atenea v1_22
- version: *
josearlonmendez/cent7pyr_mibiz v1_14
- version: *
josearlonmendez/cent7pyr-kaira-airmax v1_26
- version: *
milekaterine/app-singer-and-instrument latest
- version: *
kamlendupandey/shopfrontnew latest
- version: *
sergey789/handlersyncwslinux v8
- version: *
realsoft/payara-micro-fonts 5.2022.5
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