An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven : jconsole:jconsole
Explore the latest package usage data for jconsole:jconsole in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 12,660
Total downloads: 1,575,898,175
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bitnami/prometheus-rsocket-proxy 1.5.3
Bitnami Docker Image for Prometheus Rsocket Proxy
- version: *
pgoudreau/docker-maven-node latest
maven:3.3.9-jdk-8-alpine + node:6.10.0-alpine
- version: *
i386/maven 3.9-ibmjava
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
- version: *
clickhouse/mysql-java-client 54187-192a1d231fa5cbc1fe5273e2c346c0cd439e1282
- version: *
broadinstitute/terra-jupyter-aou 8bf6b13
- version: *
rocker/ropensci latest
- version: *
apachepinot/pinot-presto 0.281-SNAPSHOT-031ce06fcc-20230307
This image is a presto image built-in with pinot connector. Currently supporting Presto 0.234.0
- version: *
broadinstitute/liquibase hf_new_run_script
Liquibase utility
- version: *
balenalib/artik710-alpine-openjdk 8-3.15-20230904
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
clickhouse/postgresql-java-client e79ca24f3812
- version: *
dockerhandson/spring-boot-mongo 1
- version: *
balenalib/jetson-tx2-alpine-openjdk 8-3.14-20231204
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
i386/ibmjava sdk
Official IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition Docker Image.
- version: *
amazon/aws-sam-cli-build-image-java8 latest
- version: *
apache/rocketmq 5.1.4
- version: *
linkyard/concourse-maven-resource local2
Concourse resource: Deploys and retrieves artifacts from Maven. Forks patrickcrocker/maven-resource.
- version: *
adoptopenjdk/centos7_build_image linux-ppc64le
- version: *
mdernst/ubuntu-for-cf-jdk8 latest
- version: *
dockette/mvn latest
My MVN 3 based on Oracle Java Dockerfile
- version: *
andreptb/activemq latest
Debian Jessie based image with ActiveMQ installed. Provides version for Oracle JDK 7.
- version: *
bde2020/hadoop-base latest
Base image to create hadoop cluster.
- version: *
airhacks/wildfly-ping latest
- version: *
broadinstitute/openam opendj_3
- version: *
advrisc/u16.04-imx8lbv1 latest
docker image for imx8
- version: *
fabric8/tomcat-8 1.2.1
Fabric8 Tomcat 8 Image
- version: *
JRuby ( is an implementation of Ruby ( on the JVM.
- version: *
mesosphere/cp-enterprise-replicator 5.3.0
- version: *
jimschubert/8-jdk-alpine-mvn 2.0
Java 8 on Alpine with Maven 3.3.9
- version: *
balenalib/qemux86-64-fedora-openjdk 8-38-20231204
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
amazon/aws-sam-cli-emulation-image-java8 2023-12-15
- version: *
1000kit/h2 1.4.193
docker image running H2 database from
- version: *
balenalib/jetson-tx1-alpine-openjdk 8-3.16-20230712
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
entando/sme-task-tracker 1.4.0
- version: *
google/apigee-hybrid-cassandra 1.8.1
- version: *
springcloud/spring-cloud-deployer-spi-test-app 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: *
balenalib/beaglebone-green-wifi-fedora-openjdk 8-34-20230107
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
balenalib/raspberrypi3-64-alpine-openjdk 8-20231204
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
bitnami/geode 1.15.1-debian-11-r13
Bitnami Docker Image for Apache Geode
- version: *
softwareplant/oracle jira-8-qa-20230327094049
oracle db
- version: *
elsdoerfer/acme-validator latest
ACME Validator
- version: *
soprabanking/dxp-cicd-tools 1.0.26
Generic tooling image for GitLab CI/CD pipelines
- version: *
balenalib/beaglebone-green-fedora-openjdk 8-34-20230107
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
1science/java oracle-jdk-8
Java Docker images based on Alpine Linux
- version: *
amazon/aws-sam-cli-emulation-image-go1.x 2023-12-15
- version: *
balenalib/spacely-tx2-alpine-openjdk 8-20231204
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
ashokit/spring-boot-rest-api latest
- version: *
rhub/centos6-epel latest
- version: *
wso2/wso2sp-worker 4.4.0
WSO2 Stream Processor Worker
- version: *
balenalib/intel-nuc-ubuntu-openjdk 8-bionic-build-20231204
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
rhub/centos6-epel-rdt latest
- version: *
weaveworksdemos/accounts snapshot
- version: *
yandex/clickhouse-kerberized-hadoop 26176-760d955aadb18ab6a9a43878497481ddac66b58c
- version: *
axelor/aos-preview-app prev-wip-8-1-wip-8-1-sche
Preview app of Axelor Open Suite. Not for production usage.
- version: *
wso2/wso2is-analytics-worker 5.8.0
Worker profile of WSO2 Identity Server Analytics
- version: *
JRuby ( is an implementation of Ruby ( on the JVM.
- version: *
vanallenlab/sv-pipeline-base gnomad_rf_abd6c1
- version: *
apache/fineract-cn-customer latest
Apache Fineract Customer
- version: *
zabbix/zabbix-build-pgsql 6.4.7-ubuntu
Zabbix build base (PostgreSQL)
- version: *
williamyeh/java8 latest
Oracle Java 8 image for Docker
- version: *
webide/webide v0.16.1
Coding WebIDE Community Edition for Docker Users
- version: *
markmckessock/sev-tech-sky-server latest
- version: *
balenalib/up-core-fedora-openjdk 8-38-20230904
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
balenalib/raspberrypi4-64-fedora-openjdk 8-38-20231204
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *