An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven : jconsole:jconsole
Explore the latest package usage data for jconsole:jconsole in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 12,660
Total downloads: 1,575,898,175
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fabric8/launcher-backend latest
The back-end for the project generator
- version: *
bmedora/oltpbench latest
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broadinstitute/gtex_rnaseq V10pg
GTEx RNA-seq pipeline: alignment (STAR), QC (RNA-SeQC), expression quantification (RSEM & RNA-SeQC)
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nimmis/java-centos openjdk-7-jdk
This is docker images of CentOS 7 with different versions of java
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ashish1981/multiarch-dvm latest
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openshift/origin-metrics-schema-installer v3.11.0
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cordite/network-map v0.4.4-s390x
a Corda Network Map Service, meeting the protocol, both documented and otherwise.
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ascdc/jdk8 latest
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alfresco/alfresco-event-gateway 0.2
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radanalyticsio/radanalytics-java-spark 3.0.1
OpenShift S2I builder image for Java and Apache Spark with Oshinko management
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amazon/aws-sam-cli-emulation-image-python3.6 2023-12-15
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jmoger/gitblit latest
Gitblit GO ready to serve your Git repositories!
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atlassian/server-client-plugins latest
A build environment for the needs of the Atlassian Server Client Plugins
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opengisch/perfmon-agent latest
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mdernst/cf-ubuntu-jdk8 latest
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asappinc/es 9b10e9eaa19e109de133f45dce9f009f094c87bb
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advrisc/u16.04-amxxlbv1 latest
Docker image for TI Yocto2.4
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rancher/enterprise stable
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zabbix/zabbix-build-mysql alpine-6.0.25
Zabbix build base (MySQL)
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zenika/alpine-maven 3
Minimal Java/Maven Docker Images built on Alpine Linux
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balenalib/intel-nuc-fedora-openjdk 8-38-build-20231204
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
- version: *
jamesdbloom/docker-java8-maven latest
Docker container for Java 1.8 and Maven 3.1.1
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basi/jenkins 2.143.0
This image is designed to allow the execution of any job that contains a _dockerized_ environment.
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frekele/maven dev
docker run --rm --name maven frekele/maven
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advrisc/u12.04-imx6lbv3 20170831
Build environment for Advantech RISC products
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yandex/clickhouse-mysql-java-client 21495-39465b3fb6f158fae0a795608db976d275663310
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yandex/clickhouse-postgresql-java-client 21495-39465b3fb6f158fae0a795608db976d275663310
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centos/wildfly latest
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harisekhon/hbase 0.92
Apache HBase, opens shell - pseudo-distributed mode, ideal for dev & CI tests (tags 0.90 - 2.1)
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rancher/mirrored-jenkins-jnlp-slave 4.7-1
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mxnetci/build.centos7_cpu latest
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cockroachdb/example-orms-builder latest
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rocketmqinc/rocketmq-namesrv 4.5.0-centos
Customized RocketMQ Name Server Image for RocketMQ-Operator
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asappinc/alpine_kafka1 d0ae9a50695adbb81dc612a58199bf71ae5e3f3d
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arungupta/helloworld-spring-boot latest
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confluentinc/ksql-clickstream-demo latest
An advanced demo of the capabilities of KSQL.
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isim/wso2apim latest
Docker image to install and run WSO2 API Manager.
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mesosphere/iot-demo latest
IoT demo Docker image.
- version: *
splatform/fissile-role-packages 6d99b4d9cc073254c9670e26663b45edd1077b4e
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broadinstitute/viral-core latest
- version: *
frekele/wildfly dev
docker run --rm --name wildfly -p 8080:8080 frekele/wildfly
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scylladb/scylla-dtest fedora-34-pytest-20231217
- version: *
maauso/zkui beta
zkui - Zookeeper UI Dashboard
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anh3h/fineract-cn-identity latest
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balenalib/raspberrypi3-alpine-openjdk 8-3.14-20231204
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
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s390x/ibmjava sdk
Official IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition Docker Image.
- version: *
apache/beam_java8_sdk 2.52.0
Apache Beam Java 8 SDK
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fabric8/hystrix-dashboard 1.0.28
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weaveworksdemos/orders-aws latest
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mesosphere/dcos-flink 1.6.0-1.0
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reflectoring/aws-hello-world latest
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geerlingguy/solr 9.4.0
Apache Solr image built from the Ansible Role geerlingguy.solr
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dit4c/dit4c-container-gephi latest
Gephi container for DIT4C
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mesosphere/kudo-spark-operator 3.0.0-1.1.0-rc3
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arm32v7/maven 3.9.6-eclipse-temurin-17-focal
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
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mesosphere/freeipa-server 4.3
A freeIPA v4.3 container based on centos:7. This is a snapshot of adelton/freeeipa-server:centos-7.
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jaegertracing/xdock-java latest
Java crossdock images for integration testing
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cschockaert/docker-npm-maven latest
Provide a light docker image based with lot of build tools : npm, java, maven, based on alpine
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jboss/jbpm-workbench-showcase 7.17.0.Final
jBPM Workbench Showcase
- version: *
sebp/elkx latest
Collect, search and visualise log data with Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and X-Pack.
- version: *
frekele/nexus dev
docker run --rm --name nexus -p 8081:8081 frekele/nexus
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google/apigee-cassandra-backup-utility 1.8.0-preview.2
Apigee cassandra backup utility container images
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jboss/jbpm-workbench 7.17.0.Final
jBPM Workbench
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broadinstitute/gtex_eqtl V10
GTEx Consortium: eQTL pipeline based on FastQTL
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mszarlinski/spring-petclinic-visits-service latest
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sequenceiq/ambari latest
This repository is deprecated!
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ppc64le/ibmjava sdk
Official IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition Docker Image.
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mszarlinski/spring-petclinic-customers-service latest
Spring PetClinic Customers Service
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apache/pegasus build-env-ubuntu2004-ci_refactor_more
Apache Pegasus (incubating)
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99taxis/mini-java8 latest
Minimal java8
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netlify/build 35daafbf8db928fb3c6bf69c92842ec196c0af68-focal
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geodata/gdal 2.1.3
The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) compiled with a broad range of drivers
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owasp/benchmark latest
Runs the latest version of OWASP Benchmark
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apache/dubbo-admin 0.6.0
Apache Dubbo Administration
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mxnetci/build.ubuntu_gpu latest
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