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Package Usage : maven : jbzip2:jbzip2
Explore the latest package usage data for jbzip2:jbzip2 in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 195
Total downloads: 2,066,606
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broadinstitute/gtex_rnaseq V10pg
GTEx RNA-seq pipeline: alignment (STAR), QC (RNA-SeQC), expression quantification (RSEM & RNA-SeQC)
- version: 0.9
broadinstitute/viral-core 2.0.21
- version: 0.9
nfcore/methylseq 1.6.1
Methylation (Bisulfite-Sequencing) analysis pipeline using Bismark or bwa-meth + MethylDackel.
- version: 0.9
nfcore/atacseq 1.2.2
A Docker container for the nf-core/atacseq pipeline.
- version: 0.9
nfcore/mag 1.2.0
- version: 0.9
nfcore/eager 2.5.2
A Docker image for the nf-core/eager pipeline.
- version: 0.9
nfcore/smrnaseq 1.1.0
A Docker container for the nf-core/smrnaseq pipeline.
- version: 0.9
broadinstitute/viral-ngs 1.25.0
- version: 0.9
biocontainers/trimmomatic v0.38dfsg-1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.9.1
nfcore/ampliseq 1.2.0
A Docker image for nf-core/ampliseq.
- version: 0.9
biocontainers/trinityrnaseq v2.6.6dfsg-6-deb_cv1
- version: 0.9.1
broadinstitute/viral-assemble latest
- version: 0.9
- version: 0.9
dhspence/docker-trimgalore latest
trimgalore, cutadapt, on top of docker-genomic-analysis
- version: 0.9
bactopia/qc_reads 1.7.1
- version: 0.9
sanogenetics/fastqc 0.11.9
- version: 0.9
nfcore/bcellmagic 1.2.0
A preliminary container for the bcellmagic pipeline
- version: 0.9
genomicmedicinesweden/gms-artic-nanopore 0c599b9
- version: 0.9
nfcore/smartseq2 dev
A docker container for the nf-core/smartseq2 pipeline.
- version: 0.9
nfcore/nascent dev
Nascent Transcription Processing Pipeline
- version: 0.9
nfcore/sarek 2.7.2
A Docker container for the nf-core/sarek pipeline
- version: 0.9
nfcore/slamseq 1.0.0
A docker image for nf-core/slamseq
- version: 0.9
nfcore/kmermaid dev
A Docker container for the nf-core/kmermaid pipelin
- version: 0.9
intelliseqngs/fastqc 1.2.1
- version: 0.9
nfcore/nanoseq 1.1.0
Nanopore demultiplexing, QC and alignment pipeline
- version: 0.9
nfcore/clipseq 1.0.0
- version: 0.9
nfcore/bacass 1.1.1
A Docker container for the nf-core/bacass pipeline.
- version: 0.9
nfcore/coproid 1.1.1
A Docker image for the nf-core/coproid pipeline.
- version: 0.9
nfcore/mnaseseq 1.0.0
A Docker container for the nf-core/mnaseseq pipeline.
- version: 0.9
ocdr/ds-apps 1.0.43
- version: 0.9.1
nfcore/exoseq dev
A docker container for the ExoSeq pipeline
- version: 0.9
nfcore/lncpipe dev
A Docker image for nf-core/lncpipe
- version: 0.9
nfcore/denovohybrid dev
A Docker Image for the nf-core/denovohybrid pipeline
- version: 0.9
bactopia/gather_samples 2.2.0
- version: 0.9
evolbioinfo/fastqc v0.11.9
A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data.
- version: 0.9
qdidiscoveryservices/gatk-v2461_bwa_aws latest
- version: 0.9
nfcore/vipr latest
A docker container for VIPR
- version: 0.9
nfcore/bactmap dev
A Docker container for the bactmap pipeline.
- version: 0.9
qdidiscoveryservices/py3_cellranger 6.1.2
- version: 0.9.1
cimendes/splicing-pipelines-nf 3.1.ubuntu
- version: 0.9
nfcore/cutandrun dev
- version: 0.9
ctomlins/testuniv_update latest
- version: 0.9
evolbioinfo/trimgalore v0.6.7
- version: 0.9
qdidiscoveryservices/gatk-v2461_bwa_aws_vardict latest
- version: 0.9
chgyi/metaware_rna_denovo latest
- version: 0.9
nfcore/guideseq dev
A Docker container for the nf-core/guideseq pipeline.
- version: 0.9
trust1/ubuntu OMGv001
Target Capture Cloud Platform (TCCP) Oz Mammals Genomics Phylogenomics aka OMG pipeline
- version: 0.9.1, 0.9
biocontainers/eosc-pilot v1.0-remastering_cv1.0
- version: 0.9
alexwaldrop/reads2variants v0.0
- version: 0.9
felixschlesinger/scalerna bcparser_bam_out
- version: 0.9
dolphinnext/ont_variant_calling 1.0
- version: 0.9
ctomlins/trim_galore latest
- version: 0.9
ctomlins/testuniv latest
- version: 0.9
ctomlins/fastqc latest
- version: 0.9
jlund256/xeno_rna-seq latest
- version: 0.9
luisas/rnaseq 0.3
- version: 0.9.1, 0.9
doejgi/trinityrnaseq-wdl 2.15.1
- version: 0.9
mlepetit/cellranger 1.1
- version: 0.9
hoonbiolab/pepatac v1.1
- version: 0.9.1, 0.9
nbutter/star latest
- version: 0.9
hoonbiolab/fastqc v1.1
- version: 0.9
ctomlins/tellread_2022 latest
- version: 0.9
intelliseqngs/bco-app-a-thon latest
- version: 0.9
sheffieldbioinformatics/unix-training latest
- version: 0.9
ctomlins/bcl2fastq latest
- version: 0.9
jpsmith5/peppro latest
- version: 0.9.1, 0.9
bryoinformatics/rna-seq v1.0.0
A container for the RNAseq pipeline (
- version: 0.9
intelliseqngs/prodia_fastqc 1.0.0
- version: 0.9
sagnikbanerjee15/ngpint 1.0.0
- version: 0.9.1
tercen/trimgalore_docker_operator latest
- version: 0.9
prangannath/rna_seq latest
Container for EvolOMICS RNA_Seq pipeline
- version: 0.9.1
1995aileen/banana 1.0
- version: 0.9
crukmi/target-snakemake-docker latest
- version: 0.9
chgyi/metawrap latest
- version: 0.9
bokebiotech/qcpipe v6
- version: 0.9
alexwaldrop/fastqc v0.11.9
- version: 0.9
koki/urchin_workflow_bioconda 20220527
- version: 0.9
todachuy2406/fastqc v2511
- version: 0.9
ctomlins/nanopore-rna-pipeline latest
- version: 0.9.1