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Package Usage : maven : io.github.openfeign.form:feign-form-spring
Explore the latest package usage data for io.github.openfeign.form:feign-form-spring in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,798
Total downloads: 1,154,342
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entando/sme-task-tracker 1.4.0
- version: 3.8.0
apache/fineract-cn-customer latest
Apache Fineract Customer
- version: 2.1.0
adorsys/xs2a-connector-examples 7.4.2
- version: 3.8.0
adorsys/xs2a-online-banking 5.8.2
- version: 3.8.0
adorsys/xs2a-tpp-rest-server 5.8.2
- version: 3.8.0
apache/fineract-cn-notifications latest
Apache Fineract Notifications
- version: 2.1.0
entando/sme-edo-user-bundle 0.0.118
- version: 3.8.0
adorsys/ledgers 4.9.2
- version: 3.8.0
entando/entando-avatar-plugin 6.0.5
- version: 3.8.0
camptocamp/gs-cloud-restconfig-v1 0.2
- version: 3.8.0
apache/fineract-cn-accounting latest
Apache Fineract accounting
- version: 2.1.0
adorsys/xs2a-connector-embedded 7.4.2
- version: 3.5.0
anh3h/fineract-cn-portfolio latest
- version: 2.1.0
camptocamp/gs-cloud-web-ui 0.2
- version: 3.8.0
camptocamp/gs-cloud-wms 0.2
- version: 3.8.0
camptocamp/gs-cloud-wcs 0.2
- version: 3.8.0
apache/fineract-cn-portfolio latest
Apache Fineract Portfolio
- version: 2.1.0
camptocamp/gs-cloud-wfs 0.2
- version: 3.8.0
apache/fineract-cn-payroll latest
Apache Fineract Payroll
- version: 2.1.0
jhipster/jhipster-sample-app-microservice latest
This is a sample application created with JHipster
- version: 3.3.0
apache/fineract-cn-cheques latest
Apache Fineract Cheques
- version: 3.8.0
wekesaclinton/uat-ms-ads-mgt 451
- version: 3.8.0
ingressgroup/courses-ms 1.0.40197566
- version: 3.8.0
huasisoft/office-server-document rc.1.20231109.0
- version: 3.8.0
fynesy/products-default b4.20220523.213653
- version: 3.8.0
jhipster/jhipster-sample-app-gateway latest
This is a sample application created with JHipster
- version: 3.3.0
comsatel/sigo-reportingservice 1.8.6
- version: 3.8.0
huasisoft/attendance-server alpha.0.20231205.2
- version: 3.8.0
xiangagou/ruoyi-job SNAPSHOT-28
- version: 3.8.0
hongzhouwei/ruoyi-gateway v0.0.1
- version: 3.8.0
huasisoft/office-server-task rc.1.20240510.0
- version: 3.8.0
r0wa/eve-backend 6d6d17d-dirty
- version: 3.8.0
choerodon/devops-service 2.4.8
- version: 3.8.0
daljeethcl/billq-service latest
- version: 3.8.0
choerodon/agile-service 2.4.4
- version: 3.0.3
choerodon/api-gateway 0.21.0
- version: 3.8.0
choerodon/file-service 0.21.1
- version: 3.8.0
choerodon/iam-service 0.18.7
- version: 3.0.3
choerodon/gitlab-service 2.4.1
- version: 3.8.0
openwms/org.openwms.common.service 2.0.0
- version: 3.8.0
choerodon/wiki-service 0.18.2
- version: 3.3.0
choerodon/config-server 0.17.0
- version: 3.3.0
waltenesjr/sgis-server 2.3.2
- version: 3.8.0
openwms/org.openwms.core.uaa 1.1.0
- version: 3.8.0
openwms/org.openwms.wms.movements latest
- version: 3.8.0
openwms/org.openwms.wms.receiving latest
- version: 3.8.0
innovatlabs/pay-eureka 1.0
- version: 3.8.0
fabiopatricio/desafoga 1.0.20
- version: 3.8.0
openwms/org.openwms.core.preferences latest
CORE Configuration & Preferences Service
- version: 3.8.0
innovatlabs/pay-transfer 1.0
- version: 3.8.0
innovatlabs/pay-reversal 1.0
- version: 3.8.0
innovatlabs/pay-lookup 1.0
- version: 3.8.0
innovatlabs/pay-user 1.0
- version: 3.8.0
innovatlabs/pay-settlement 1.0
- version: 3.8.0
ingressgroup/customers-ms 1.0.40197566
- version: 3.8.0
huasisoft/content-server alpha.0.20231030.0
- version: 3.8.0
openwms/org.openwms.common.comm 1.5.0
- version: 3.8.0
openwms/org.openwms.tms.transportation 1.3.0
- version: 3.8.0
openwms/org.openwms.tms.routing 1.3.0
- version: 3.8.0
fynesy/checkout-default b34.20220506.155648
- version: 3.8.0
innovatlabs/pay-auth 1.0
- version: 3.8.0
huasisoft/office-server-opinion alpha.1.20231109.0
- version: 3.8.0
innovatlabs/pay-admin 1.0
- version: 3.8.0
huasisoft/gateway alpha.0.20230922.0
- version: 3.8.0
innovatlabs/pay-master 1.0
- version: 3.8.0
selkirksystems/dispatch-searchandrescue 0.1.21
- version: 3.8.0
huasisoft/platform 8.0.1
- version: 3.8.0
fynesy/api-gateway-default b22.20220429.190229
- version: 3.8.0
huasisoft/duty-server alpha.0.20230907.0
- version: 3.8.0
sohnoun/glacez-webapp-dashboard 1.5.19
- version: 3.8.0