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Package Usage : maven : io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-caffeine
Explore the latest package usage data for io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-caffeine in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 25
Total downloads: 587,678
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lfoppiano/grobid 0.8.1
GROBID docker images
- version: 4.2.18
broadinstitute/consent-ontology perf
- version: 4.1.25
lfoppiano/grobid-quantities 0.7.3
ML-based application for identification, parsing and normalisation of any measurements from text.
- version: 4.2.18
dview/kaas-metastore oosr-1.0
- version:
liupeng0518/ 1.0.2
- version: 4.1.11
synth81/aws-cd-delegate 23.09.80505.minimal
- version: 4.1.19
nickdos/ala-namematching-service gbif-20221123-2
- version:
synth81/aws-ci-delegate 23.07.79904.minimal
- version: 4.1.19
jlnorton/harness-delegate 23.03.78709
- version: 4.1.19
badinszky97/mplabpic32 xc16safety
- version: 4.2.9
munsonwf/gcloud-delegate 0.2.2
- version: 4.1.19
abhi915/flink-dev 4
- version: 4.1.14
santhosh127/gllogic1 customdl1
- version: 4.1.19
wyattmunson/aws-minimal-delegate 0.2.0
- version: 4.1.19
konrness/harness-delegate-certificates 23.04.78911-4
- version: 4.1.19
mgzamharness/maher-delegate 1
- version: 4.1.19
jzarnett/ferrix 0.1.17
- version: 4.2.18
loghi/docker.loghi-tooling 2.1.8
Docker.loghi-tooling contains various tools for the Loghi framework for handwritten text recognition
- version: 4.2.12
atlasoflivingaustralia/ala-sensitive-data-service 1.1.1-20210811-3
- version:
akmalavloniharness/delegate 23.02.78310.with.less.and.which
- version: 4.1.19
bhuvanasainatti/todos latest
- version: 4.2.19
mredman/autoanywheredelegate latest
- version: 4.1.19
elundby/bf_application latest
- version: 4.2.9
cloudnativek8s/openmetadata-server 1.3.3
- version: 4.1.11