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Package Usage : maven : instructionset_res:instructionset_res
Explore the latest package usage data for instructionset_res:instructionset_res in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 32
Total downloads: 1,275
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ninjaben/matlab-parallel v0.0.32
Matlab plus Parallel Computing, Signal_Processing, and Statistics_and_Machine_Learning
- version: *
ninjaben/kilosort3-code v0.0.37
Matlab plus Git and Kilosort3, before building mexcuda binaries
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vnmd/mrsiproc_0.0.1 20230928
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ninjaben/kilosort3 v0.0.32
Matlab plus Git, Kilosort3, and prebuilt mexcuda binaries
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worc4021/ipoptmex acc282272c9fc972a0cdd2949f056ecab0628cf5
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vnmd/matlab_2022a 20240124
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marcoesposito/antidrone-geom-v27 latest
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marcoesposito/antidrone-geom-v26 latest
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jlanfrey/matlabcicd r2022b
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aalcalad/fsupv-jupyter-matlab latest
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woensugchoi/matlab_freecad_openfoam latest
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intiquan/iqdesktop latest
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kestr3l/matlab-notebook 20.04-py310-cu1171-r2023a
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infuseaictiml/custom-image nccu-matlab-r2020b
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marcoesposito/antidrone-geom-v23 latest
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jameslp/engr101_matlab_toolboxes 1
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mbwali/matlab r2022b
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aghaeifar/nyx_microvascular latest
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dieman95/nnv_r2022b archcomp2023
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cgvalle/ml_workspace_matlab r2022b
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zs24/matlab-in-ubuntu latest
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oscarlovemv/matlab-from-sos-hub latest
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ninjaben/plx-to-kilosort v0.0.22
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sydneyinformaticshub/matlab r2021a-fed
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oscarlovemv/matlab-from-sos-hub-2 latest
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peterz27/sos-jupyter latest
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jiecui/matlab r2022a.v1
Variation of Mathworks/matlab images
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aalcalad/jupyter-matlab-ai2 ai2.4
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wanglabneuro/whisk-ww nb-0.2.0
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oscarlovemv/matlab-from-sos-labhub latest
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mwkapilg/matlabci-pipe 0.1.0
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