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Package Usage : maven : gzipfix:gzipfix
Explore the latest package usage data for gzipfix:gzipfix in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 10
Total downloads: 950
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chrshrrs/vcat-master sh
- version: *
trust1/gatk version0.4.1
Variant Calling Pipeline based on GATK image
- version: *
vanessa/singularity-scientific-example gh-pages
container to do comparison of running a Singularity workflow across several cloud providers
- version: *
trust1/ubuntu OMGv001
Target Capture Cloud Platform (TCCP) Oz Mammals Genomics Phylogenomics aka OMG pipeline
- version: *
ctomlins/ latest
- version: *
bokebiotech/qcpipe v6
- version: *
melsiddieg/ 3.15
- version: *
justinzhang1997/ 20230913
A GRCh38.fa is packaged into this image along with the corrsponding .fai file. "HGREF" env is set.
- version: *
hydragenetics/ 0.3.15
- version: *