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Package Usage : maven : environment:environment
Explore the latest package usage data for environment:environment in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 38
Total downloads: 18,581
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blackducksoftware/scaaas-manager 2024.7.0
- version: 2023.10.1
dcamppos83/pega-ready v2
- version: 8.5.2-356
mehmetserefoglu/projector-mps stable
- version: *
blackducksoftware/scaaas-scanner 2024.7.0
- version: 2023.10.1
docazeez/platform-installer 23.1.1
- version: 8.8.2-283
thingdust/bazel_4c225f29 latest
- version: *
thingdust/bazel_7e2c20f6 latest
- version: *
nemesis125/pega-installer 8.8.0
- version: 8.8.0-44
thingdust/firmware_dev_d7d76e9f latest
- version: *
thingdust/bazel_064e6007 latest
- version: *
thingdust/bazel_f6da9d46 latest
- version: *
thingdust/mongodb_764b3685 latest
- version: *
thingdust/cpp_toolchain_7ae37d06 latest
- version: *
thingdust/tmux_bdd6cf96 latest
- version: *
thingdust/bazel_ea198f6f latest
- version: *
thingdust/coding-style_e694ca45 latest
- version: *
thingdust/firmware_515079f5 latest
- version: *
thingdust/bazel_3d8c4186 latest
- version: *
thingdust/sccache_4c6a3102 latest
- version: *
thingdust/bazel_b38ec1b4 latest
- version: *
thingdust/bazel_6665cf6b latest
- version: *
thingdust/firmware_dev_899d7ec9 latest
- version: *
thingdust/neovim_901e75f5 latest
- version: *
thingdust/cpp_toolchain_887e6edb latest
- version: *
thingdust/interactive_f662cd0b latest
- version: *
sagarsumit03/pega 8.7.0
- version: 8.7.0-163
thingdust/vscode_f6e4d60f latest
- version: *
thingdust/bazel_faddc2c8 latest
- version: *
mehmetserefoglu/modelix-ws-manager-rest latest
- version: *
thingdust/cpp_toolchain_b1b3c9aa latest
- version: *
thingdust/cpp_toolchain_48cf4e22 latest
- version: *
thingdust/mongodb_842593fa latest
- version: *
thingdust/sccache_19dfb300 latest
- version: *
thingdust/kubernetes_1cb4602e latest
- version: *
kenmatin/my-pg-installer 8.8.0
- version: 8.8.0-44
modelix/workspace-job 2021.3.154
- version: *
ajsos/hms-runner v0.0.1
- version: 1.0
subbaiys/pega-installer 8.8.0
- version: 8.8.0-44