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Package Usage : maven : com.zaxxer:HikariCP
Explore the latest package usage data for com.zaxxer:HikariCP in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 18,424
Total downloads: 2,997,948,433
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axoniq/axonserver latest-jdk-17-nonroot
Axon Server is a server for the Axon CQRS Framework
- version: 4.0.3
mesosphere/spark-dev 8f6ac93a6ff61e9452f6f0cf6769c05a4646a6e7
spark testing
- version: 2.5.1
wso2/wso2am latest
WSO2 API Manager
- version: 2.4.1
apache/zeppelin 0.11.0
Apache Zeppelin
- version: 2.5.1
linuxserver/booksonic-air v2201.1.0-ls8
- version: 3.4.5
library/rapidoid latest
DEPRECATED; lacking active maintainer
- version: 2.6.1
croc/unimus 2.4.0
my Unimus container for network device backup -
- version: 4.0.3
confluentinc/cp-enterprise-replicator 7.4.3.arm64
Official Confluent Docker Image for Replicator
- version: 3.4.5
anyscale/ray-ml 2.8.0
- version: 2.5.1
webgoat/goatandwolf openshift
WebGoat Docker image. This image is NO LONGER actively updated. Please use webgoat/webgoat
- version: 4.0.3
atlassian/confluence 8.6.0
- version: 5.0.1, 4.0.3
confluentinc/cp-server-connect 7.4.3
- version: 3.4.5
openzipkin/zipkin-gcp latest-ppc64le
Mirror of
- version: 5.1.0, 3.4.5
acryldata/datahub-actions 3225c87
- version: 2.5.1
confluentinc/cp-enterprise-replicator-executable 7.4.3
Official Confluent Docker Image for Replicator Executable
- version: 3.4.5
wso2/wso2is latest
WSO2 Identity Server
- version: 2.4.1
turbonomic/com.vmturbo.history 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.0.3
atlassian/bamboo-server 9.4-jdk11
Atlassian Bamboo Server
- version: 4.0.3
turbonomic/action-orchestrator 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.0.3
snowplow/stream-enrich-kafka 3.10.0-rc2-focal
- version: 5.0.1
radanalyticsio/openshift-spark latest
Apache Spark image for OpenShift (Kubernetes)
- version: 2.5.1
confluentinc/cp-server-connect-base 7.5.2-1-ubi8
- version: 3.4.5
owasp/dependency-track snapshot
Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform
- version: 3.3.1
snowplow/stream-enrich-kinesis 3.10.0-rc2-focal
- version: 5.0.1
landoop/fast-data-dev 3.3.1-L0
For 'Kafka developers' with Kafka, Registry, Connect, Landoop, Stream-Reactor, KCQL
- version: 2.6.1, 2.5.1
springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-server-kubernetes 1.7.4.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
- version: 3.1.0
apache/spark 3.5.0
Apache Spark
- version: 2.5.1
bde2020/hive 2.3.2
Docker container for Apache Hive with hiveserver2
- version: 2.5.1
snowplow/try-snowplow-pipeline prod
- version: 5.0.1
snowplow/try-snowplow-agent prod
- version: 4.0.3
spritsail/nzbhydra 4.7.6
NZBHydra is a meta search for NZB indexers
- version: 4.0.3
scalableminds/webknossos master__25872
- version: 3.2.0, 4.0.3
apache/skywalking-base 8.7.0-es7
Apache SkyWalking Base
- version: 3.1.0
broadinstitute/picard 3.1.1
A set of Java command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats.
- version: 4.0.3
cyberark/demo-app 1.2.1
Tiny app suitable for use in demos, tutorials, and POCs
- version: 4.0.3, 5.0.1
payara/server-full 6.2023.12
Payara Server Full Profile Community Edition Image
- version: 4.0.3
cnfldemos/cp-server-connect-datagen 0.6.2-7.5.0
- version: 3.4.5
wso2/wso2am-analytics-worker 3.2.0-centos
Worker profile of WSO2 API Manager Analytics
- version: 2.4.1, 3.3.1
snowplow/snowplow-rdb-loader latest
- version: 4.0.3
cordite/cordite v0.5.4
Cordite provides decentralised economic and governance services.
- version: 3.3.1
bde2020/spark-master latest
Apache Spark master for a standalone cluster
- version: 2.5.1
snowplow/rdb-loader-redshift 5.8.0-rc3-focal
- version: 4.0.3
bde2020/spark-base latest
Apache Spark base image
- version: 2.5.1
jhipster/jhipster-zipkin edge
Based on openzipkin/zipkin
- version: 3.2.0
amazon/aws-glue-libs glue_libs_4.0.0_image_01
Docker container image for AWS Glue ETL
- version: 2.5.1
returntocorp/semgrep-action sha-688b98c
A specialized Docker image for running Semgrep in CI environments
- version: 4.0.3
entando/entando-component-manager sha-1ce0a0b
- version: 4.0.3
1337kavin/piped azul-zulu
- version: 5.0.1, 5.1.0
ppc64le/gradle 8.5.0-jdk17-focal
Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development.
- version: 4.0.3
apache/drill 1.21.1
Apache Drill
- version: 4.0.3
s390x/gradle 8.5.0-jdk17-focal
Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development.
- version: 4.0.3
killbill/killbill 0.24.5
Kill Bill is the open-source subscription billing and payments platform.
- version: 5.0.1, *
atlassian/bitbucket 8.16-jdk11
- version: 4.0.3