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Package Usage : maven : com.zaxxer:HikariCP
Explore the latest package usage data for com.zaxxer:HikariCP in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 18,424
Total downloads: 2,997,948,433
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library/sonarqube 10.3.0-enterprise
SonarQube is an open source platform for continuous inspection of code quality.
- version: 5.0.1
linuxserver/hydra2 version-v3.0.0
- version: 3.4.5
library/gradle 8.5.0
Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development.
- version: 4.0.3
sonatype/nexus3 3.63.0
Sonatype Nexus Repository 3
- version: 4.0.3
openzipkin/zipkin 3
This is the authoritative image for zipkin, a distributed tracing system.
- version: 3.4.5
confluentinc/cp-schema-registry 6.2.13.amd64
Official Confluent Docker Images for Schema Registry
- version: 3.4.5
jupyter/all-spark-notebook x86_64-spark-3.5.0
Python, Scala, R and Spark Jupyter Notebook Stack from
- version: 2.5.1
jupyter/pyspark-notebook x86_64-spark-3.5.0
Python and Spark Jupyter Notebook Stack from
- version: 2.5.1
prismagraphql/prisma 1.34-heroku
The Data Layer for Modern Applications
- version: 3.2.0
confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect 7.4.3.amd64
Official Confluent Docker Base Image for Kafka Connect
- version: 3.4.5
atlassian/confluence-server 8.7-ubuntu-jdk11
Official Confluence Server image – create, organise and discuss work with your team.
- version: 4.0.3, 5.0.1
confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest 7.5.2
Official Confluent Docker Image for the REST Proxy
- version: 3.4.5
puppet/continuous-delivery-for-puppet-enterprise 3.x
Automated testing and promotion of infrastructure code across your environments.
- version: 2.7.9
cimg/openjdk 21.0.0
The CircleCI OpenJDK (Java) Docker Convenience Image.
- version: 4.0.3
turbonomic/com.vmturbo.api.component 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.0.3
atlassian/bitbucket-server 8.16-ubuntu-jdk11
On-premises source code management for Git that's secure, fast, and enterprise grade.
- version: 4.0.3
confluentinc/cp-enterprise-control-center 7.4.3.amd64
Official Confluent Docker Image for Control Center
- version: 3.4.5
gitpod/workspace-full 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Default Workspace Image for Use `legacy-dazzle-v1` tag for dazzlev1 images
- version: 4.0.3
apache/nifi-registry 2.0.0-M1
Unofficial convenience binaries for Apache NiFi - Registry -
- version: 5.0.1, 4.0.3
apache/nifi 2.0.0-M1
Unofficial convenience binaries and Docker images for Apache NiFi
- version: 4.0.3, 5.0.1
nacos/nacos-server v2.3.0
This project contains a Docker image meant to facilitate the deployment of Nacos .
- version: 3.4.2
cptactionhank/atlassian-confluence latest
Atlassian Confluence wrapped in a Docker image
- version: 2.5.1
returntocorp/semgrep sha-f7ab467-nonroot
docker images for semgrep - Lightweight static analysis for many languages.
- version: 4.0.3
bitnami/spark 3.5.0
Bitnami Spark Docker Image
- version: 2.5.1
binhex/arch-nzbhydra2 5.3.5-1-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with NZBHydra2
- version: 5.0.1
library/bonita 9.0.0
Bonita is an open-source business process management and workflow suite
- version: 4.0.3
prismagraphql/prisma-prod 1.34.9
- version: 3.2.0
fredboat/quarterdeck arm64v8-1b63beb4
- version: 3.4.1
puppet/puppetdb latest
A Docker image for running PuppetDB
- version: 2.7.4
library/storm 2.5
Apache Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system.
- version: 2.5.1
cimg/android 2023.12-browsers
- version: 4.0.3
springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-server 2.11.2-SNAPSHOT-jdk8
- version: 4.0.3
apache/dolphinscheduler 2.0.7
A platform to distributed, visual interface, schedule, and monitor workflows
- version: 4.0.3
returntocorp/semgrep-agent sha-688b98c
A specialized Docker image for running Semgrep in CI environments
- version: 4.0.3
dependencytrack/apiserver 3259-trivy-integration
Dependency-Track API Server
- version: 5.0.1
bitnami/spring-cloud-dataflow 2.11.1
Bitnami Docker Image for Spring Cloud Data Flow
- version: 4.0.3
apache/skywalking-oap-server 9.7.0
Apache SkyWalking OAP Server
- version: 3.1.0
confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect-base 7.4.3-1-ubi8
Official Confluent Docker Base Image for Kafka Connect
- version: 3.4.5
bitnami/spring-cloud-skipper 2.11.1
Bitnami Docker Image for Spring Cloud Skipper
- version: 4.0.3
saturnism/guestbook-service latest
- version: 3.4.5
alfresco/alfresco-share 23.2.0-A7
- version: 4.0.3
library/lightstreamer 7.4.1
Lightstreamer is a real-time messaging server optimized for the Internet.
- version: 4.0.3
bde2020/spark-worker latest
Apache Spark worker for a standalone cluster
- version: 2.5.1
apache/druid 28.0.1
Apache Druid
- version: 2.6.1
apache/fineract latest
Apache Fineract
- version: 4.0.3
openzipkin/zipkin-aws 0.23.5
Mirror of
- version: 3.4.5