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Package Usage : maven : com.vaadin.external.slf4j:vaadin-slf4j-jdk14
Explore the latest package usage data for com.vaadin.external.slf4j:vaadin-slf4j-jdk14 in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 18
Total downloads: 2,706,044
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croc/unimus 2.6.1
my Unimus container for network device backup -
- version: 1.6.1
croc/unimus-arm64 2.5.1
Arm64 based unimus container for network device backup - by buildx
- version: 1.6.1
sohnoun/glacez-webapp-dashboard 1.5.19
- version: 1.6.1
mesosphere/hivemq 0.1
- version: 1.6.1
janakavishwajith/hawkbit-tieto-theme mysql-https-1.5.0
tieto themed hawkbit. Just for testing purpose
- version: 1.6.1
ankul7565/hbs 1.0.5
- version: 1.6.1
mkstevens/base29 latest
Magnolia CMS Image 6.2.29
- version: 1.6.1
mateuszpielczyk/hivemq latest
- version: 1.6.1
eplfflr/magnolia-test2 latest
- version: 1.6.1
eplfflr/magnolia-test3 latest
- version: 1.6.1
eplfflr/magnoliatest11 latest
- version: 1.6.1
eplfflr/magnolia-test10 latest
- version: 1.6.1
mugans/magnolia-custom latest
- version: 1.6.1
rosder/tomcat9-jdk17 latest
- version: 1.6.1
carloscantalapiedra/magnoliaguide-h2 latest
- version: 1.6.1
eplfflr/magnolia-test4 latest
- version: 1.6.1
lferreira86/scarab-tomcat 1.10.1
- version: 1.6.1
ttrandxp/test-sso-pub latest
- version: 1.6.1