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Package Usage : maven : com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb:isorelax
Explore the latest package usage data for com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb:isorelax in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 7,768
Total downloads: 8,097,407,552
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azul/cnc-compile-broker 1.7.1
Azul Cloud Native Compiler component that handles compilation requests.
- version: 20090621
sutoj/tika latest
- version: 20090621
springcommunity/spring-petclinic-admin-server latest
Spring Boot Admin server of the Spring Petclinic Microservices project
- version: 20090621
synec/docker-jenkins latest
Extends jenkins/jenkins and adds some tools
- version: 20090621
turbonomic/com.vmturbo.mediation.client 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 20090621
kran0/davmail-docker 6.1.0
Docker container for DavMail POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP Exchange Gateway
- version: 20090621
rapidfort/elasticsearch 8.10
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for ElasticSearch
- version: 20090621
adorsys/xs2a-connector-embedded develop
- version: 20090621
nkonev/blog latest
- version: 20090621
riftbit/atlassian bamboo-9.4.2
Atlassian software containers (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Crowd, Bamboo, etc.) with features
- version: 20090621
ajardin/magento2-elasticsearch 8.4
- version: 20090621
apache/beam_flink1.12_job_server 2.53.0
- version: 20090621
camptocamp/graphhopper camptocamp_6.0
- version: 20090621
wesleywillians/maratona4-keycloak latest
- version: 20090621
turbonomic/ 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 20090621
Xenit specific solr6 images
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/kafka-docker-playground-connect-operator 6.1.3
- version: 20090621
entando/entando-redhat-sso latest
- version: 20090621
zenika/alpine-jenkins-with-docker fix-autobuild
Minimal Jenkins Docker Images built on Alpine Linux
- version: 20090621
apache/beam_flink1.14_job_server 2.53.0
- version: 20090621
ffuentes98/calculoretiroanticipado-jvm latest
- version: 20090621
medinvention/gravitee-management-api 3.4.2
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/cp-ansible-playground-broker3 7.5.2
- version: 20090621
turbonomic/com.vmturbo.mediation.flexera.component 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/cp-ansible-playground-broker2 7.5.1
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/cp-ansible-playground-broker1 7.5.2
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/cp-ansible-playground-schema-registry 7.5.2
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/cp-ansible-playground-zookeeper1 7.5.2
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/cp-ansible-playground-ksql-server 7.5.0
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/cp-ansible-playground-connect 7.5.2
- version: 20090621
ballerina/h1_h1_passthrough latest
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/cp-ansible-playground-rest-proxy 7.5.0
- version: 20090621
vdesabou/cp-ansible-playground-control-center 7.5.2
- version: 20090621
apache/solr-nightly 10.0.0-SNAPSHOT-slim
- version: 20090621
apache/syncope-sra 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Syncope SRA
- version: 20090621
ballerina/h1_transformation latest
- version: 20090621
apache/syncope-wa 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Syncope WA
- version: 20090621
piegsaj/wildfly 27.0.0.Final
WildFly 15.0.0.Final on Java 11
- version: 20090621
webratio/phonegap 7.1.1_android-33
PhoneGap ( image
- version: 20090621
airhacks/wildfly latest
- version: 20090621
adorsys/ledgers-keycloak develop
Keycloak image required for Ledgers project to run properly
- version: 20090621
Repository contains Adeptia Connect Migration.
- version: 20090621
chandra4944/apimanis sit-9-2023-07-06t21-35-59z
- version: 20090621
ballerina/h1c_h1c_passthrough latest
- version: 20090621
turbonomic/com.vmturbo.mediation.tanium.component 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 20090621
ballerina/observability_enabled latest
- version: 20090621
slpcat/kube-jenkins-dind-agent oraclejdk11-bullseye-python3
- version: 20090621
ballerina/h1c_transformation latest
- version: 20090621
rajagile/trino v12
- version: 20090621
geosolutionsit/mapstore2-georchestra 2023.02.00-RC3-geOrchestra
Custom Image to be used in a GeOrchestra deploy
- version: 20090621