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Package Usage : maven : com.qcloud.cos:hadoop-cos
Explore the latest package usage data for com.qcloud.cos:hadoop-cos in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 34
Total downloads: 427,692
More details on - JSON
apache/doris doris-fe-2.1.7
This image is the build environment image of Apache Doris.
- version: 2.8.5-8.1.8
fluidcloudnative/alluxio release-2.7.3-SNAPSHOT-a7154f1
- version: 3.1.0-5.8.5
fluidcloudnative/alluxio-fuse release-2.7.3-SNAPSHOT-a7154f1
- version: 3.1.0-5.8.5
starrocks/fe-ubuntu 3.3.5
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
starrocks/be-ubuntu 3.3.7
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
freeoneplus/doris 2.1.0
- version: 2.8.5-8.1.8
alvincoding/starrocks-ubuntu-dev main
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
27073431/doris-be 1.2.1
- version: 2.8.5-8.1.8
d87904488/sr_fe latest
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
tracymacdingkai/fe_sr 0.1.0
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
mzsmieli/centos v0.0.1
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
adhasahar/starrocks-be 2.5.3
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
starrocks/cn-ubi 3.3.0
Deprecated. Please use starrocks/cn-ubuntu instead.
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
renzicu/starrocks-broker 2.5.0
StarRockers Broker, Cluster addition is supported.
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
d87904488/sr_be latest
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
adhasahar/starrocks 2.5
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
gaochong365/alluxio-new-image 2.9.0-0.2
- version: 3.1.0-5.8.5
lvlouisaslia/allin1-ubuntu 3.0.0-no-avx2-no-sse42
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
aimeralan/apache-doris-be v1.2.4.1.fix01-avx2-debian-aimeralan
- version: 2.8.5-8.1.8
starrocks/allin1-ubuntu 3.3.7
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
this is the doris-be, version with noavx2
- version: 2.8.5-8.1.8
starrocks/dev-env-ubuntu 3.3.7
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
starrocks/artifacts-ubuntu 3.3.4
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
starrocks/artifacts-centos7 3.3.7
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
ssz1997/alluxio-dev main-3d13072
- version: 3.1.0-5.8.5
alluxiotest/dora-dev ccc3ca5
- version: 3.1.0-5.8.5
- version: 2.8.5-8.1.8
lhrbest/starrocks 3.0.0
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
akashxrepo/akashx-starrocks-3.1.0 latest
customised starrocks version by Akashx
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
chosw/alluxio-csi v9
- version: 3.1.0-5.8.5
shufange/dora-etcd-membership 0731
- version: 3.1.0-5.8.5
fushilei/test.fe v3.0.1
- version: 2.8.5-5.9.3
e11it/catalogd 3.4.0
- version: 3.1.0-8.0.8
beaulizhu532/datax jdk-8-bullseye-with-cos
- version: 2.7.5-8.1.8