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Package Usage : maven : com.mysql:mysql-connector-j
Explore the latest package usage data for com.mysql:mysql-connector-j in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,663
Total downloads: 114,302,542
More details on - JSON
redaroshdy/backendimage latest
- version: 8.0.31
ranjit5656/employeedepartment-microservice-docker latest
- version: 8.0.31
hitham/retailer-application latest
- version: 8.0.31
nithinraaj27/sample-server latest
- version: 8.0.32
ashishrits081/oms 20
- version: 8.0.32
bakob123/p2p-chatappv4 latest
- version: 8.0.31
parkgwangduck/tfa latest
- version: 8.0.31
vixir27/graphql-demo-mysql latest
- version: 8.0.32
leosys77/usuarios latest
- version: 8.0.31
andrewwallerprocentrica/procentrica-university enrollment
- version: 8.0.31
alvinian/phase2 customsprocessing_20231219
- version: 8.0.33
arajput4/backend1 latest2
- version: 8.0.31
lijie00/spring-cashier latest
- version: 8.0.32
rajapalai/employee-app-v1.jar v1
- version: 8.0.31
arajput4/adtiya version1
- version: 8.0.31
ernestodeorozco/questions latest
- version: 8.0.31
charandocker7/spring-mysql.jar latest
- version: 8.0.32
sivdead/dacat-stream-api 0.0.1
- version: 8.0.32
adebola/product-service 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: *, 8.0.31
crenukeswar/loyalty latest
- version: 8.0.31
ghuman1986/landing-page-backend latest
Landing Page backend for test
- version: 8.0.31
larva0/pth-service-auth latest
- version: 8.0.31
leo99effert/java latest
- version: 8.0.31
eleisia/unjeong latest
- version: 8.0.31
ravidgontov/marketplace-service latest
- version: 8.0.31
joaomiol/currency-service 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 8.0.31
mihulsingh/assignmentthree 20230504_020410
- version: 8.0.33
placidenduwayo1/k8s-aepc-bs-ms-project latest
- version: 8.0.33, *
epinho/java-docker latest
- version: 8.0.31
yeongmindocker/sections-prod latest
- version: 8.0.33
josleke/reactive-wallet-service v1.1
- version: 8.0.31
sooryaisure/redshift-backend_3 latest
- version: 8.0.31
jrbcruz13/order-service latest
- version: 8.0.32
lmslmsms0616/test-msa-member latest
- version: 8.0.31
sifatsistemas/apicsosnicms master
- version: 8.0.31
shubhdes/shree_samartha_enterprise_webapp latest
- version: 8.0.31
mnykolaichuk/projekt-si-app latest
- version: 8.0.31
swedlg/calc-api1 1.0.0
- version: 8.0.33
yuriyeom/dev_user_service latest
- version: 8.0.33
teambravodocker/bravo-backend latest
- version: 8.0.31
mohamed3ashour/project backend
- version: 8.0.31
ashishrits081/whatsappservice latest
- version: 8.0.32
ynshb/order-service latest
- version: 8.0.31
trittale/spring-petclinit 3.0.0
- version: *, 8.0.32
pakopp/api-spring v1
- version: 8.0.31
cocopaps/minecraft_server latest
- version: 8.0.32
ankitapushp/hotel-service 1.1
- version: 8.0.32
slyohmy/project-work-backend 7d7cfb01d922
- version: 8.0.31
ikyavenus/dhani-finance-postings latest
Repository for test
- version: 8.0.31
heesootory/pickpack-member latest
- version: 8.0.32
nelsondanielbusiness/order-service-dev 3
- version: 8.0.31
sahiithi/docker-demo v1
- version: 8.0.31
bhawna05/data-tagger latest
- version: 8.0.32
agustinharistoy/grasasolido_docker latest
- version: 8.0.33
agustinharistoy/proveedor_docker latest
- version: 8.0.33
shm9509/spring-cashier v2.0
- version: 8.0.32
vinhlq9/build-spark-3.3 2.7
- version: 8.0.32
dchaturya/analytics latest
- version: 8.0.32
polyyann/gestionemployes latest
- version: 8.0.31
mattiauni/spike-kubernetes latest
- version: 8.0.31
polarbear96/iljo-room-server 1.0.3
- version: 8.0.31
swapson7/customer-service latest
- version: *, 8.0.31
sahil1937/backend 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.v2
- version: 8.0.31
kmarji/jira-mysql-8.5.4 latest
- version: 8.0.31
iamjoydip95/sampleclinic latest
- version: 8.0.31, *
bmm522/test 0.0.1
- version: 8.0.31
tk6117/sample-spring-jvm v0.1
- version: 8.0.31
exwhyzed/jwtserver latest
- version: 8.0.31
kamalsingh246/couponservice latest
- version: 8.0.31
austinf01/spring-starbucks v1.0
- version: 8.0.31
dirk380/dogapp v22
- version: 8.0.31
dalicious77/kurrant_v1_prod_test 41e653a
- version: 8.0.31
kamalsingh246/productservice latest
- version: 8.0.31
ybinds/sbms-em-app latest
- version: 8.0.31
asdfn0/backend1212 latest
- version: 8.0.31
pnieweglowski/gocd-server v22.3.0
- version: 8.0.31
junyoung06/match latest
- version: 8.0.32
qkdrmsgh73/service-response-test latest
- version: 8.0.31
rbqjachl95/cicd e016177
- version: 8.0.31
dyegohbb/rhcontrol-2 1.0.0
- version: 8.0.31
gautam1998/courseapp v1
- version: 8.0.31
manishaag7/todo1 latest
- version: *, 8.0.31
syrjay/order-service latest
- version: 8.0.31
gayeongpark/nalmuri-server-2 latest
- version: 8.0.31
mobimech/ecom-payment 1.0
- version: 8.0.31
gayeongpark/nalmuri_tt latest
- version: 8.0.31
mobimech/ecom-notification 1.0
- version: 8.0.31
mobimech/ecom-eureka 1.0
- version: 8.0.31
mobimech/ecom-contact 1.0
- version: 8.0.31
nehimyeah/comment-service latest
- version: 8.0.31
nehimyeah/tv-service latest
- version: 8.0.31
indhumathis/trainms latest
- version: 8.0.31