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Package Usage : maven : com.hadoop.gplcompression:hadoop-lzo
Explore the latest package usage data for com.hadoop.gplcompression:hadoop-lzo in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 67
Total downloads: 7,903,065
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apache/zeppelin 0.11.2
Apache Zeppelin
- version: 0.4.19
openkbs/docker-spark-bde2020-zeppelin latest
- version: 0.4.19
airbyte/destination-postgres 2.4.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-bigquery 2.9.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-snowflake 3.15.2
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-redshift 3.5.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-bigquery-denormalized 2.0.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-mysql 1.0.3
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-gcs 0.4.8
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-clickhouse 1.0.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-postgres-strict-encrypt 2.4.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-mssql 1.0.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-azure-blob-storage 0.2.3
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-oracle 1.0.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-dynamodb 0.1.8
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-mariadb-columnstore 0.1.7
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-mysql-strict-encrypt 1.0.2
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-mssql-strict-encrypt 1.0.1
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-oracle-strict-encrypt 1.0.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-tidb 0.1.4
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-bitdotio 0.1.0
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-teradata 0.1.6
- version: 0.4.20
apache/mahout-zeppelin 14.1
Mahout on Zeppelin
- version: 0.4.19
airbyte/destination-iceberg 0.2.2
- version: 0.4.20
rajagile/apachesparkhistoryserver 9
- version: 0.4.20
rajagile/spark 3.2.1
- version: 0.4.20
ignalina/zeppelin_0.10.0 latest
Forked and modernized to compile with hadoop 3.3.1 + spark 3.1.2
- version: 0.4.19
ferlabcrsj/zeppelin 6916df9ea76364939be282f32a5b2ddacdb3526e
- version: 0.4.19
rajagile/jupiterwithspark 6
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/dst-sf-perf 0.0.9
- version: 0.4.20
rajagile/sparkjoblogs 2
- version: 0.4.20
rajagile/spark1258 3
- version: 0.4.20
rajagile/sparkhs 3
- version: 0.4.20
haranaoss/common-base-apps 942ee4
- version: 0.4.19
rajagile/jupiter metastore
- version: 0.4.20
mjm9804/zeppelin latest
- version: 0.4.19
gcriodeeplearning/spark-cpu m125
- version: 0.4.20
airbyte/destination-vertica latest
- version: 0.4.20
ziyadrakib/zeppelinubuntu 0.1
- version: 0.4.19
cristianastorino/spark-job-test 44
- version: 0.4.20
zzzzzzzs/node4 v15
- version: 0.4.20
trustokoroego/destination-s3 0.3.17
- version: 0.4.20, 0.4.21-SNAPSHOT
bochuxt/zeppelin101akscli 0.0.3
- version: 0.4.19
yuanrui2014/destination-snowflake 0.0.1
- version: 0.4.20
mohankrishna225/zeppelin-interpreter 0.10.1_spark_3.1.1
- version: 0.4.19
jmccarrell/zeppelin-pivt-base 0.10.1
- version: 0.4.19
melodydocker/test-custom 6.9
- version: 0.4.19
melodydocker/emr-openjdk112 latest
- version: 0.4.19
melodydocker/emr-jdk112 latest
- version: 0.4.19
melodydocker/emr-corretto11 latest
- version: 0.4.19
bochuxt/zepplin101 0.0.4
- version: 0.4.19
inikerin/zeppeline 0.10.1
- version: 0.4.19
knobby/spark-rapids latest
Container with cuda, spark, and spark-rapids plugin
- version: 0.4.20
yugasun/bigdata-zeppelin 1.0.0
- version: 0.4.19
rossonet/zeppelin-lab latest
- version: 0.4.19
mohankrishna225/zeppelin-distribution 0.10.0
- version: 0.4.19
caoleidocker/sagemaker-spark-processing 3.1-cpu-py39-v1.2
- version: 0.4.19
houminwei041/zeppelin-interpreter 0.10.0
- version: 0.4.19
rajagile/testsparkjob 27
- version: 0.4.20
atwong/destination-starrocks arm64
AirByte Destination Connector for StarRocks
- version: 0.4.20
deepjavalibrary/djl-spark 0.22.1-cpu
- version: 0.4.19
yuanrui2014/destination-mysql 0.0.2
- version: 0.4.20
qq1053734086/centos7.9-bigdata 01sihe10-t1
- version: 0.4.19
rajagile/1220-jupyterproxyserver 1
- version: 0.4.20
seawenc/hadoop 3.3.4x3
- version: 0.4.20
lklhdu/plugin_1.4.3_image v0.3
- version: 0.4.20-SNAPSHOT
emincanozcan/airbyte-dws-destination v0.0.1
- version: 0.4.20