An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : maven :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 4,428
Total downloads: 3,416,140,827
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apache/dolphinscheduler-api 3.2.0
- version: 3.17.2
saturnism/gcp-spring-petclinic-visits-service latest
- version: 3.5.1
vdesabou/kafka-docker-playground-connect 7.3.2
- version: 3.19.6
saturnism/gcp-spring-petclinic-api-gateway latest
- version: 3.5.1
turbonomic/com.vmturbo.mediation.gcp.cost.component 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 3.21.7
google/apigee-mart-server 1.8.0-preview.2
Apigee Mart Server Container Images
- version: 3.13.0
seogunhee4/dsm-findapple develop
FIndApple의 서버 이미지 파일입니다
- version: 3.7.1
alpine/gcloud 310.0.0
Auto-trigger docker build for gcloud (google cloud command line) when new release is announced
- version: 3.7.1, 3.0.0
snowplow/rdb-loader-snowflake 5.8.0-rc3-focal
- version: 3.21.10, 3.21.8
apache/bookkeeper 4.16.3
Non-official bookkeeper convenience binaries
- version: 3.21.9, 3.19.6
geerlingguy/solr 9.4.0
Apache Solr image built from the Ansible Role geerlingguy.solr
- version: 3.11.0, 3.21.12
google/apigee-synchronizer 1.8.0-preview.2
Apigee synchronizer Container Images
- version: 3.13.0
clickhouse/integration-tests-runner 54187-cf5e4bd9e07a0fcd0a39f8700f1f632e869ea347
- version: 3.17.1
huggingface/transformers-pytorch-gpu 4.35.2
Hugging Face Transformers repository with CPU & GPU PyTorch backend
- version: 3.19.4
tcema/consultaprocesso-wf 1
- version: 3.19.2
google/apigee-udca 1.8.0-preview.2
Apigee udca container images
- version: 3.15.8, 3.9.0
snowplow/snowplow-bigquery-mutator 1.7.0-rc1-distroless
- version: 3.20.1
broadinstitute/terra-jupyter-aou 8bf6b13
- version: 3.11.4, 3.10.0
groupbyinc/pubsub-emulator 2.0.0
- version: 3.20.3, 3.21.12
apachepinot/pinot-presto 0.281-SNAPSHOT-031ce06fcc-20230307
This image is a presto image built-in with pinot connector. Currently supporting Presto 0.234.0
- version: 3.14.0, 3.17.1
grpc/java-example-hostname 1.60.0
grpc-java's hostname example
- version: 3.21.7
apache/hop 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Hop
- version: 3.21.7, 3.21.12, 3.21.1, 3.21.9
broadinstitute/gatk-nightly 2024-01-06-
Official repository for nightly development builds of the GATK
- version: 3.19.4
apache/rocketmq 5.1.4
- version: 3.20.1
tektondev/cloudsdktool-cloud-sdk 421.0.0-debian_component_based
- version: 3.21.12, 3.20.3
seogunhee4/dsm_findapple_socket latest
- version: 3.7.1
broadinstitute/thurloe 30128f7ef4cc
A simple service to store arbitrary key/value pairs
- version: 3.21.4
mesosphere/cp-enterprise-replicator 5.3.0
- version: 3.4.0
pytorch/torchserve-kfs 0.9.0
- version: 3.19.4
landoop/fast-data-dev-connect-cluster latest
Deprecated. Please use fast-data-connect-cluster.
- version: 3.19.4, 3.21.12, 3.19.6
splatform/scf-nats dcfb3ec87d41744e7a4bfb680e8e983b78a70fab
- version: 3.5.1
splatform/scf-tcp-router 69c6ef175e78372ea49d1a98f3fe6bd7c68712ab
- version: 3.5.1
splatform/scf-post-deployment-setup c706b51305cebc88f64a0acf8f2ef22cc9305a7a
- version: 3.5.1
scalableminds/webknossos-datastore master__25962
- version: 3.21.7
vanallenlab/sv-pipeline-base gnomad_rf_abd6c1
- version: 3.10.0, 3.12.4
storytel/google-cloud-pubsub-emulator latest
- version: 3.4.0
splatform/scf-smoke-tests 9e212ab6fa9c2ffbfb4629136bf7f08c16c81062
- version: 3.5.1
apache/systemds python-nightly
Apache SystemDS
- version: 3.20.3
- version: 3.8.0
ttbb/bookkeeper mate
- version: 3.19.6
axdraft/gcloud-node-docker latest
- version: 3.21.12
arm64v8/elasticsearch 8.11.3
Elasticsearch is a powerful open source search and analytics engine that makes data easy to explore.
- version: 3.21.9, 3.17.3
broadinstitute/welder-server 76263d2
- version: 3.15.8
apache/iotdb 1.2.2-standalone
An IoT native database with high performance for data management and analysis.
- version: 3.19.6
adilsoncarvalho/gcloud-pubsub-emulator latest
This is the Docker image for the Google Cloud PubSub Emulator
- version: 3.1.0
apache/incubator-hop-web Development
- version: 3.12.0, 3.15.3, 3.6.1, 3.14.0
bitnami/schema-registry 7.5.2
Bitnami Docker Image for Schema Registry
- version: 3.19.6
ppc64le/solr 9.4-slim
Apache Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source search platform built on Apache Lucene™.
- version: 3.21.12