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Package Usage : maven :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 466
Total downloads: 81,700,979
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broadinstitute/genomes-in-the-cloud 2.1.1
Genomes-in-the-cloud is a genomic analysis pipeline project developed by the Broad Institute.
- version: 1.4.1
Official release repository for GATK versions 4.x
- version: 1.9.4
apache/zeppelin 0.11.2
Apache Zeppelin
- version: 1.4.5
shawnzhu/prestodb 340
PrestoSQL + Db2 Connector
- version: 2.0.0
broadinstitute/terra-jupyter-aou 2.1.13
- version: 1.9.4
apachepinot/pinot-presto 0.273.3
This image is a presto image built-in with pinot connector. Currently supporting Presto 0.234.0
- version: 1.9.17
apache/hop 2.10.0
Apache Hop
- version: 2.2.6, 2.2.16
broadinstitute/gatk-nightly 2024-08-17-
Official repository for nightly development builds of the GATK
- version: 1.9.4
vanallenlab/sv-pipeline-base gnomad_rf_abd6c1
- version: 1.9.4
apache/incubator-hop-web Development
- version: 2.2.2
nfcore/eager 2.5.2
A Docker image for the nf-core/eager pipeline.
- version: 1.9.4
apache/beam_spark_job_server 2.45.0
Apache Beam Spark Job Server
- version: 2.2.6
snowplow/snowplow-bigquery-loader 1.6.2
- version: 2.2.4
apache/hop-web 2.10.0
Apache Hop Web
- version: 2.2.16, 2.2.6
apache/beam_java_sdk 2.26.0
Apache Beam Java SDK. ⚠️NOTICE⚠️ This container has been deprecated. See README.
- version: 2.1.6
apache/beam_flink1.13_job_server 2.55.1
- version: 2.2.6, 2.2.16
apache/beam_spark3_job_server 2.60.0
- version: 2.2.6, 2.2.16
harisekhon/presto-dev latest
Presto SQL (Facebook), opens SQL shell (tags for all versions) - distributed Big Data SQL engine
- version: 1.9.17
openkbs/docker-spark-bde2020-zeppelin latest
- version: 1.4.5
vanallenlab/sv-pipeline rlc_aou_evidencetable_fix
- version: 1.9.4
snowplow/beam-enrich 2.0.7
- version: 2.2.2
snowplow/snowplow-google-cloud-storage-loader 0.5.6
- version: 2.2.6, 2.2.16
dit4c/dit4c-container-zeppelin latest
DIT4C image for Apache Zeppelin
- version: 1.4.5
apache/beam_flink1.10_job_server 2.30.0
Apache Beam Flink Job Server
- version: 2.1.6
apache/beam_flink1.12_job_server 2.55.1
- version: 2.2.16, 2.2.6
apache/incubator-hop 1.0.0
- version: 2.2.2
GATK Development
- version: 1.9.4
bde2020/zeppelin 0.8.0-hadoop-2.8.0-spark-2.3.1
Apache Zeppelin Docker Image compatible with BDE Hadoop/Spark.
- version: 1.4.5
apache/beam_flink1.9_job_server 2.29.0
Apache Beam Flink1.9 Job Server
- version: 2.1.6
apache/beam_flink1.8_job_server 2.29.0
Apache Beam Flink 1.8 Job Server
- version: 2.1.6
apache/beam_flink1.14_job_server 2.56.0
- version: 2.2.16, 2.2.6
iomete/tpcds_iceberg_generator 0.3.0
- version: 2.2.14
rajagile/trino 377-csi-r1
- version: 2.0.0
broadinstitute/terra-jupyter-gatk 0.0.13
- version: 1.6.3
apache/beam_flink1.15_job_server 2.60.0
- version: 2.2.6, 2.2.16
alligatorcompany/acs-exasol 1.0.5
exasol docker image with additional checks
- version: 1.9.4
apache/ambari-logsearch-portal build-3293b96
Ambari Logsearch Portal
- version: 1.9.10
broadinstitute/fungal_gatk4 gatk4.5.0.0
- version: 1.9.4
apache/beam_flink1.7_job_server 2.20.0
Apache Beam Flink 1.7 Job Server
- version: 2.0.0
apache/ambari-logsearch-logfeeder build-3293b96
Ambari Logsearch Logfeeder
- version: 1.9.10
dview/trino v1.1.1
- version: 2.2.18, 2.2.8
snowplow/transformer-pubsub 6.1.3
- version: 2.2.5
iomete/spark 4.0.0
iomete public spark images bundled with necessary libraries and optimizations
- version: 2.2.14
nfcore/sarek 2.7.2
A Docker container for the nf-core/sarek pipeline
- version: 1.6.3
airbyte/destination-bigquery 2.9.0
- version: 2.2.1
airbyte/destination-snowflake 3.15.2
- version: 2.2.1
airbyte/destination-bigquery-denormalized 2.0.0
- version: 2.2.1
intelliseqngs/gatk- 1.0.1
- version: 1.6.3
airbyte/destination-gcs 0.4.6
- version: 2.2.1
intelliseqngs/task_bam-bsqr 1.2.2
- version: 1.9.4
intelliseqngs/task_bam-filter-mismatch 1.4.1
- version: 1.9.4
intelliseqngs/gatk dbsnp-genotyping_grch38-no-alt-analysis-set_1.0.4-chrY-and-the-rest
- version: 1.9.4