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Package Usage : maven : com.github.scribejava:scribejava-httpclient-apache
Explore the latest package usage data for com.github.scribejava:scribejava-httpclient-apache in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 52
Total downloads: 12,470
More details on - JSON
patroonorg/patroondeps latest
- version: 8.3.1
samyshaikh/test-repo-123 test_demo_2_3_0
- version: 6.9.0
varinsandhu/tibcobwcehrt 01
- version: 6.9.0
varinsandhu/parsejsonhawklogger 07
- version: 6.9.0
snmore/oerp280v6 latest
- version: 6.9.0
mateuszpielczyk/hivemq latest
- version: 8.3.1
mhmodmonim/flight-details v1
Tibco BWCE app to demonstrate the rest service of posting and getting flight details
- version: 6.9.0
varinsandhu/sampleredtailhawkbwce 1.0
- version: 6.9.0
varinsandhu/parsejson 03
- version: 6.9.0
rahul2251/helloworld latest
- version: 6.9.0
dssprasad/bwce_repo v1
- version: 6.9.0
ndhas/appcdcoc1 latest
- version: 6.9.0
singhrk82/azure-poc latest
- version: 6.9.0
ramanthakur/printmyname 1.2
- version: 6.9.0
jyothitibco/bwce_repo v1
- version: 6.9.0
ndhas/tux latest
- version: 6.9.0
tpandey2020/aws_receive latest
- version: 6.9.0
tpandey2020/aws_invoke latest
- version: 6.9.0
carloshhdez86/bwce_repo v1
- version: 6.9.0
visharmatib/sftpapp1 latest
- version: 6.9.0
nehasahithi/bwce_repo v1
- version: 6.9.0
mpandav/kafka2sap 1.0
- version: 6.9.0
ash2099/bwce_repo BWCLog1_v1
- version: 6.9.0
mdp92/highthrouput 4
- version: 6.9.0
shwetha31032000/rest 1.1
- version: 6.9.0
ksmathuria/simplecobol appimage
- version: 6.9.0
athiruma/demoapp latest
- version: 6.9.0
salonisinha/bwce_repo v1
- version: 6.9.0
pratik1904/bwce_repo v1
- version: 6.9.0
mhdzkry/bwce_repo v1
- version: 6.9.0
sdgoeldocker/basebwceenbd 2.8.1
- version: 6.9.0
greeshmak123/rest 1.1
- version: 6.9.0
hbhan12/app latest
- version: 6.9.0
ksmathuria/dcpap 1.0.0
- version: 6.9.0
snmore/testoc latest
- version: 6.9.0
ldes/ldi-workbench-nifi 2.0.0
Linked Data Interactions for Apache NiFi
- version: 8.3.3
pmukhopa/appimgnameall latest
- version: 6.9.0
vashinde/suspendresumeapp latest
- version: 6.9.0
vashinde/timerapppimage latest
- version: 6.9.0
mpandav/bwce-281 k_base
TIBCO BWCE 2.8.1 base images each tag contains different plugins
- version: 6.9.0
mdp92/largevolumeclient 16
- version: 6.9.0
mdp92/largevolumeprocessing 13
- version: 6.9.0
cnair15/app latest
- version: 6.9.0
abhiteshwar/bwce httpwiki
- version: 6.9.0
vashinde/concatapp latest
- version: 6.9.0
vlaltibco/cmapp latest
- version: 6.9.0
cnair15/jms latest
- version: 6.9.0
ariannabaggio/img-testdb 1.3
- version: 6.9.0
bggarad/tibco_bwce_2.5 latest
Tibco bwce base image
- version: 6.9.0
raulvidal/bwce latest
- version: 6.9.0