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Package Usage : maven : com.github.haifengl:smile-graph
Explore the latest package usage data for com.github.haifengl:smile-graph in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 26
Total downloads: 1,601
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polusai/imagej-filter-partialderivative-plugin 0.3.5
- version: 2.5.3
cabreratoxy/pyopera 0.205.0
pyOPERA-related images.
- version: 2.2.2
polusai/imagej-sobel-plugin 0.3.2
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-filter-tubeness-plugin 0.3.8
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-filter-dog-plugin 0.3.2
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-deconvolve-richardsonlucy-plugin 0.4.3
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-filter-derivativegauss-plugin 0.4.4
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-image-integral-plugin 0.3.2
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-filter-addpoissonnoise-plugin 0.4.4
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-filter-convolve-plugin 0.4.2
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-macro-plugin 0.1.3
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-deconvolve-richardsonlucytv-plugin 0.4.2
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-filter-gauss-plugin 0.3.2
- version: 2.5.3
grobid/entity-fishing 0.0.6
A machine learning tool for fishing entities
- version: 1.3.1
obarrilero/s5 1.0.1
- version: 1.5.0
ivicamaticsd/catapult-ard-docker-images master
- version: 1.5.0
numdes/snap latest
- version: 1.5.0
porvik/sen-et-snap latest
- version: 1.5.0
obarrilero/slc 1.2.0
- version: 1.5.0
polusai/imagej-threshold-li-plugin 0.4.2
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-threshold-huang-plugin 0.4.2
- version: 2.5.3
polusai/imagej-threshold-maxentropy-plugin 0.4.2
- version: 2.5.3
agroapps/esa-snap-9.0.0 9.0.0
This image contains ESA SNAP v9.0.0 and Sen2Cor v2.10.0
- version: 1.5.0
porvik/snap 9.0-ubuntu
- version: 1.5.0
benord/rte 2023.13.152
- version: 1.3.0
eoepca/iga-remote-desktop-snap devlatest
- version: 1.5.0