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Package Usage : maven : com.example:calculator
Explore the latest package usage data for com.example:calculator in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 9
Total downloads: 79
More details on - JSON
pbeniwal/calculatorwithwar v1
- version: 1.0
pbeniwal/democalc v18
- version: 1.0
pbeniwal/mytomcatimage latest
- version: 1.0
marcusrocha/rest-with-spring-boot latest
- version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
sayan1985/calcwar_withtomcat v9
- version: 1.0
chandan1910/mycalcwithwar 7
- version: 1.0
santhoshkumarg25/kar v17
- version: 1.0
thucluong/newcalculator 1.4.0
- version: 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT