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Package Usage : maven : com.eclipsesource.j2v8:j2v8_macosx_x86_64
Explore the latest package usage data for com.eclipsesource.j2v8:j2v8_macosx_x86_64 in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 18
Total downloads: 592,364
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bitnami/reportserver 4.6.2-6102-debian-11-r4
🛑 DEPRECATED Bitnami Docker Image for ReportServer.
- version: 4.6.0
shams265/openmaint.2.3-3.4.1 latest
- version: 4.6.0
rayetsena/frank2opennotificeermolz last
- version: 4.6.0
lumerisdevops/dqs-python 3.9
- version: 4.6.0
wearefrank/mijnzaaknotificaties 1.24.0
- version: 4.6.0
greetgo/md-reader 0.0.27
- version: 4.6.0
vasmik/ccis-x86 latest
- version: 4.6.0
terminusdev/cmdbuild 3.4
- version: 4.6.0
shams265/openmaint-2.3-3.4.1 latest
- version: 4.6.0
mgokbulut/c4_svg_webflux 1.2
- version: 4.6.0
olehkondratov/ready2use-2.3-3.4.1 latest
- version: 4.6.0
saharbadihi/inpress latest
- version: 4.6.0
pmcdermott/ces-python 3
- version: 4.6.0
dnulnets/cmdbuild 0.0.8
- version: 4.6.0
andrealeminh/tomcat npo
- version: 4.6.0
mathieumollin/sem-hub V3
- version: 4.6.0
wearefrank/het-integratie-platform 1.3.11
- version: 4.6.0
stijnvdkolk/franknlx 0.8
- version: 4.6.0