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Package Usage : maven : com.atomikos:transactions-jdbc
Explore the latest package usage data for com.atomikos:transactions-jdbc in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 110
Total downloads: 958,374
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ballerina/ballerina 2201.10.3
Ballerina is a compiled, transactional, statically and strongly typed programming language.
- version: 5.0.8
apache/shardingsphere-proxy 5.5.1
Build criterion and ecosystem above multi-model databases
- version: 6.0.0, 5.0.9
apache/sharding-proxy 4.1.1
Apache ShardingSphere Proxy
- version: 4.0.6
ballerina/h1_h1_passthrough latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/chat_notifications latest
- version: 5.0.8
sapirgilad/light 367
- version: 4.0.6
ballerina/h1_transformation latest
- version: 5.0.8
joleve/dev_sasstudio 1.2.1-alpha-rc1.64757
- version: 3.8.0
ballerina/h1c_h1c_passthrough latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/observability_enabled latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/h1c_transformation latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/order_management_service latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/simple_producer_consumer latest
- version: 5.0.8
joleve/sasstudio latest
- version: 3.8.0
wso2/runtime-domain-service 9ea7a2a1a2d739bf08284646bac7778416210067
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/execute_operation latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/query_operation latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/mysql_delete latest
- version: 5.0.8
sapirgilad/creator sap12
- version: 4.0.6
sapirgilad/operator 477
- version: 4.0.6
ballerina/route_guide_unary latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/online_shop latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/route_guide_server_streaming latest
- version: 5.0.8
wso2/admin-domain-service 4d16f8e53f90cdcedb98feb65e0e58b380f55acd
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/select latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/update latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/insert latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/ballerina_hello latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/https_passthrough latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/https_transformation latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/transformation latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/passthrough latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/snowtooth latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/stored_procedures latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/delete latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/chat_application latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/http_server latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/route_guide_client_streaming latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/route_guide_bidirectional_streaming latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/csv_processor latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/ballerina-devcontainer 2201.10.3
- version: 5.0.8
joleve/e2e_sasstudio latest
- version: 3.8.0
ballerina/mysql_select latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/file_server latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/log latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/test_passthrough latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/h2_h1c_passthrough latest
- version: 5.0.8
daniigompal/prismagateway-app-u5-proj latest
- version: 4.0.6
ballerina/mysql_insertion latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/mysql_update latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/snowpeak latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/snowpeak_passthrough latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/proto3_test latest
- version: 5.0.8
meyyarb/repo_phase2 customsprocessing_20231211
- version: 4.0.6
tsuru/ballerina nodejs-3.0
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/mysql_insert latest
- version: 5.0.8
wso2/ipk-authentication-gw 0.0.5
- version: 5.0.8
wso2/ipk-login-engine 0.0.5
- version: 5.0.8
wso2/devportal-domain-service 4d16f8e53f90cdcedb98feb65e0e58b380f55acd
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/hello_world_benchmark latest
- version: 5.0.8
wso2/backoffice-domain-service 4d16f8e53f90cdcedb98feb65e0e58b380f55acd
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/rep_passthrough latest
- version: 5.0.8
wso2/backoffice-internal-domain-service 9b4c477666c82bddb231586c5ee68f608ef2f1bc
- version: 5.0.8
- version: 3.9.3
joleve/scit_sasstudio latest
- version: 3.8.0
ballerina/blog_transformation latest
- version: 5.0.8
ballerina/bal_hello latest
- version: 5.0.8
gigaspaces/mcs-service-operator 1.0.16
- version: 4.0.6
sapirgilad/hackathon bb9
- version: 4.0.6
joleve/rel_sasstudio 1.2.0-rc1
- version: 3.8.0
deeachy88/groupdeclaration declaration_20220112
- version: 4.0.6
ballerina/base_image_update_notifications latest
- version: 5.0.8